"Description":"UDP port used for gameplay netcode (Bolt).",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"UDP port used by Steam to list the server and enable the discovery services.",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"BlobSyncPort UDP port used by the BlobSync system to initialize game systems and exchange data.",
"DisplayName":"Server Name",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Name of the server visible in the server list, and in the Steam contacts.",
"DefaultValue":"AMP Powered Sons Of The Forest Server",
"Placeholder":"AMP Powered Sons Of The Forest Server",
"DisplayName":"Max Players",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"The maximum number of players allowed simultaneously on the server.",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Adds a password to make your server \"private\". Upon connection, this password will be requested before the client can proceed.",
"DisplayName":"LAN Only",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Allows or restricts the server visibility to LAN only.",
"DisplayName":"Save Slot",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"When creating a new save, this number will be the id of the save.",
"DisplayName":"Save Mode",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"\"Continue\" will create a new save if it doesn’t exist, or load it if it exists. \"New\" will create a new game and overwrite any game save on the SaveSlot. The save will be overwritten as long as the mode is set to \"New\".",
"DisplayName":"Game Mode",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the game mode when creating a new save. This is ignored if loading a save. If set to \"custom\", the custom game mode settings will be read from \"SotF - Game Settings\".",
"Hardsurvival":"Hard Survival",
"DisplayName":"Save Interval",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"How often the game server automatically saves the game to SaveSlot, in seconds.",
"DisplayName":"Idle Day Cycle Speed",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"A multiplier to how quickly the time passes compared to normal gameplay when the server is considered idle (no player connected).",
"DisplayName":"Idle Target Framerate",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Target framerate of the server when it’s considered idle (no player connected).",
"DisplayName":"Active Target Framerate",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Target framerate of the server when it’s NOT considered idle (one or more player connected).",
"DisplayName":"Log Files Enabled",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Defines if the logs will be written to files.",
"DisplayName":"Timestamp Log Filenames",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Every server start will create a new timestamped file. If disabled, the previous log will be overwritten.",
"DisplayName":"Timestamp Log Entries",
"Category":"SotF - Server Settings",
"Description":"Enables each log entry written to file to be timestamped.",
"Description":"Skips a port test that can cause the server to fail to start. This test can be a sign of incorrect port forwarding, but sometimes has false positives.",
"Description":"Add the Steam64 IDs of every server owner, one steam id per line. Use # to comment out a line to keep track of SteamIDs. Include their name in the line above. [Find Steam64 IDs](https://steamidfinder.com/)",
"Description":"If required, you can change the binding of the server to an internal interface IP by editing App.ApplicationIPBinding in GenericModule.kvp for the instance. Stop the instance (not just the server) first.",
"DisplayName":"Game Mode Info",
"Category":"SotF - Game Settings",
"Description":"In order for these settings to take effect, you should choose \"Custom\" for the Gmae Mode in \"SotF - Server Settings\".",
"DisplayName":"Tree Regrowth",
"Category":"SotF - Game Settings",
"Description":"Enable automatic tree regrowth, triggered when sleeping.",