import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import * as ApolloReactCommon from '@apollo/react-common'; import * as ApolloReactHooks from '@apollo/react-hooks'; export type Maybe<T> = T | null; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ export type Scalars = { ID: string; String: string; Boolean: boolean; Int: number; Float: number; Time: any; UUID: string; Upload: any; }; export enum RoleCode { Owner = 'owner', Admin = 'admin', Member = 'member', Observer = 'observer' } export type ProjectLabel = { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel'; id: Scalars['ID']; createdDate: Scalars['Time']; labelColor: LabelColor; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type LabelColor = { __typename?: 'LabelColor'; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; colorHex: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaskLabel = { __typename?: 'TaskLabel'; id: Scalars['ID']; projectLabel: ProjectLabel; assignedDate: Scalars['Time']; }; export type ProfileIcon = { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon'; url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; initials?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; bgColor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type OwnersList = { __typename?: 'OwnersList'; projects: Array<Scalars['UUID']>; teams: Array<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type Member = { __typename?: 'Member'; id: Scalars['ID']; role: Role; fullName: Scalars['String']; username: Scalars['String']; profileIcon: ProfileIcon; owned: OwnedList; member: MemberList; }; export type RefreshToken = { __typename?: 'RefreshToken'; id: Scalars['ID']; userId: Scalars['UUID']; expiresAt: Scalars['Time']; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; }; export type Role = { __typename?: 'Role'; code: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type OwnedList = { __typename?: 'OwnedList'; teams: Array<Team>; projects: Array<Project>; }; export type MemberList = { __typename?: 'MemberList'; teams: Array<Team>; projects: Array<Project>; }; export type UserAccount = { __typename?: 'UserAccount'; id: Scalars['ID']; email: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; fullName: Scalars['String']; initials: Scalars['String']; role: Role; username: Scalars['String']; profileIcon: ProfileIcon; owned: OwnedList; member: MemberList; }; export type Team = { __typename?: 'Team'; id: Scalars['ID']; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; name: Scalars['String']; members: Array<Member>; }; export type Project = { __typename?: 'Project'; id: Scalars['ID']; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; name: Scalars['String']; team: Team; owner: Member; taskGroups: Array<TaskGroup>; members: Array<Member>; labels: Array<ProjectLabel>; }; export type TaskGroup = { __typename?: 'TaskGroup'; id: Scalars['ID']; projectID: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; tasks: Array<Task>; }; export type ChecklistBadge = { __typename?: 'ChecklistBadge'; complete: Scalars['Int']; total: Scalars['Int']; }; export type TaskBadges = { __typename?: 'TaskBadges'; checklist?: Maybe<ChecklistBadge>; }; export type Task = { __typename?: 'Task'; id: Scalars['ID']; taskGroup: TaskGroup; createdAt: Scalars['Time']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; dueDate?: Maybe<Scalars['Time']>; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; assigned: Array<Member>; labels: Array<TaskLabel>; checklists: Array<TaskChecklist>; badges: TaskBadges; }; export type Organization = { __typename?: 'Organization'; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaskChecklistItem = { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem'; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; position: Scalars['Float']; dueDate: Scalars['Time']; }; export type TaskChecklist = { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist'; id: Scalars['ID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; items: Array<TaskChecklistItem>; }; export type Query = { __typename?: 'Query'; organizations: Array<Organization>; users: Array<UserAccount>; findUser: UserAccount; findProject: Project; findTask: Task; projects: Array<Project>; findTeam: Team; teams: Array<Team>; labelColors: Array<LabelColor>; taskGroups: Array<TaskGroup>; me: UserAccount; }; export type QueryFindUserArgs = { input: FindUser; }; export type QueryFindProjectArgs = { input: FindProject; }; export type QueryFindTaskArgs = { input: FindTask; }; export type QueryProjectsArgs = { input?: Maybe<ProjectsFilter>; }; export type QueryFindTeamArgs = { input: FindTeam; }; export type Mutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addTaskLabel: Task; assignTask: Task; clearProfileAvatar: UserAccount; createProject: Project; createProjectLabel: ProjectLabel; createProjectMember: CreateProjectMemberPayload; createRefreshToken: RefreshToken; createTask: Task; createTaskChecklist: TaskChecklist; createTaskChecklistItem: TaskChecklistItem; createTaskGroup: TaskGroup; createTeam: Team; createTeamMember: CreateTeamMemberPayload; createUserAccount: UserAccount; deleteProject: DeleteProjectPayload; deleteProjectLabel: ProjectLabel; deleteProjectMember: DeleteProjectMemberPayload; deleteTask: DeleteTaskPayload; deleteTaskChecklist: DeleteTaskChecklistPayload; deleteTaskChecklistItem: DeleteTaskChecklistItemPayload; deleteTaskGroup: DeleteTaskGroupPayload; deleteTeam: DeleteTeamPayload; deleteTeamMember: DeleteTeamMemberPayload; deleteUserAccount: DeleteUserAccountPayload; logoutUser: Scalars['Boolean']; removeTaskLabel: Task; setProjectOwner: SetProjectOwnerPayload; setTaskChecklistItemComplete: TaskChecklistItem; setTaskComplete: Task; setTeamOwner: SetTeamOwnerPayload; toggleTaskLabel: ToggleTaskLabelPayload; unassignTask: Task; updateProjectLabel: ProjectLabel; updateProjectLabelColor: ProjectLabel; updateProjectLabelName: ProjectLabel; updateProjectMemberRole: UpdateProjectMemberRolePayload; updateProjectName: Project; updateTaskChecklistItemLocation: UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationPayload; updateTaskChecklistItemName: TaskChecklistItem; updateTaskChecklistLocation: UpdateTaskChecklistLocationPayload; updateTaskChecklistName: TaskChecklist; updateTaskDescription: Task; updateTaskDueDate: Task; updateTaskGroupLocation: TaskGroup; updateTaskGroupName: TaskGroup; updateTaskLocation: UpdateTaskLocationPayload; updateTaskName: Task; updateTeamMemberRole: UpdateTeamMemberRolePayload; updateUserPassword: UpdateUserPasswordPayload; updateUserRole: UpdateUserRolePayload; }; export type MutationAddTaskLabelArgs = { input?: Maybe<AddTaskLabelInput>; }; export type MutationAssignTaskArgs = { input?: Maybe<AssignTaskInput>; }; export type MutationCreateProjectArgs = { input: NewProject; }; export type MutationCreateProjectLabelArgs = { input: NewProjectLabel; }; export type MutationCreateProjectMemberArgs = { input: CreateProjectMember; }; export type MutationCreateRefreshTokenArgs = { input: NewRefreshToken; }; export type MutationCreateTaskArgs = { input: NewTask; }; export type MutationCreateTaskChecklistArgs = { input: CreateTaskChecklist; }; export type MutationCreateTaskChecklistItemArgs = { input: CreateTaskChecklistItem; }; export type MutationCreateTaskGroupArgs = { input: NewTaskGroup; }; export type MutationCreateTeamArgs = { input: NewTeam; }; export type MutationCreateTeamMemberArgs = { input: CreateTeamMember; }; export type MutationCreateUserAccountArgs = { input: NewUserAccount; }; export type MutationDeleteProjectArgs = { input: DeleteProject; }; export type MutationDeleteProjectLabelArgs = { input: DeleteProjectLabel; }; export type MutationDeleteProjectMemberArgs = { input: DeleteProjectMember; }; export type MutationDeleteTaskArgs = { input: DeleteTaskInput; }; export type MutationDeleteTaskChecklistArgs = { input: DeleteTaskChecklist; }; export type MutationDeleteTaskChecklistItemArgs = { input: DeleteTaskChecklistItem; }; export type MutationDeleteTaskGroupArgs = { input: DeleteTaskGroupInput; }; export type MutationDeleteTeamArgs = { input: DeleteTeam; }; export type MutationDeleteTeamMemberArgs = { input: DeleteTeamMember; }; export type MutationDeleteUserAccountArgs = { input: DeleteUserAccount; }; export type MutationLogoutUserArgs = { input: LogoutUser; }; export type MutationRemoveTaskLabelArgs = { input?: Maybe<RemoveTaskLabelInput>; }; export type MutationSetProjectOwnerArgs = { input: SetProjectOwner; }; export type MutationSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteArgs = { input: SetTaskChecklistItemComplete; }; export type MutationSetTaskCompleteArgs = { input: SetTaskComplete; }; export type MutationSetTeamOwnerArgs = { input: SetTeamOwner; }; export type MutationToggleTaskLabelArgs = { input: ToggleTaskLabelInput; }; export type MutationUnassignTaskArgs = { input?: Maybe<UnassignTaskInput>; }; export type MutationUpdateProjectLabelArgs = { input: UpdateProjectLabel; }; export type MutationUpdateProjectLabelColorArgs = { input: UpdateProjectLabelColor; }; export type MutationUpdateProjectLabelNameArgs = { input: UpdateProjectLabelName; }; export type MutationUpdateProjectMemberRoleArgs = { input: UpdateProjectMemberRole; }; export type MutationUpdateProjectNameArgs = { input?: Maybe<UpdateProjectName>; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationArgs = { input: UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocation; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameArgs = { input: UpdateTaskChecklistItemName; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskChecklistLocationArgs = { input: UpdateTaskChecklistLocation; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskChecklistNameArgs = { input: UpdateTaskChecklistName; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskDescriptionArgs = { input: UpdateTaskDescriptionInput; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskDueDateArgs = { input: UpdateTaskDueDate; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskGroupLocationArgs = { input: NewTaskGroupLocation; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskGroupNameArgs = { input: UpdateTaskGroupName; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskLocationArgs = { input: NewTaskLocation; }; export type MutationUpdateTaskNameArgs = { input: UpdateTaskName; }; export type MutationUpdateTeamMemberRoleArgs = { input: UpdateTeamMemberRole; }; export type MutationUpdateUserPasswordArgs = { input: UpdateUserPassword; }; export type MutationUpdateUserRoleArgs = { input: UpdateUserRole; }; export type ProjectsFilter = { teamID?: Maybe<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type FindUser = { userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type FindProject = { projectId: Scalars['String']; }; export type FindTask = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type FindTeam = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type NewProject = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; teamID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateProjectName = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteProject = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteProjectPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteProjectPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; project: Project; }; export type NewProjectLabel = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; labelColorID: Scalars['UUID']; name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>; }; export type DeleteProjectLabel = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UpdateProjectLabelName = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateProjectLabel = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; labelColorID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateProjectLabelColor = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; labelColorID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateProjectMember = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateProjectMemberPayload = { __typename?: 'CreateProjectMemberPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; member: Member; }; export type DeleteProjectMember = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteProjectMemberPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteProjectMemberPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; member: Member; projectID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UpdateProjectMemberRole = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; roleCode: RoleCode; }; export type UpdateProjectMemberRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateProjectMemberRolePayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; member: Member; }; export type SetProjectOwner = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; ownerID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type SetProjectOwnerPayload = { __typename?: 'SetProjectOwnerPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; prevOwner: Member; newOwner: Member; }; export type NewTask = { taskGroupID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AssignTaskInput = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UnassignTaskInput = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UpdateTaskDescriptionInput = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; description: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskLocationPayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskLocationPayload'; previousTaskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; task: Task; }; export type UpdateTaskDueDate = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; dueDate?: Maybe<Scalars['Time']>; }; export type SetTaskComplete = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type NewTaskLocation = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DeleteTaskInput = { taskID: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteTaskPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskPayload'; taskID: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskName = { taskID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocation = { checklistID: Scalars['UUID']; checklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationPayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationPayload'; checklistID: Scalars['UUID']; prevChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; checklistItem: TaskChecklistItem; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocation = { checklistID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationPayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskChecklistLocationPayload'; checklist: TaskChecklist; }; export type CreateTaskChecklist = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskChecklistItemPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; taskChecklistItem: TaskChecklistItem; }; export type CreateTaskChecklistItem = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type SetTaskChecklistItemComplete = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItem = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemName = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistName = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklist = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklistPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskChecklistPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; taskChecklist: TaskChecklist; }; export type NewTaskGroupLocation = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskGroupName = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteTaskGroupInput = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTaskGroupPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskGroupPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; affectedRows: Scalars['Int']; taskGroup: TaskGroup; }; export type NewTaskGroup = { projectID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AddTaskLabelInput = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type RemoveTaskLabelInput = { taskLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type ToggleTaskLabelInput = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type ToggleTaskLabelPayload = { __typename?: 'ToggleTaskLabelPayload'; active: Scalars['Boolean']; task: Task; }; export type NewTeam = { name: Scalars['String']; organizationID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTeam = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTeamPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTeamPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; team: Team; projects: Array<Project>; }; export type DeleteTeamMember = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; newOwnerID?: Maybe<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type DeleteTeamMemberPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteTeamMemberPayload'; teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; affectedProjects: Array<Project>; }; export type CreateTeamMember = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateTeamMemberPayload = { __typename?: 'CreateTeamMemberPayload'; team: Team; teamMember: Member; }; export type UpdateTeamMemberRole = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; roleCode: RoleCode; }; export type UpdateTeamMemberRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateTeamMemberRolePayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; member: Member; }; export type SetTeamOwner = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type SetTeamOwnerPayload = { __typename?: 'SetTeamOwnerPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; prevOwner: Member; newOwner: Member; }; export type UpdateUserPassword = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; password: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateUserPasswordPayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateUserPasswordPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; user: UserAccount; }; export type UpdateUserRole = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; roleCode: RoleCode; }; export type UpdateUserRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UpdateUserRolePayload'; user: UserAccount; }; export type NewRefreshToken = { userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type NewUserAccount = { username: Scalars['String']; email: Scalars['String']; fullName: Scalars['String']; initials: Scalars['String']; password: Scalars['String']; roleCode: Scalars['String']; }; export type LogoutUser = { userID: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteUserAccount = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; newOwnerID?: Maybe<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type DeleteUserAccountPayload = { __typename?: 'DeleteUserAccountPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']; userAccount: UserAccount; }; export type AssignTaskMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type AssignTaskMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { assignTask: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id'> & { assigned: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName'> )> } ) } ); export type ClearProfileAvatarMutationVariables = {}; export type ClearProfileAvatarMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { clearProfileAvatar: ( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'fullName'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'initials' | 'bgColor' | 'url'> ) } ) } ); export type CreateProjectMutationVariables = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateProjectMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createProject: ( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> & { team: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> ) } ) } ); export type CreateProjectLabelMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; labelColorID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateProjectLabelMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createProjectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'createdDate' | 'name'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'colorHex' | 'name' | 'position'> ) } ) } ); export type CreateTaskGroupMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CreateTaskGroupMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTaskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> ) } ); export type DeleteProjectLabelMutationVariables = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteProjectLabelMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteProjectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id'> ) } ); export type DeleteTaskMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteTaskMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTask: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTaskPayload, 'taskID'> ) } ); export type DeleteTaskGroupMutationVariables = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTaskGroupMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTaskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskGroupPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTaskGroupPayload, 'ok' | 'affectedRows'> & { taskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id'> & { tasks: Array<( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } ) } ); export type FindProjectQueryVariables = { projectId: Scalars['String']; }; export type FindProjectQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { findProject: ( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'name'> & { members: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ) } )>, labels: Array<( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'createdDate' | 'name'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'name' | 'colorHex' | 'position'> ) } )>, taskGroups: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> & { tasks: Array<( { __typename?: 'Task' } & TaskFieldsFragment )> } )> } ), labelColors: Array<( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'position' | 'colorHex' | 'name'> )>, users: Array<( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'email' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), owned: ( { __typename?: 'OwnedList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ), member: ( { __typename?: 'MemberList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } )> } ); export type FindTaskQueryVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type FindTaskQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { findTask: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'name' | 'description' | 'dueDate' | 'position' | 'complete'> & { taskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id'> ), badges: ( { __typename?: 'TaskBadges' } & { checklist?: Maybe<( { __typename?: 'ChecklistBadge' } & Pick<ChecklistBadge, 'total' | 'complete'> )> } ), checklists: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist' } & Pick<TaskChecklist, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> & { items: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'name' | 'taskChecklistID' | 'complete' | 'position'> )> } )>, labels: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskLabel' } & Pick<TaskLabel, 'id' | 'assignedDate'> & { projectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'name' | 'createdDate'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'colorHex' | 'position' | 'name'> ) } ) } )>, assigned: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ) } )> } ) } ); export type TaskFieldsFragment = ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'name' | 'description' | 'dueDate' | 'complete' | 'position'> & { badges: ( { __typename?: 'TaskBadges' } & { checklist?: Maybe<( { __typename?: 'ChecklistBadge' } & Pick<ChecklistBadge, 'complete' | 'total'> )> } ), taskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> ), labels: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskLabel' } & Pick<TaskLabel, 'id' | 'assignedDate'> & { projectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'name' | 'createdDate'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'colorHex' | 'position' | 'name'> ) } ) } )>, assigned: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ) } )> } ); export type GetProjectsQueryVariables = {}; export type GetProjectsQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { organizations: Array<( { __typename?: 'Organization' } & Pick<Organization, 'id' | 'name'> )>, teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name' | 'createdAt'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> & { team: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> ) } )> } ); export type MeQueryVariables = {}; export type MeQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { me: ( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'fullName'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'initials' | 'bgColor' | 'url'> ) } ) } ); export type CreateProjectMemberMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateProjectMemberMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createProjectMember: ( { __typename?: 'CreateProjectMemberPayload' } & Pick<CreateProjectMemberPayload, 'ok'> & { member: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type DeleteProjectMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteProjectMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteProject: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteProjectPayload' } & Pick<DeleteProjectPayload, 'ok'> & { project: ( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id'> ) } ) } ); export type DeleteProjectMemberMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteProjectMemberMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteProjectMember: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteProjectMemberPayload' } & Pick<DeleteProjectMemberPayload, 'ok' | 'projectID'> & { member: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id'> ) } ) } ); export type SetProjectOwnerMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; ownerID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type SetProjectOwnerMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { setProjectOwner: ( { __typename?: 'SetProjectOwnerPayload' } & Pick<SetProjectOwnerPayload, 'ok'> & { newOwner: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ) } ), prevOwner: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; roleCode: RoleCode; }; export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateProjectMemberRole: ( { __typename?: 'UpdateProjectMemberRolePayload' } & Pick<UpdateProjectMemberRolePayload, 'ok'> & { member: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type CreateTaskMutationVariables = { taskGroupID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CreateTaskMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTask: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & TaskFieldsFragment ) } ); export type CreateTaskChecklistMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CreateTaskChecklistMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTaskChecklist: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist' } & Pick<TaskChecklist, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> & { items: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'name' | 'taskChecklistID' | 'complete' | 'position'> )> } ) } ); export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTaskChecklistItem: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'name' | 'taskChecklistID' | 'position' | 'complete'> ) } ); export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutationVariables = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTaskChecklist: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskChecklistPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTaskChecklistPayload, 'ok'> & { taskChecklist: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist' } & Pick<TaskChecklist, 'id'> ) } ) } ); export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTaskChecklistItem: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTaskChecklistItemPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTaskChecklistItemPayload, 'ok'> & { taskChecklistItem: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'taskChecklistID'> ) } ) } ); export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationVariables = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { setTaskChecklistItemComplete: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'complete'> ) } ); export type SetTaskCompleteMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; complete: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetTaskCompleteMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { setTaskComplete: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & TaskFieldsFragment ) } ); export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationVariables = { checklistID: Scalars['UUID']; checklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskChecklistItemLocation: ( { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationPayload' } & Pick<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationPayload, 'checklistID' | 'prevChecklistID'> & { checklistItem: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'taskChecklistID' | 'position'> ) } ) } ); export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationVariables = { taskChecklistItemID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskChecklistItemName: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'name'> ) } ); export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationVariables = { checklistID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskChecklistLocation: ( { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskChecklistLocationPayload' } & { checklist: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist' } & Pick<TaskChecklist, 'id' | 'position'> ) } ) } ); export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationVariables = { taskChecklistID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskChecklistName: ( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklist' } & Pick<TaskChecklist, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> & { items: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskChecklistItem' } & Pick<TaskChecklistItem, 'id' | 'name' | 'taskChecklistID' | 'complete' | 'position'> )> } ) } ); export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationVariables = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskGroupName: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id' | 'name'> ) } ); export type CreateTeamMutationVariables = { name: Scalars['String']; organizationID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateTeamMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTeam: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'createdAt' | 'name'> ) } ); export type CreateTeamMemberMutationVariables = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type CreateTeamMemberMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createTeamMember: ( { __typename?: 'CreateTeamMemberPayload' } & { team: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id'> ), teamMember: ( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'username' | 'fullName'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type DeleteTeamMutationVariables = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type DeleteTeamMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTeam: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTeamPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTeamPayload, 'ok'> & { team: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id'> ) } ) } ); export type DeleteTeamMemberMutationVariables = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; newOwnerID?: Maybe<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type DeleteTeamMemberMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteTeamMember: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteTeamMemberPayload' } & Pick<DeleteTeamMemberPayload, 'teamID' | 'userID'> ) } ); export type GetTeamQueryVariables = { teamID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type GetTeamQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { findTeam: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'createdAt' | 'name'> & { members: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), owned: ( { __typename?: 'OwnedList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ), member: ( { __typename?: 'MemberList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } )> } ), projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> & { team: ( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> ) } )>, users: Array<( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'email' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), owned: ( { __typename?: 'OwnedList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ), member: ( { __typename?: 'MemberList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } )> } ); export type ToggleTaskLabelMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type ToggleTaskLabelMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { toggleTaskLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ToggleTaskLabelPayload' } & Pick<ToggleTaskLabelPayload, 'active'> & { task: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id'> & { labels: Array<( { __typename?: 'TaskLabel' } & Pick<TaskLabel, 'id' | 'assignedDate'> & { projectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'createdDate' | 'name'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'colorHex' | 'name' | 'position'> ) } ) } )> } ) } ) } ); export type UnassignTaskMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; userID: Scalars['UUID']; }; export type UnassignTaskMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { unassignTask: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id'> & { assigned: Array<( { __typename?: 'Member' } & Pick<Member, 'id' | 'fullName'> )> } ) } ); export type UpdateProjectLabelMutationVariables = { projectLabelID: Scalars['UUID']; labelColorID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateProjectLabelMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateProjectLabel: ( { __typename?: 'ProjectLabel' } & Pick<ProjectLabel, 'id' | 'createdDate' | 'name'> & { labelColor: ( { __typename?: 'LabelColor' } & Pick<LabelColor, 'id' | 'colorHex' | 'name' | 'position'> ) } ) } ); export type UpdateProjectNameMutationVariables = { projectID: Scalars['UUID']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateProjectNameMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateProjectName: ( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> ) } ); export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; description: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskDescription: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'description'> ) } ); export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; dueDate?: Maybe<Scalars['Time']>; }; export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskDueDate: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'dueDate'> ) } ); export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationVariables = { taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskGroupLocation: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id' | 'position'> ) } ); export type UpdateTaskLocationMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['UUID']; taskGroupID: Scalars['UUID']; position: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UpdateTaskLocationMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskLocation: ( { __typename?: 'UpdateTaskLocationPayload' } & Pick<UpdateTaskLocationPayload, 'previousTaskGroupID'> & { task: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'createdAt' | 'name' | 'position'> & { taskGroup: ( { __typename?: 'TaskGroup' } & Pick<TaskGroup, 'id'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type UpdateTaskNameMutationVariables = { taskID: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateTaskNameMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateTaskName: ( { __typename?: 'Task' } & Pick<Task, 'id' | 'name' | 'position'> ) } ); export type CreateUserAccountMutationVariables = { username: Scalars['String']; roleCode: Scalars['String']; email: Scalars['String']; fullName: Scalars['String']; initials: Scalars['String']; password: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateUserAccountMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { createUserAccount: ( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'email' | 'fullName' | 'initials' | 'username'> & { profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), owned: ( { __typename?: 'OwnedList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ), member: ( { __typename?: 'MemberList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } ) } ); export type DeleteUserAccountMutationVariables = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; newOwnerID?: Maybe<Scalars['UUID']>; }; export type DeleteUserAccountMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { deleteUserAccount: ( { __typename?: 'DeleteUserAccountPayload' } & Pick<DeleteUserAccountPayload, 'ok'> & { userAccount: ( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id'> ) } ) } ); export type UpdateUserRoleMutationVariables = { userID: Scalars['UUID']; roleCode: RoleCode; }; export type UpdateUserRoleMutation = ( { __typename?: 'Mutation' } & { updateUserRole: ( { __typename?: 'UpdateUserRolePayload' } & { user: ( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ) } ) } ) } ); export type UsersQueryVariables = {}; export type UsersQuery = ( { __typename?: 'Query' } & { users: Array<( { __typename?: 'UserAccount' } & Pick<UserAccount, 'id' | 'email' | 'fullName' | 'username'> & { role: ( { __typename?: 'Role' } & Pick<Role, 'code' | 'name'> ), profileIcon: ( { __typename?: 'ProfileIcon' } & Pick<ProfileIcon, 'url' | 'initials' | 'bgColor'> ), owned: ( { __typename?: 'OwnedList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ), member: ( { __typename?: 'MemberList' } & { teams: Array<( { __typename?: 'Team' } & Pick<Team, 'id' | 'name'> )>, projects: Array<( { __typename?: 'Project' } & Pick<Project, 'id' | 'name'> )> } ) } )> } ); export const TaskFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment TaskFields on Task { id name description dueDate complete position badges { checklist { complete total } } taskGroup { id name position } labels { id assignedDate projectLabel { id name createdDate labelColor { id colorHex position name } } } assigned { id fullName profileIcon { url initials bgColor } } } `; export const AssignTaskDocument = gql` mutation assignTask($taskID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!) { assignTask(input: {taskID: $taskID, userID: $userID}) { id assigned { id fullName } } } `; export type AssignTaskMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<AssignTaskMutation, AssignTaskMutationVariables>; /** * __useAssignTaskMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useAssignTaskMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useAssignTaskMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [assignTaskMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useAssignTaskMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * }, * }); */ export function useAssignTaskMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<AssignTaskMutation, AssignTaskMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<AssignTaskMutation, AssignTaskMutationVariables>(AssignTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export type AssignTaskMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useAssignTaskMutation>; export type AssignTaskMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<AssignTaskMutation>; export type AssignTaskMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<AssignTaskMutation, AssignTaskMutationVariables>; export const ClearProfileAvatarDocument = gql` mutation clearProfileAvatar { clearProfileAvatar { id fullName profileIcon { initials bgColor url } } } `; export type ClearProfileAvatarMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<ClearProfileAvatarMutation, ClearProfileAvatarMutationVariables>; /** * __useClearProfileAvatarMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useClearProfileAvatarMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useClearProfileAvatarMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [clearProfileAvatarMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useClearProfileAvatarMutation({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useClearProfileAvatarMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<ClearProfileAvatarMutation, ClearProfileAvatarMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<ClearProfileAvatarMutation, ClearProfileAvatarMutationVariables>(ClearProfileAvatarDocument, baseOptions); } export type ClearProfileAvatarMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useClearProfileAvatarMutation>; export type ClearProfileAvatarMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<ClearProfileAvatarMutation>; export type ClearProfileAvatarMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<ClearProfileAvatarMutation, ClearProfileAvatarMutationVariables>; export const CreateProjectDocument = gql` mutation createProject($teamID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!, $name: String!) { createProject(input: {teamID: $teamID, userID: $userID, name: $name}) { id name team { id name } } } `; export type CreateProjectMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateProjectMutation, CreateProjectMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateProjectMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateProjectMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateProjectMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createProjectMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateProjectMutation({ * variables: { * teamID: // value for 'teamID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateProjectMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateProjectMutation, CreateProjectMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateProjectMutation, CreateProjectMutationVariables>(CreateProjectDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateProjectMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateProjectMutation>; export type CreateProjectMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateProjectMutation>; export type CreateProjectMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateProjectMutation, CreateProjectMutationVariables>; export const CreateProjectLabelDocument = gql` mutation createProjectLabel($projectID: UUID!, $labelColorID: UUID!, $name: String!) { createProjectLabel(input: {projectID: $projectID, labelColorID: $labelColorID, name: $name}) { id createdDate labelColor { id colorHex name position } name } } `; export type CreateProjectLabelMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateProjectLabelMutation, CreateProjectLabelMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateProjectLabelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateProjectLabelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateProjectLabelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createProjectLabelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateProjectLabelMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * labelColorID: // value for 'labelColorID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateProjectLabelMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateProjectLabelMutation, CreateProjectLabelMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateProjectLabelMutation, CreateProjectLabelMutationVariables>(CreateProjectLabelDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateProjectLabelMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateProjectLabelMutation>; export type CreateProjectLabelMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateProjectLabelMutation>; export type CreateProjectLabelMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateProjectLabelMutation, CreateProjectLabelMutationVariables>; export const CreateTaskGroupDocument = gql` mutation createTaskGroup($projectID: String!, $name: String!, $position: Float!) { createTaskGroup(input: {projectID: $projectID, name: $name, position: $position}) { id name position } } `; export type CreateTaskGroupMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTaskGroupMutation, CreateTaskGroupMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTaskGroupMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTaskGroupMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTaskGroupMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTaskGroupMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTaskGroupMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * name: // value for 'name' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTaskGroupMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTaskGroupMutation, CreateTaskGroupMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTaskGroupMutation, CreateTaskGroupMutationVariables>(CreateTaskGroupDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTaskGroupMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTaskGroupMutation>; export type CreateTaskGroupMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTaskGroupMutation>; export type CreateTaskGroupMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTaskGroupMutation, CreateTaskGroupMutationVariables>; export const DeleteProjectLabelDocument = gql` mutation deleteProjectLabel($projectLabelID: UUID!) { deleteProjectLabel(input: {projectLabelID: $projectLabelID}) { id } } `; export type DeleteProjectLabelMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteProjectLabelMutation, DeleteProjectLabelMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteProjectLabelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteProjectLabelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteProjectLabelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteProjectLabelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteProjectLabelMutation({ * variables: { * projectLabelID: // value for 'projectLabelID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteProjectLabelMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteProjectLabelMutation, DeleteProjectLabelMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteProjectLabelMutation, DeleteProjectLabelMutationVariables>(DeleteProjectLabelDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteProjectLabelMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteProjectLabelMutation>; export type DeleteProjectLabelMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteProjectLabelMutation>; export type DeleteProjectLabelMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteProjectLabelMutation, DeleteProjectLabelMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTaskDocument = gql` mutation deleteTask($taskID: String!) { deleteTask(input: {taskID: $taskID}) { taskID } } `; export type DeleteTaskMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTaskMutation, DeleteTaskMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTaskMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTaskMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTaskMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTaskMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTaskMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTaskMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTaskMutation, DeleteTaskMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTaskMutation, DeleteTaskMutationVariables>(DeleteTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTaskMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTaskMutation>; export type DeleteTaskMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTaskMutation>; export type DeleteTaskMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTaskMutation, DeleteTaskMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTaskGroupDocument = gql` mutation deleteTaskGroup($taskGroupID: UUID!) { deleteTaskGroup(input: {taskGroupID: $taskGroupID}) { ok affectedRows taskGroup { id tasks { id name } } } } `; export type DeleteTaskGroupMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTaskGroupMutation, DeleteTaskGroupMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTaskGroupMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTaskGroupMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTaskGroupMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTaskGroupMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTaskGroupMutation({ * variables: { * taskGroupID: // value for 'taskGroupID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTaskGroupMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTaskGroupMutation, DeleteTaskGroupMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTaskGroupMutation, DeleteTaskGroupMutationVariables>(DeleteTaskGroupDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTaskGroupMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTaskGroupMutation>; export type DeleteTaskGroupMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTaskGroupMutation>; export type DeleteTaskGroupMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTaskGroupMutation, DeleteTaskGroupMutationVariables>; export const FindProjectDocument = gql` query findProject($projectId: String!) { findProject(input: {projectId: $projectId}) { name members { id fullName username role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } } labels { id createdDate name labelColor { id name colorHex position } } taskGroups { id name position tasks { ...TaskFields } } } labelColors { id position colorHex name } users { id email fullName username role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } owned { teams { id name } projects { id name } } member { teams { id name } projects { id name } } } } ${TaskFieldsFragmentDoc}`; /** * __useFindProjectQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useFindProjectQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useFindProjectQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useFindProjectQuery({ * variables: { * projectId: // value for 'projectId' * }, * }); */ export function useFindProjectQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<FindProjectQuery, FindProjectQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<FindProjectQuery, FindProjectQueryVariables>(FindProjectDocument, baseOptions); } export function useFindProjectLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<FindProjectQuery, FindProjectQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<FindProjectQuery, FindProjectQueryVariables>(FindProjectDocument, baseOptions); } export type FindProjectQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useFindProjectQuery>; export type FindProjectLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useFindProjectLazyQuery>; export type FindProjectQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<FindProjectQuery, FindProjectQueryVariables>; export const FindTaskDocument = gql` query findTask($taskID: UUID!) { findTask(input: {taskID: $taskID}) { id name description dueDate position complete taskGroup { id } badges { checklist { total complete } } checklists { id name position items { id name taskChecklistID complete position } } labels { id assignedDate projectLabel { id name createdDate labelColor { id colorHex position name } } } assigned { id fullName profileIcon { url initials bgColor } } } } `; /** * __useFindTaskQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useFindTaskQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useFindTaskQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useFindTaskQuery({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * }, * }); */ export function useFindTaskQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<FindTaskQuery, FindTaskQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<FindTaskQuery, FindTaskQueryVariables>(FindTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export function useFindTaskLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<FindTaskQuery, FindTaskQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<FindTaskQuery, FindTaskQueryVariables>(FindTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export type FindTaskQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useFindTaskQuery>; export type FindTaskLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useFindTaskLazyQuery>; export type FindTaskQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<FindTaskQuery, FindTaskQueryVariables>; export const GetProjectsDocument = gql` query getProjects { organizations { id name } teams { id name createdAt } projects { id name team { id name } } } `; /** * __useGetProjectsQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetProjectsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useGetProjectsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useGetProjectsQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useGetProjectsQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<GetProjectsQuery, GetProjectsQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<GetProjectsQuery, GetProjectsQueryVariables>(GetProjectsDocument, baseOptions); } export function useGetProjectsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetProjectsQuery, GetProjectsQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<GetProjectsQuery, GetProjectsQueryVariables>(GetProjectsDocument, baseOptions); } export type GetProjectsQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetProjectsQuery>; export type GetProjectsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetProjectsLazyQuery>; export type GetProjectsQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<GetProjectsQuery, GetProjectsQueryVariables>; export const MeDocument = gql` query me { me { id fullName profileIcon { initials bgColor url } } } `; /** * __useMeQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useMeQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useMeQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useMeQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useMeQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<MeQuery, MeQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<MeQuery, MeQueryVariables>(MeDocument, baseOptions); } export function useMeLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<MeQuery, MeQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<MeQuery, MeQueryVariables>(MeDocument, baseOptions); } export type MeQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useMeQuery>; export type MeLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useMeLazyQuery>; export type MeQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<MeQuery, MeQueryVariables>; export const CreateProjectMemberDocument = gql` mutation createProjectMember($projectID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!) { createProjectMember(input: {projectID: $projectID, userID: $userID}) { ok member { id fullName profileIcon { url initials bgColor } username role { code name } } } } `; export type CreateProjectMemberMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateProjectMemberMutation, CreateProjectMemberMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateProjectMemberMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateProjectMemberMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateProjectMemberMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createProjectMemberMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateProjectMemberMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateProjectMemberMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateProjectMemberMutation, CreateProjectMemberMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateProjectMemberMutation, CreateProjectMemberMutationVariables>(CreateProjectMemberDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateProjectMemberMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateProjectMemberMutation>; export type CreateProjectMemberMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateProjectMemberMutation>; export type CreateProjectMemberMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateProjectMemberMutation, CreateProjectMemberMutationVariables>; export const DeleteProjectDocument = gql` mutation deleteProject($projectID: UUID!) { deleteProject(input: {projectID: $projectID}) { ok project { id } } } `; export type DeleteProjectMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteProjectMutation, DeleteProjectMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteProjectMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteProjectMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteProjectMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteProjectMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteProjectMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteProjectMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteProjectMutation, DeleteProjectMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteProjectMutation, DeleteProjectMutationVariables>(DeleteProjectDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteProjectMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteProjectMutation>; export type DeleteProjectMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteProjectMutation>; export type DeleteProjectMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteProjectMutation, DeleteProjectMutationVariables>; export const DeleteProjectMemberDocument = gql` mutation deleteProjectMember($projectID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!) { deleteProjectMember(input: {projectID: $projectID, userID: $userID}) { ok member { id } projectID } } `; export type DeleteProjectMemberMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteProjectMemberMutation, DeleteProjectMemberMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteProjectMemberMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteProjectMemberMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteProjectMemberMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteProjectMemberMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteProjectMemberMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteProjectMemberMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteProjectMemberMutation, DeleteProjectMemberMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteProjectMemberMutation, DeleteProjectMemberMutationVariables>(DeleteProjectMemberDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteProjectMemberMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteProjectMemberMutation>; export type DeleteProjectMemberMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteProjectMemberMutation>; export type DeleteProjectMemberMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteProjectMemberMutation, DeleteProjectMemberMutationVariables>; export const SetProjectOwnerDocument = gql` mutation setProjectOwner($projectID: UUID!, $ownerID: UUID!) { setProjectOwner(input: {projectID: $projectID, ownerID: $ownerID}) { ok newOwner { id role { code name } } prevOwner { id role { code name } } } } `; export type SetProjectOwnerMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<SetProjectOwnerMutation, SetProjectOwnerMutationVariables>; /** * __useSetProjectOwnerMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useSetProjectOwnerMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useSetProjectOwnerMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [setProjectOwnerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useSetProjectOwnerMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * ownerID: // value for 'ownerID' * }, * }); */ export function useSetProjectOwnerMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<SetProjectOwnerMutation, SetProjectOwnerMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<SetProjectOwnerMutation, SetProjectOwnerMutationVariables>(SetProjectOwnerDocument, baseOptions); } export type SetProjectOwnerMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useSetProjectOwnerMutation>; export type SetProjectOwnerMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<SetProjectOwnerMutation>; export type SetProjectOwnerMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<SetProjectOwnerMutation, SetProjectOwnerMutationVariables>; export const UpdateProjectMemberRoleDocument = gql` mutation updateProjectMemberRole($projectID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!, $roleCode: RoleCode!) { updateProjectMemberRole(input: {projectID: $projectID, userID: $userID, roleCode: $roleCode}) { ok member { id role { code name } } } } `; export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation, UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateProjectMemberRoleMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * roleCode: // value for 'roleCode' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation, UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation, UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationVariables>(UpdateProjectMemberRoleDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation>; export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation>; export type UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutation, UpdateProjectMemberRoleMutationVariables>; export const CreateTaskDocument = gql` mutation createTask($taskGroupID: String!, $name: String!, $position: Float!) { createTask(input: {taskGroupID: $taskGroupID, name: $name, position: $position}) { ...TaskFields } } ${TaskFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type CreateTaskMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTaskMutation, CreateTaskMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTaskMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTaskMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTaskMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTaskMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTaskMutation({ * variables: { * taskGroupID: // value for 'taskGroupID' * name: // value for 'name' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTaskMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTaskMutation, CreateTaskMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTaskMutation, CreateTaskMutationVariables>(CreateTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTaskMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTaskMutation>; export type CreateTaskMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTaskMutation>; export type CreateTaskMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTaskMutation, CreateTaskMutationVariables>; export const CreateTaskChecklistDocument = gql` mutation createTaskChecklist($taskID: UUID!, $name: String!, $position: Float!) { createTaskChecklist(input: {taskID: $taskID, name: $name, position: $position}) { id name position items { id name taskChecklistID complete position } } } `; export type CreateTaskChecklistMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTaskChecklistMutation, CreateTaskChecklistMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTaskChecklistMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTaskChecklistMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTaskChecklistMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTaskChecklistMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTaskChecklistMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * name: // value for 'name' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTaskChecklistMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTaskChecklistMutation, CreateTaskChecklistMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTaskChecklistMutation, CreateTaskChecklistMutationVariables>(CreateTaskChecklistDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTaskChecklistMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTaskChecklistMutation>; export type CreateTaskChecklistMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTaskChecklistMutation>; export type CreateTaskChecklistMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTaskChecklistMutation, CreateTaskChecklistMutationVariables>; export const CreateTaskChecklistItemDocument = gql` mutation createTaskChecklistItem($taskChecklistID: UUID!, $name: String!, $position: Float!) { createTaskChecklistItem(input: {taskChecklistID: $taskChecklistID, name: $name, position: $position}) { id name taskChecklistID position complete } } `; export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation, CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTaskChecklistItemMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistID: // value for 'taskChecklistID' * name: // value for 'name' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation, CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation, CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>(CreateTaskChecklistItemDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTaskChecklistItemMutation>; export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation>; export type CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTaskChecklistItemMutation, CreateTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTaskChecklistDocument = gql` mutation deleteTaskChecklist($taskChecklistID: UUID!) { deleteTaskChecklist(input: {taskChecklistID: $taskChecklistID}) { ok taskChecklist { id } } } `; export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTaskChecklistMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTaskChecklistMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistID: // value for 'taskChecklistID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTaskChecklistMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTaskChecklistMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistMutationVariables>(DeleteTaskChecklistDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTaskChecklistMutation>; export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTaskChecklistMutation>; export type DeleteTaskChecklistMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTaskChecklistMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTaskChecklistItemDocument = gql` mutation deleteTaskChecklistItem($taskChecklistItemID: UUID!) { deleteTaskChecklistItem(input: {taskChecklistItemID: $taskChecklistItemID}) { ok taskChecklistItem { id taskChecklistID } } } `; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTaskChecklistItemMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistItemID: // value for 'taskChecklistItemID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>(DeleteTaskChecklistItemDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation>; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation>; export type DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutation, DeleteTaskChecklistItemMutationVariables>; export const SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteDocument = gql` mutation setTaskChecklistItemComplete($taskChecklistItemID: UUID!, $complete: Boolean!) { setTaskChecklistItemComplete(input: {taskChecklistItemID: $taskChecklistItemID, complete: $complete}) { id complete } } `; export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation, SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationVariables>; /** * __useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [setTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistItemID: // value for 'taskChecklistItemID' * complete: // value for 'complete' * }, * }); */ export function useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation, SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation, SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationVariables>(SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteDocument, baseOptions); } export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useSetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation>; export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation>; export type SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutation, SetTaskChecklistItemCompleteMutationVariables>; export const SetTaskCompleteDocument = gql` mutation setTaskComplete($taskID: UUID!, $complete: Boolean!) { setTaskComplete(input: {taskID: $taskID, complete: $complete}) { ...TaskFields } } ${TaskFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type SetTaskCompleteMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<SetTaskCompleteMutation, SetTaskCompleteMutationVariables>; /** * __useSetTaskCompleteMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useSetTaskCompleteMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useSetTaskCompleteMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [setTaskCompleteMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useSetTaskCompleteMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * complete: // value for 'complete' * }, * }); */ export function useSetTaskCompleteMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<SetTaskCompleteMutation, SetTaskCompleteMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<SetTaskCompleteMutation, SetTaskCompleteMutationVariables>(SetTaskCompleteDocument, baseOptions); } export type SetTaskCompleteMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useSetTaskCompleteMutation>; export type SetTaskCompleteMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<SetTaskCompleteMutation>; export type SetTaskCompleteMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<SetTaskCompleteMutation, SetTaskCompleteMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskChecklistItemLocation($checklistID: UUID!, $checklistItemID: UUID!, $position: Float!) { updateTaskChecklistItemLocation(input: {checklistID: $checklistID, checklistItemID: $checklistItemID, position: $position}) { checklistID prevChecklistID checklistItem { id taskChecklistID position } } } `; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation({ * variables: { * checklistID: // value for 'checklistID' * checklistItemID: // value for 'checklistItemID' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemLocationMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskChecklistItemName($taskChecklistItemID: UUID!, $name: String!) { updateTaskChecklistItemName(input: {taskChecklistItemID: $taskChecklistItemID, name: $name}) { id name } } `; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistItemID: // value for 'taskChecklistItemID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistItemNameMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskChecklistLocationDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskChecklistLocation($checklistID: UUID!, $position: Float!) { updateTaskChecklistLocation(input: {checklistID: $checklistID, position: $position}) { checklist { id position } } } `; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskChecklistLocationMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation({ * variables: { * checklistID: // value for 'checklistID' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskChecklistLocationDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistLocationMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskChecklistNameDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskChecklistName($taskChecklistID: UUID!, $name: String!) { updateTaskChecklistName(input: {taskChecklistID: $taskChecklistID, name: $name}) { id name position items { id name taskChecklistID complete position } } } `; export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskChecklistNameMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation({ * variables: { * taskChecklistID: // value for 'taskChecklistID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskChecklistNameDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutation, UpdateTaskChecklistNameMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskGroupNameDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskGroupName($taskGroupID: UUID!, $name: String!) { updateTaskGroupName(input: {taskGroupID: $taskGroupID, name: $name}) { id name } } `; export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation, UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskGroupNameMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation({ * variables: { * taskGroupID: // value for 'taskGroupID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation, UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation, UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskGroupNameDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskGroupNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskGroupNameMutation, UpdateTaskGroupNameMutationVariables>; export const CreateTeamDocument = gql` mutation createTeam($name: String!, $organizationID: UUID!) { createTeam(input: {name: $name, organizationID: $organizationID}) { id createdAt name } } `; export type CreateTeamMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTeamMutation, CreateTeamMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTeamMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTeamMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTeamMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTeamMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTeamMutation({ * variables: { * name: // value for 'name' * organizationID: // value for 'organizationID' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTeamMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTeamMutation, CreateTeamMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTeamMutation, CreateTeamMutationVariables>(CreateTeamDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTeamMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTeamMutation>; export type CreateTeamMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTeamMutation>; export type CreateTeamMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTeamMutation, CreateTeamMutationVariables>; export const CreateTeamMemberDocument = gql` mutation createTeamMember($userID: UUID!, $teamID: UUID!) { createTeamMember(input: {userID: $userID, teamID: $teamID}) { team { id } teamMember { id username fullName role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } } } } `; export type CreateTeamMemberMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateTeamMemberMutation, CreateTeamMemberMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateTeamMemberMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTeamMemberMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTeamMemberMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTeamMemberMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTeamMemberMutation({ * variables: { * userID: // value for 'userID' * teamID: // value for 'teamID' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTeamMemberMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateTeamMemberMutation, CreateTeamMemberMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateTeamMemberMutation, CreateTeamMemberMutationVariables>(CreateTeamMemberDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateTeamMemberMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateTeamMemberMutation>; export type CreateTeamMemberMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateTeamMemberMutation>; export type CreateTeamMemberMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateTeamMemberMutation, CreateTeamMemberMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTeamDocument = gql` mutation deleteTeam($teamID: UUID!) { deleteTeam(input: {teamID: $teamID}) { ok team { id } } } `; export type DeleteTeamMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTeamMutation, DeleteTeamMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTeamMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTeamMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTeamMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTeamMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTeamMutation({ * variables: { * teamID: // value for 'teamID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTeamMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTeamMutation, DeleteTeamMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTeamMutation, DeleteTeamMutationVariables>(DeleteTeamDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTeamMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTeamMutation>; export type DeleteTeamMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTeamMutation>; export type DeleteTeamMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTeamMutation, DeleteTeamMutationVariables>; export const DeleteTeamMemberDocument = gql` mutation deleteTeamMember($teamID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!, $newOwnerID: UUID) { deleteTeamMember(input: {teamID: $teamID, userID: $userID, newOwnerID: $newOwnerID}) { teamID userID } } `; export type DeleteTeamMemberMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteTeamMemberMutation, DeleteTeamMemberMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteTeamMemberMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTeamMemberMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTeamMemberMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTeamMemberMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTeamMemberMutation({ * variables: { * teamID: // value for 'teamID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * newOwnerID: // value for 'newOwnerID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTeamMemberMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteTeamMemberMutation, DeleteTeamMemberMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteTeamMemberMutation, DeleteTeamMemberMutationVariables>(DeleteTeamMemberDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteTeamMemberMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteTeamMemberMutation>; export type DeleteTeamMemberMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteTeamMemberMutation>; export type DeleteTeamMemberMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteTeamMemberMutation, DeleteTeamMemberMutationVariables>; export const GetTeamDocument = gql` query getTeam($teamID: UUID!) { findTeam(input: {teamID: $teamID}) { id createdAt name members { id fullName username role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } owned { teams { id name } projects { id name } } member { teams { id name } projects { id name } } } } projects(input: {teamID: $teamID}) { id name team { id name } } users { id email fullName username role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } owned { teams { id name } projects { id name } } member { teams { id name } projects { id name } } } } `; /** * __useGetTeamQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetTeamQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useGetTeamQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useGetTeamQuery({ * variables: { * teamID: // value for 'teamID' * }, * }); */ export function useGetTeamQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<GetTeamQuery, GetTeamQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<GetTeamQuery, GetTeamQueryVariables>(GetTeamDocument, baseOptions); } export function useGetTeamLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetTeamQuery, GetTeamQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<GetTeamQuery, GetTeamQueryVariables>(GetTeamDocument, baseOptions); } export type GetTeamQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetTeamQuery>; export type GetTeamLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetTeamLazyQuery>; export type GetTeamQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<GetTeamQuery, GetTeamQueryVariables>; export const ToggleTaskLabelDocument = gql` mutation toggleTaskLabel($taskID: UUID!, $projectLabelID: UUID!) { toggleTaskLabel(input: {taskID: $taskID, projectLabelID: $projectLabelID}) { active task { id labels { id assignedDate projectLabel { id createdDate labelColor { id colorHex name position } name } } } } } `; export type ToggleTaskLabelMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<ToggleTaskLabelMutation, ToggleTaskLabelMutationVariables>; /** * __useToggleTaskLabelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useToggleTaskLabelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useToggleTaskLabelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [toggleTaskLabelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useToggleTaskLabelMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * projectLabelID: // value for 'projectLabelID' * }, * }); */ export function useToggleTaskLabelMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<ToggleTaskLabelMutation, ToggleTaskLabelMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<ToggleTaskLabelMutation, ToggleTaskLabelMutationVariables>(ToggleTaskLabelDocument, baseOptions); } export type ToggleTaskLabelMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useToggleTaskLabelMutation>; export type ToggleTaskLabelMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<ToggleTaskLabelMutation>; export type ToggleTaskLabelMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<ToggleTaskLabelMutation, ToggleTaskLabelMutationVariables>; export const UnassignTaskDocument = gql` mutation unassignTask($taskID: UUID!, $userID: UUID!) { unassignTask(input: {taskID: $taskID, userID: $userID}) { assigned { id fullName } id } } `; export type UnassignTaskMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UnassignTaskMutation, UnassignTaskMutationVariables>; /** * __useUnassignTaskMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUnassignTaskMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUnassignTaskMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [unassignTaskMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUnassignTaskMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * userID: // value for 'userID' * }, * }); */ export function useUnassignTaskMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UnassignTaskMutation, UnassignTaskMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UnassignTaskMutation, UnassignTaskMutationVariables>(UnassignTaskDocument, baseOptions); } export type UnassignTaskMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUnassignTaskMutation>; export type UnassignTaskMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UnassignTaskMutation>; export type UnassignTaskMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UnassignTaskMutation, UnassignTaskMutationVariables>; export const UpdateProjectLabelDocument = gql` mutation updateProjectLabel($projectLabelID: UUID!, $labelColorID: UUID!, $name: String!) { updateProjectLabel(input: {projectLabelID: $projectLabelID, labelColorID: $labelColorID, name: $name}) { id createdDate labelColor { id colorHex name position } name } } `; export type UpdateProjectLabelMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateProjectLabelMutation, UpdateProjectLabelMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateProjectLabelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateProjectLabelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateProjectLabelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateProjectLabelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateProjectLabelMutation({ * variables: { * projectLabelID: // value for 'projectLabelID' * labelColorID: // value for 'labelColorID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateProjectLabelMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateProjectLabelMutation, UpdateProjectLabelMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateProjectLabelMutation, UpdateProjectLabelMutationVariables>(UpdateProjectLabelDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateProjectLabelMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateProjectLabelMutation>; export type UpdateProjectLabelMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateProjectLabelMutation>; export type UpdateProjectLabelMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateProjectLabelMutation, UpdateProjectLabelMutationVariables>; export const UpdateProjectNameDocument = gql` mutation updateProjectName($projectID: UUID!, $name: String!) { updateProjectName(input: {projectID: $projectID, name: $name}) { id name } } `; export type UpdateProjectNameMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateProjectNameMutation, UpdateProjectNameMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateProjectNameMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateProjectNameMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateProjectNameMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateProjectNameMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateProjectNameMutation({ * variables: { * projectID: // value for 'projectID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateProjectNameMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateProjectNameMutation, UpdateProjectNameMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateProjectNameMutation, UpdateProjectNameMutationVariables>(UpdateProjectNameDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateProjectNameMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateProjectNameMutation>; export type UpdateProjectNameMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateProjectNameMutation>; export type UpdateProjectNameMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateProjectNameMutation, UpdateProjectNameMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskDescriptionDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskDescription($taskID: UUID!, $description: String!) { updateTaskDescription(input: {taskID: $taskID, description: $description}) { id description } } `; export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation, UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskDescriptionMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * description: // value for 'description' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation, UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation, UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskDescriptionDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskDescriptionMutation>; export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation>; export type UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskDescriptionMutation, UpdateTaskDescriptionMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskDueDateDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskDueDate($taskID: UUID!, $dueDate: Time) { updateTaskDueDate(input: {taskID: $taskID, dueDate: $dueDate}) { id dueDate } } `; export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskDueDateMutation, UpdateTaskDueDateMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskDueDateMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * dueDate: // value for 'dueDate' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskDueDateMutation, UpdateTaskDueDateMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskDueDateMutation, UpdateTaskDueDateMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskDueDateDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskDueDateMutation>; export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskDueDateMutation>; export type UpdateTaskDueDateMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskDueDateMutation, UpdateTaskDueDateMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskGroupLocationDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskGroupLocation($taskGroupID: UUID!, $position: Float!) { updateTaskGroupLocation(input: {taskGroupID: $taskGroupID, position: $position}) { id position } } `; export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation, UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskGroupLocationMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation({ * variables: { * taskGroupID: // value for 'taskGroupID' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation, UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation, UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskGroupLocationDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutation, UpdateTaskGroupLocationMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskLocationDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskLocation($taskID: UUID!, $taskGroupID: UUID!, $position: Float!) { updateTaskLocation(input: {taskID: $taskID, taskGroupID: $taskGroupID, position: $position}) { previousTaskGroupID task { id createdAt name position taskGroup { id } } } } `; export type UpdateTaskLocationMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskLocationMutation, UpdateTaskLocationMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskLocationMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskLocationMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskLocationMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskLocationMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskLocationMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * taskGroupID: // value for 'taskGroupID' * position: // value for 'position' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskLocationMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskLocationMutation, UpdateTaskLocationMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskLocationMutation, UpdateTaskLocationMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskLocationDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskLocationMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskLocationMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskLocationMutation>; export type UpdateTaskLocationMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskLocationMutation, UpdateTaskLocationMutationVariables>; export const UpdateTaskNameDocument = gql` mutation updateTaskName($taskID: String!, $name: String!) { updateTaskName(input: {taskID: $taskID, name: $name}) { id name position } } `; export type UpdateTaskNameMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateTaskNameMutation, UpdateTaskNameMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateTaskNameMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTaskNameMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTaskNameMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTaskNameMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTaskNameMutation({ * variables: { * taskID: // value for 'taskID' * name: // value for 'name' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTaskNameMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateTaskNameMutation, UpdateTaskNameMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateTaskNameMutation, UpdateTaskNameMutationVariables>(UpdateTaskNameDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateTaskNameMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateTaskNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskNameMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateTaskNameMutation>; export type UpdateTaskNameMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateTaskNameMutation, UpdateTaskNameMutationVariables>; export const CreateUserAccountDocument = gql` mutation createUserAccount($username: String!, $roleCode: String!, $email: String!, $fullName: String!, $initials: String!, $password: String!) { createUserAccount(input: {roleCode: $roleCode, username: $username, email: $email, fullName: $fullName, initials: $initials, password: $password}) { id email fullName initials username profileIcon { url initials bgColor } role { code name } owned { teams { id name } projects { id name } } member { teams { id name } projects { id name } } } } `; export type CreateUserAccountMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<CreateUserAccountMutation, CreateUserAccountMutationVariables>; /** * __useCreateUserAccountMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateUserAccountMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateUserAccountMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createUserAccountMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateUserAccountMutation({ * variables: { * username: // value for 'username' * roleCode: // value for 'roleCode' * email: // value for 'email' * fullName: // value for 'fullName' * initials: // value for 'initials' * password: // value for 'password' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateUserAccountMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<CreateUserAccountMutation, CreateUserAccountMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<CreateUserAccountMutation, CreateUserAccountMutationVariables>(CreateUserAccountDocument, baseOptions); } export type CreateUserAccountMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useCreateUserAccountMutation>; export type CreateUserAccountMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<CreateUserAccountMutation>; export type CreateUserAccountMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<CreateUserAccountMutation, CreateUserAccountMutationVariables>; export const DeleteUserAccountDocument = gql` mutation deleteUserAccount($userID: UUID!, $newOwnerID: UUID) { deleteUserAccount(input: {userID: $userID, newOwnerID: $newOwnerID}) { ok userAccount { id } } } `; export type DeleteUserAccountMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<DeleteUserAccountMutation, DeleteUserAccountMutationVariables>; /** * __useDeleteUserAccountMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteUserAccountMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteUserAccountMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteUserAccountMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteUserAccountMutation({ * variables: { * userID: // value for 'userID' * newOwnerID: // value for 'newOwnerID' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteUserAccountMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<DeleteUserAccountMutation, DeleteUserAccountMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<DeleteUserAccountMutation, DeleteUserAccountMutationVariables>(DeleteUserAccountDocument, baseOptions); } export type DeleteUserAccountMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useDeleteUserAccountMutation>; export type DeleteUserAccountMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<DeleteUserAccountMutation>; export type DeleteUserAccountMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<DeleteUserAccountMutation, DeleteUserAccountMutationVariables>; export const UpdateUserRoleDocument = gql` mutation updateUserRole($userID: UUID!, $roleCode: RoleCode!) { updateUserRole(input: {userID: $userID, roleCode: $roleCode}) { user { id role { code name } } } } `; export type UpdateUserRoleMutationFn = ApolloReactCommon.MutationFunction<UpdateUserRoleMutation, UpdateUserRoleMutationVariables>; /** * __useUpdateUserRoleMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateUserRoleMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateUserRoleMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateUserRoleMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateUserRoleMutation({ * variables: { * userID: // value for 'userID' * roleCode: // value for 'roleCode' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateUserRoleMutation(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.MutationHookOptions<UpdateUserRoleMutation, UpdateUserRoleMutationVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useMutation<UpdateUserRoleMutation, UpdateUserRoleMutationVariables>(UpdateUserRoleDocument, baseOptions); } export type UpdateUserRoleMutationHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUpdateUserRoleMutation>; export type UpdateUserRoleMutationResult = ApolloReactCommon.MutationResult<UpdateUserRoleMutation>; export type UpdateUserRoleMutationOptions = ApolloReactCommon.BaseMutationOptions<UpdateUserRoleMutation, UpdateUserRoleMutationVariables>; export const UsersDocument = gql` query users { users { id email fullName username role { code name } profileIcon { url initials bgColor } owned { teams { id name } projects { id name } } member { teams { id name } projects { id name } } } } `; /** * __useUsersQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useUsersQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUsersQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useUsersQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useUsersQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.QueryHookOptions<UsersQuery, UsersQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useQuery<UsersQuery, UsersQueryVariables>(UsersDocument, baseOptions); } export function useUsersLazyQuery(baseOptions?: ApolloReactHooks.LazyQueryHookOptions<UsersQuery, UsersQueryVariables>) { return ApolloReactHooks.useLazyQuery<UsersQuery, UsersQueryVariables>(UsersDocument, baseOptions); } export type UsersQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUsersQuery>; export type UsersLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useUsersLazyQuery>; export type UsersQueryResult = ApolloReactCommon.QueryResult<UsersQuery, UsersQueryVariables>;