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Thanks for wanting to contribute to Taskcafe!

Where do I go from here?

So you want to contribute to Taskcafe? Great!

If you have noticed a bug or want to add a new feature, please create an issue for it before starting any work on a pull request.

After the bug is validated or the feature is accepted by a project maintainer, the next step is to fork the repository!

Fork & create a branch

If there is something you want to fix or add, the first step is to fork this repository.

Next is to create a new branch with an appropriate name. The general format that should be used is

git checkout -b '<type>/<description>'

The type is the same as the type that you will use for your commit message.

The description is a decriptive summary of the change the PR will make.

General Rules

  • All PRs should be rebased (with master) and commits squashed prior to the final merge process
  • One PR per fix or feature
  • Setup & install pre-commit hooks then install the hooks pre-commit install && pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

Git Commit Message Style

This project uses the conventional commits format.

Example commit messages:

chore: update gqlgen dependency to v2.6.0
docs(README): add new contributing section
fix: remove debug log statements