//+build mage package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "strings" "time" "github.com/magefile/mage/mg" "github.com/magefile/mage/sh" "github.com/shurcooL/vfsgen" ) const ( packageName = "github.com/jordanknott/taskcafe" ) var ldflags = "-X $PACKAGE/internal/utils.commitHash=$COMMIT_HASH -X $PACKAGE/internal/utils.buildDate=$BUILD_DATE -X $PACKAGE/internal/utils.version=$VERSION" func runWith(env map[string]string, cmd string, inArgs ...interface{}) error { s := argsToStrings(inArgs...) return sh.RunWith(env, cmd, s...) } // Aliases is a list of short names for often used commands var Aliases = map[string]interface{}{ "s": Backend.Schema, "up": Docker.Up, } // Frontend is the namespace for all commands that interact with the frontend type Frontend mg.Namespace // Install the npm dependencies for the React frontend func (Frontend) Install() error { return sh.RunV("yarn", "--cwd", "frontend", "install") } // Eslint runs eslint on the frontend source func (Frontend) Eslint() error { return sh.RunV("yarn", "--cwd", "frontend", "lint") } // Tsc runs tsc on the frontend source func (Frontend) Tsc() error { return sh.RunV("yarn", "--cwd", "frontend", "tsc") } // Lint the frontend source func (Frontend) Lint() { mg.SerialDeps(Frontend.Eslint, Frontend.Tsc) } // Build the React frontend func (Frontend) Build() error { return sh.RunV("yarn", "--cwd", "frontend", "build") } // Backend is the namespace for all commands that interact with the backend type Backend mg.Namespace // GenMigrations embeds schema migration files into Go source code func (Backend) GenMigrations() error { if _, err := os.Stat("internal/migrations"); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("internal/migrations/", 0755) } var fs http.FileSystem = http.Dir("migrations") err := vfsgen.Generate(fs, vfsgen.Options{ Filename: "internal/migrations/migrations_generated.go", PackageName: "migrations", VariableName: "Migrations", }) if err != nil { panic(err) } return nil } // GenFrontend embeds built frontend client into Go source code func (Backend) GenFrontend() error { if _, err := os.Stat("internal/frontend/"); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("internal/frontend/", 0755) } var fs http.FileSystem = http.Dir("frontend/build") err := vfsgen.Generate(fs, vfsgen.Options{ Filename: "internal/frontend/frontend_generated.go", PackageName: "frontend", VariableName: "Frontend", }) if err != nil { panic(err) } return nil } func flagEnv() map[string]string { hash, _ := sh.Output("git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD") fmt.Println("[ignore] fatal: no tag matches") tag, err := sh.Output("git", "describe", "--exact-match", "--tags") if err != nil { tag = "nightly" } return map[string]string{ "PACKAGE": packageName, "COMMIT_HASH": hash, "BUILD_DATE": time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z0700"), "VERSION": tag, } } // Build the Go api service func (Backend) Build() error { fmt.Println("compiling binary dist/taskcafe") return runWith(flagEnv(), "go", "build", "-ldflags", ldflags, "-tags", "prod", "-o", "dist/taskcafe", "cmd/taskcafe/main.go") } // Schema merges GraphQL schema files into single schema & runs gqlgen func (Backend) Schema() error { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir("internal/graph/schema/") if err != nil { panic(err) } var schema strings.Builder for _, file := range files { filename := "internal/graph/schema/" + file.Name() fmt.Println(filename) f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { panic(err) } content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Fprintln(&schema, string(content)) } err = ioutil.WriteFile("internal/graph/schema.graphqls", []byte(schema.String()), os.FileMode(0755)) if err != nil { panic(err) } return sh.Run("gqlgen") } func (Backend) Test() error { fmt.Println("running taskcafe backend unit tests") return sh.RunV("go", "test", "./...") } // Install runs frontend:install func Install() { mg.SerialDeps(Frontend.Install) } // Build runs frontend:build, backend:genMigrations, backend:genFrontend, backend:build func Build() { mg.SerialDeps(Frontend.Build, Backend.GenMigrations, Backend.GenFrontend, Backend.Build) } // Docker is namespace for commands interacting with docker type Docker mg.Namespace // Up runs the main docker compose file func (Docker) Up() error { return sh.RunV("docker-compose", "-p", "taskcafe", "up", "-d") } // Migrate runs the migration command for the docker-compose network func (Docker) Migrate() error { return sh.RunV("docker-compose", "-p", "taskcafe", "-f", "docker-compose.yml", "-f", "docker-compose.migrate.yml", "run", "--rm", "migrate") } func argsToStrings(v ...interface{}) []string { var args []string for _, arg := range v { switch v := arg.(type) { case string: if v != "" { args = append(args, v) } case []string: if v != nil { args = append(args, v...) } default: panic("invalid type") } } return args }