feat: add outliner

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Knott 2020-12-22 13:05:46 -06:00
parent f4ef7fec83
commit 19d302355f
9 changed files with 1515 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import styled from 'styled-components';
import JwtDecode from 'jwt-decode'; import JwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';
import { setAccessToken } from 'shared/utils/accessToken'; import { setAccessToken } from 'shared/utils/accessToken';
import { useCurrentUser } from 'App/context'; import { useCurrentUser } from 'App/context';
import Outline from 'Outline';
const MainContent = styled.div` const MainContent = styled.div`
padding: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0 0 0 0;
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ const AuthorizedRoutes = () => {
<Route exact path="/projects" component={Projects} /> <Route exact path="/projects" component={Projects} />
<Route path="/projects/:projectID" component={Project} /> <Route path="/projects/:projectID" component={Project} />
<Route path="/teams/:teamID" component={Teams} /> <Route path="/teams/:teamID" component={Teams} />
<Route path="/outline" component={Outline} />
<Route path="/profile" component={Profile} /> <Route path="/profile" component={Profile} />
<Route path="/admin" component={Admin} /> <Route path="/admin" component={Admin} />
</MainContent> </MainContent>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import React from 'react';
import { DragDebugWrapper } from './Styles';
type DragDebugProps = {
zone: ImpactZone | null;
depthTarget: number;
draggedNodes: Array<string> | null;
const DragDebug: React.FC<DragDebugProps> = ({ zone, depthTarget, draggedNodes }) => {
let aboveID = null;
let belowID = null;
if (zone) {
aboveID = zone.above ? zone.above.node.id : null;
belowID = zone.below ? zone.below.node.id : null;
return (
<DragDebugWrapper>{`aboveID=${aboveID} / belowID=${belowID} / depthTarget=${depthTarget} draggedNodes=${
draggedNodes ? draggedNodes.toString() : null
export default DragDebug;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import React from 'react';
import { getDimensions } from './utils';
import { DragIndicatorBar } from './Styles';
type DragIndicatorProps = {
container: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
zone: ImpactZone;
depthTarget: number;
const DragIndicator: React.FC<DragIndicatorProps> = ({ container, zone, depthTarget }) => {
let top = 0;
let width = 0;
if (zone.below === null) {
if (zone.above) {
const entry = getDimensions(zone.above.dimensions.entry);
const children = getDimensions(zone.above.dimensions.children);
if (children) {
top = children.top;
width = children.width - depthTarget * 35;
} else if (entry) {
top = entry.bottom;
width = entry.width - depthTarget * 35;
} else if (zone.below) {
const entry = getDimensions(zone.below.dimensions.entry);
if (entry) {
top = entry.top;
width = entry.width - depthTarget * 35;
let left = 0;
if (container && container.current) {
left = container.current.getBoundingClientRect().left + (depthTarget - 1) * 35;
width = container.current.getBoundingClientRect().width - depthTarget * 35;
return <DragIndicatorBar top={top} left={left} width={width} />;
export default DragIndicator;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
import React, { useRef, useCallback, useState, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Dot } from 'shared/icons';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import {
} from './utils';
import { useDrag } from './useDrag';
const Container = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
border-radius: 9px;
background: rgba(${p => p.theme.colors.primary});
svg {
fill: rgba(${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary});
stroke: rgba(${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary});
type DraggerProps = {
container: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
draggedNodes: { nodes: Array<string>; first?: OutlineNode | null };
isDragging: boolean;
onDragEnd: (zone: ImpactZone) => void;
initialPos: { x: number; y: number };
const Dragger: React.FC<DraggerProps> = ({ draggedNodes, container, onDragEnd, isDragging, initialPos }) => {
const [pos, setPos] = useState<{ x: number; y: number }>(initialPos);
const { outline, impact, setImpact } = useDrag();
const $handle = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const handleMouseUp = useCallback(() => {
onDragEnd(impact ? impact.zone : { below: null, above: null });
}, [impact]);
const handleMouseMove = useCallback(
e => {
const { clientX, clientY, pageX, pageY } = e;
setPos({ x: clientX, y: clientY });
const { curDepth, curPosition, curDraggable } = getNodeOver({ x: clientX, y: clientY }, outline.current);
let depthTarget: number = 0;
let aboveNode: null | OutlineNode = null;
let belowNode: null | OutlineNode = null;
if (curPosition === 'before') {
belowNode = curDraggable;
} else {
aboveNode = curDraggable;
// if belowNode has the depth of 1, then the above element will be a part of a different branch
const { relationships, nodes } = outline.current;
if (!belowNode || !aboveNode) {
if (belowNode) {
aboveNode = findNodeAbove(outline.current, curDepth, belowNode);
} else if (aboveNode) {
let targetBelowNode: RelationshipChild | null = null;
const parent = relationships.get(aboveNode.parent);
if (aboveNode.children !== 0 && !aboveNode.collapsed) {
const abr = relationships.get(aboveNode.id);
if (abr) {
const newTarget = abr.children[0];
if (newTarget) {
targetBelowNode = newTarget;
} else if (parent) {
const aboveNodeIndex = parent.children.findIndex(c => aboveNode && c.id === aboveNode.id);
if (aboveNodeIndex !== -1) {
if (aboveNodeIndex === parent.children.length - 1) {
targetBelowNode = getBelowParent(aboveNode, outline.current);
} else {
const nextChild = parent.children[aboveNodeIndex + 1];
targetBelowNode = nextChild ?? null;
if (targetBelowNode) {
const depthNodes = nodes.get(targetBelowNode.depth);
if (depthNodes) {
belowNode = depthNodes.get(targetBelowNode.id) ?? null;
// if outside outline, get either first or last item in list based on mouse Y
if (!aboveNode && !belowNode) {
if (container && container.current) {
const bounds = container.current.getBoundingClientRect();
if (clientY < bounds.top + bounds.height / 2) {
const rootChildren = outline.current.relationships.get('root');
const rootDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(1);
if (rootChildren && rootDepth) {
const firstChild = rootChildren.children[0];
belowNode = rootDepth.get(firstChild.id) ?? null;
aboveNode = null;
} else {
// TODO: enhance to actually get last child item, not last top level branch
const rootChildren = outline.current.relationships.get('root');
const rootDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(1);
if (rootChildren && rootDepth) {
const lastChild = rootChildren.children[rootChildren.children.length - 1];
const lastParentNode = rootDepth.get(lastChild.id) ?? null;
if (lastParentNode) {
const lastBranchChild = getLastChildInBranch(outline.current, lastParentNode);
if (lastBranchChild) {
const lastChildDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(lastBranchChild.depth);
if (lastChildDepth) {
aboveNode = lastChildDepth.get(lastBranchChild.id) ?? null;
if (aboveNode) {
const { ancestors } = findNodeDepth(outline.current.published, aboveNode.id);
for (let i = 0; i < draggedNodes.nodes.length; i++) {
const nodeID = draggedNodes.nodes[i];
if (ancestors.find(c => c === nodeID)) {
if (draggedNodes.first) {
belowNode = draggedNodes.first;
aboveNode = findNodeAbove(outline.current, aboveNode ? aboveNode.depth : 1, draggedNodes.first);
} else {
const { depth } = findNodeDepth(outline.current.published, nodeID);
const nodeDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(depth);
const targetNode = nodeDepth ? nodeDepth.get(nodeID) : null;
if (targetNode) {
belowNode = targetNode;
aboveNode = findNodeAbove(outline.current, depth, targetNode);
// calculate available depths
let minDepth = 1;
let maxDepth = 2;
if (aboveNode) {
const aboveParent = relationships.get(aboveNode.parent);
if (aboveNode.children !== 0 && !aboveNode.collapsed) {
minDepth = aboveNode.depth + 1;
maxDepth = aboveNode.depth + 1;
} else if (aboveParent) {
minDepth = aboveNode.depth;
maxDepth = aboveNode.depth + 1;
const aboveNodeIndex = aboveParent.children.findIndex(c => aboveNode && c.id === aboveNode.id);
if (aboveNodeIndex === aboveParent.children.length - 1) {
minDepth = belowNode ? belowNode.depth : minDepth;
if (aboveNode) {
const dimensions = outline.current.dimensions.get(aboveNode.id);
const entry = getDimensions(dimensions?.entry);
if (entry) {
depthTarget = getTargetDepth(clientX, entry.left, { min: minDepth, max: maxDepth });
let aboveImpact: null | ImpactZoneData = null;
let belowImpact: null | ImpactZoneData = null;
if (aboveNode) {
const aboveDim = outline.current.dimensions.get(aboveNode.id);
if (aboveDim) {
aboveImpact = {
node: aboveNode,
dimensions: aboveDim,
if (belowNode) {
const belowDim = outline.current.dimensions.get(belowNode.id);
if (belowDim) {
belowImpact = {
node: belowNode,
dimensions: belowDim,
zone: {
above: aboveImpact,
below: belowImpact,
depth: depthTarget,
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
}, []);
const styles = useMemo(() => {
const position: 'absolute' | 'relative' = isDragging ? 'absolute' : 'relative';
return {
cursor: isDragging ? '-webkit-grabbing' : '-webkit-grab',
transform: `translate(${pos.x - 10}px, ${pos.y - 4}px)`,
transition: isDragging ? 'none' : 'transform 500ms',
zIndex: isDragging ? 2 : 1,
}, [isDragging, pos]);
return (
{pos && (
<Container ref={$handle} style={styles}>
<Dot width={18} height={18} />
export default Dragger;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Dot, CaretDown, CaretRight } from 'shared/icons';
import { EntryChildren, EntryWrapper, EntryContent, EntryInnerContent, EntryHandle, ExpandButton } from './Styles';
import { useDrag } from './useDrag';
function getCaretPosition(editableDiv: any) {
let caretPos = 0;
let sel: any = null;
let range: any = null;
if (window.getSelection) {
sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel && sel.rangeCount) {
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
if (range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode === editableDiv) {
caretPos = range.endOffset;
return caretPos;
type EntryProps = {
id: string;
collapsed?: boolean;
onToggleCollapse: (id: string, collapsed: boolean) => void;
parentID: string;
onStartDrag: (e: { id: string; clientX: number; clientY: number }) => void;
onStartSelect: (e: { id: string; depth: number }) => void;
isRoot?: boolean;
selection: null | Array<{ id: string }>;
draggedNodes: null | Array<string>;
entries: Array<ItemElement>;
onCancelDrag: () => void;
position: number;
chain?: Array<string>;
depth?: number;
const Entry: React.FC<EntryProps> = ({
isRoot = false,
collapsed = false,
chain = [],
depth = 0,
}) => {
const $entry = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const $children = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const { setNodeDimensions, clearNodeDimensions } = useDrag();
useEffect(() => {
if (isRoot) return;
if ($entry && $entry.current) {
setNodeDimensions(id, {
entry: $entry,
children: entries.length !== 0 ? $children : null,
return () => {
}, [position, depth, entries]);
let showHandle = true;
if (draggedNodes && draggedNodes.length === 1 && draggedNodes.find(c => c === id)) {
showHandle = false;
let isSelected = false;
if (selection && selection.find(c => c.id === id)) {
isSelected = true;
let onSaveTimer: any = null;
const onSaveTimeout = 300;
return (
<EntryWrapper isSelected={isSelected} isDragging={!showHandle}>
{!isRoot && (
{entries.length !== 0 && (
<ExpandButton onClick={() => onToggleCollapse(id, !collapsed)}>
{collapsed ? <CaretRight width={20} height={20} /> : <CaretDown width={20} height={20} />}
{showHandle && (
onMouseUp={() => onCancelDrag()}
onMouseDown={e => {
onStartDrag({ id, clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY });
<Dot width={18} height={18} />
onMouseDown={() => {
onStartSelect({ id, depth });
onKeyDown={e => {
if (e.key === 'z' && e.ctrlKey) {
if ($entry && $entry.current) {
} else {
if ($entry && $entry.current) {
onSaveTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if ($entry && $entry.current) {
}, onSaveTimeout);
{`${id.toString()} - ${position}`}
{entries.length !== 0 && !collapsed && (
<EntryChildren ref={$children} isRoot={isRoot}>
.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
.map(entry => (
depth={depth + 1}
entries={entry.children ?? []}
chain={[...chain, id]}
export default Entry;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import { mixin } from 'shared/utils/styles';
export const EntryWrapper = styled.div<{ isDragging: boolean; isSelected: boolean }>`
position: relative;
${props =>
props.isDragging &&
&:before {
border-radius: 3px;
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 2px;
right: -5px;
left: -5px;
bottom: -2px;
background-color: #eceef0;
${props =>
props.isSelected &&
&:before {
border-radius: 3px;
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 2px;
right: -5px;
bottom: -2px;
left: -5px;
background-color: ${mixin.rgba(props.theme.colors.primary, 0.75)};
export const EntryChildren = styled.div<{ isRoot: boolean }>`
position: relative;
${props =>
!props.isRoot &&
margin-left: 10px;
padding-left: 25px;
border-left: 1px solid ${mixin.rgba(props.theme.colors.text.primary, 0.6)};
export const PageContent = styled.div`
min-height: calc(100vh - 146px);
width: 100%;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
box-shadow: none;
user-select: none;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
max-width: 700px;
padding-left: 56px;
padding-right: 56px;
padding-top: 24px;
padding-bottom: 24px;
text-size-adjust: none;
export const DragHandle = styled.div<{ top: number; left: number }>`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
transform: translate3d(${props => props.left}px, ${props => props.top}px, 0);
transition: transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 0, 1);
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
color: rgb(75, 81, 85);
border-radius: 9px;
export const RootWrapper = styled.div``;
export const EntryHandle = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: absolute;
left: 501px;
top: 7px;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
color: ${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary};
border-radius: 9px;
&:hover {
background: ${p => p.theme.colors.primary};
svg {
fill: ${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary};
stroke: ${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary};
export const EntryInnerContent = styled.div`
padding-top: 4px;
font-size: 15px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
line-height: 24px;
min-height: 24px;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
position: relative;
user-select: text;
color: ${p => p.theme.colors.text.primary};
&::selection {
background: #a49de8;
&:focus {
outline: 0;
export const DragDebugWrapper = styled.div`
position: absolute;
left: 42px;
bottom: 24px;
color: #fff;
export const DragIndicatorBar = styled.div<{ left: number; top: number; width: number }>`
position: absolute;
width: ${props => props.width}px;
top: ${props => props.top}px;
left: ${props => props.left}px;
height: 4px;
border-radius: 3px;
background: rgb(204, 204, 204);
export const ExpandButton = styled.div`
top: 6px;
cursor: default;
color: transparent;
position: absolute;
top: 6px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
left: 478px;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
svg {
fill: transparent;
export const EntryContent = styled.div`
position: relative;
margin-left: -500px;
padding-left: 524px;
&:hover ${ExpandButton} svg {
fill: ${props => props.theme.colors.text.primary};
export const PageContainer = styled.div`
overflow: scroll;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, useMemo, useCallback, useContext, memo, createRef } from 'react';
import { DotCircle } from 'shared/icons';
import styled from 'styled-components/macro';
import GlobalTopNavbar from 'App/TopNavbar';
import _ from 'lodash';
import produce from 'immer';
import Entry from './Entry';
import DragIndicator from './DragIndicator';
import Dragger from './Dragger';
import DragDebug from './DragDebug';
import { DragContext } from './useDrag';
import {
} from './Styles';
import {
} from './utils';
import NOOP from 'shared/utils/noop';
type OutlineCommand = {
nodes: Array<{
id: string;
prev: { position: number; parent: string | null };
next: { position: number; parent: string | null };
type ItemCollapsed = {
id: string;
collapsed: boolean;
const listItems: Array<ItemElement> = [
{ id: 'root', position: 4096, parent: null, collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1', position: 4096, parent: 'root', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3', position: 4096 * 3, parent: 'entry-1', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3_1', position: 4096, parent: 'entry-1_3', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3_2', position: 4096 * 2, parent: 'entry-1_3', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3_3', position: 4096 * 3, parent: 'entry-1_3', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3_3_1', position: 4096 * 1, parent: 'entry-1_3_3', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-1_3_3_1_1', position: 4096 * 1, parent: 'entry-1_3_3_1', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-2', position: 4096 * 2, parent: 'root', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-3', position: 4096 * 3, parent: 'root', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-4', position: 4096 * 4, parent: 'root', collapsed: false },
{ id: 'entry-5', position: 4096 * 5, parent: 'root', collapsed: false },
const Outline: React.FC = () => {
const [items, setItems] = useState(listItems);
const [selecting, setSelecting] = useState<{
isSelecting: boolean;
node: { id: string; depth: number } | null;
}>({ isSelecting: false, node: null });
const [selection, setSelection] = useState<null | { nodes: Array<{ id: string }>; first?: OutlineNode | null }>(null);
const [dragging, setDragging] = useState<{
show: boolean;
draggedNodes: null | Array<string>;
initialPos: { x: number; y: number };
}>({ show: false, draggedNodes: null, initialPos: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
const [impact, setImpact] = useState<null | {
listPosition: number;
zone: ImpactZone;
depthTarget: number;
const selectRef = useRef<{ isSelecting: boolean; hasSelection: boolean; node: { id: string; depth: number } | null }>(
isSelecting: false,
node: null,
hasSelection: false,
const impactRef = useRef<null | { listPosition: number; depth: number; zone: ImpactZone }>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (impact) {
impactRef.current = { zone: impact.zone, depth: impact.depthTarget, listPosition: impact.listPosition };
}, [impact]);
useEffect(() => {
selectRef.current.isSelecting = selecting.isSelecting;
selectRef.current.node = selecting.node;
}, [selecting]);
const $content = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const outline = useRef<OutlineData>({
published: new Map<string, string>(),
dimensions: new Map<string, NodeDimensions>(),
nodes: new Map<number, Map<string, OutlineNode>>(),
relationships: new Map<string, NodeRelationships>(),
const tree = transformToTree(_.cloneDeep(items));
let root: any = null;
if (tree.length === 1) {
root = tree[0];
const outlineHistory = useRef<{ commands: Array<OutlineCommand>; current: number }>({ current: -1, commands: [] });
useEffect(() => {
outline.current.relationships = new Map<string, NodeRelationships>();
outline.current.published = new Map<string, string>();
outline.current.nodes = new Map<number, Map<string, OutlineNode>>();
const collapsedMap = items.reduce((map, next) => {
if (next.collapsed) {
map.set(next.id, true);
return map;
}, new Map<string, boolean>());
items.forEach(item => outline.current.published.set(item.id, item.parent ?? 'root'));
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const { collapsed, position, id, parent: curParent } = items[i];
if (id === 'root') {
const parent = curParent ?? 'root';
outline.current.published.set(id, parent ?? 'root');
const { depth, ancestors } = findNodeDepth(outline.current.published, id);
const collapsedParent = ancestors.slice(0, -1).find(a => collapsedMap.get(a));
if (collapsedParent) {
const children = getNumberOfChildren(root, ancestors);
if (!outline.current.nodes.has(depth)) {
outline.current.nodes.set(depth, new Map<string, OutlineNode>());
const targetDepthNodes = outline.current.nodes.get(depth);
if (targetDepthNodes) {
targetDepthNodes.set(id, {
if (!outline.current.relationships.has(parent)) {
outline.current.relationships.set(parent, {
self: {
depth: depth - 1,
id: parent,
children: [],
numberOfSubChildren: 0,
const nodeRelations = outline.current.relationships.get(parent);
if (nodeRelations) {
outline.current.relationships.set(parent, {
self: nodeRelations.self,
numberOfSubChildren: nodeRelations.numberOfSubChildren + children,
children: [...nodeRelations.children, { id, position, depth, children }].sort(
(a, b) => a.position - b.position,
}, [items]);
const handleKeyDown = useCallback(e => {
if (e.code === 'KeyZ' && e.ctrlKey) {
const currentCommand = outlineHistory.current.commands[outlineHistory.current.current];
if (currentCommand) {
setItems(prevItems =>
produce(prevItems, draftItems => {
currentCommand.nodes.forEach(node => {
const idx = prevItems.findIndex(c => c.id === node.id);
if (idx !== -1) {
draftItems[idx].parent = node.prev.parent;
draftItems[idx].position = node.prev.position;
} else if (e.code === 'KeyY' && e.ctrlKey) {
const currentCommand = outlineHistory.current.commands[outlineHistory.current.current + 1];
if (currentCommand) {
setItems(prevItems =>
produce(prevItems, draftItems => {
currentCommand.nodes.forEach(node => {
const idx = prevItems.findIndex(c => c.id === node.id);
if (idx !== -1) {
draftItems[idx].parent = node.next.parent;
draftItems[idx].position = node.next.position;
}, []);
const handleMouseUp = useCallback(
e => {
if (selectRef.current.hasSelection && !selectRef.current.isSelecting) {
if (selectRef.current.isSelecting) {
setSelecting({ isSelecting: false, node: null });
[dragging, selecting],
const handleMouseMove = useCallback(e => {
if (selectRef.current.isSelecting && selectRef.current.node) {
const { clientX, clientY } = e;
const dimensions = outline.current.dimensions.get(selectRef.current.node.id);
if (dimensions) {
const entry = getDimensions(dimensions.entry);
if (entry) {
const isAbove = clientY < entry.top;
const isBelow = clientY > entry.bottom;
if (!isAbove && !isBelow && selectRef.current.hasSelection) {
const nodeDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(selectRef.current.node.depth);
const aboveNode = nodeDepth ? nodeDepth.get(selectRef.current.node.id) : null;
if (aboveNode) {
setSelection({ nodes: [{ id: selectRef.current.node.id }], first: aboveNode });
selectRef.current.hasSelection = false;
if (isAbove || isBelow) {
const { curDraggable } = getNodeOver({ x: clientX, y: clientY }, outline.current);
const nodeDepth = outline.current.nodes.get(selectRef.current.node.depth);
const selectedNode = nodeDepth ? nodeDepth.get(selectRef.current.node.id) : null;
let aboveNode: OutlineNode | undefined | null = null;
let belowNode: OutlineNode | undefined | null = null;
if (isBelow) {
aboveNode = selectedNode;
belowNode = curDraggable;
} else {
aboveNode = curDraggable;
belowNode = selectedNode;
if (aboveNode && belowNode) {
const aboveDim = outline.current.dimensions.get(aboveNode.id);
const belowDim = outline.current.dimensions.get(belowNode.id);
if (aboveDim && belowDim) {
const aboveDimBounds = getDimensions(aboveDim.entry);
const belowDimBounds = getDimensions(belowDim.children ? belowDim.children : belowDim.entry);
const aboveDimY = aboveDimBounds ? aboveDimBounds.bottom : 0;
const belowDimY = belowDimBounds ? belowDimBounds.top : 0;
const inbetweenNodes: Array<{ id: string }> = [];
for (const [id, dimension] of outline.current.dimensions.entries()) {
if (id === aboveNode.id || id === belowNode.id) {
inbetweenNodes.push({ id });
const targetNodeBounds = getDimensions(dimension.entry);
if (targetNodeBounds) {
if (
Math.round(aboveDimY) <= Math.round(targetNodeBounds.top) &&
Math.round(belowDimY) >= Math.round(targetNodeBounds.bottom)
) {
inbetweenNodes.push({ id });
const filteredNodes = inbetweenNodes.filter(n => {
const parent = outline.current.published.get(n.id);
if (parent) {
const foundParent = inbetweenNodes.find(c => c.id === parent);
if (foundParent) {
return false;
return true;
selectRef.current.hasSelection = true;
setSelection({ nodes: filteredNodes, first: aboveNode });
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
}, []);
if (!root) {
return null;
return (
<GlobalTopNavbar onSaveProjectName={NOOP} projectID={null} name={null} />
setImpact: data => {
if (data) {
const { zone, depth } = data;
let listPosition = 65535;
if (zone.above && zone.above.node.depth + 1 <= depth && zone.above.node.collapsed) {
const aboveChildren = items
.filter(i => (zone.above ? i.parent === zone.above.node.id : false))
.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position);
const lastChild = aboveChildren[aboveChildren.length - 1];
if (lastChild) {
listPosition = lastChild.position * 2.0;
} else {
const correctNode = getCorrectNode(outline.current, zone.above ? zone.above.node : null, depth);
const listAbove = validateDepth(correctNode, depth);
const listBelow = validateDepth(zone.below ? zone.below.node : null, depth);
console.log(listAbove, listBelow);
if (listAbove && listBelow) {
listPosition = (listAbove.position + listBelow.position) / 2.0;
} else if (listAbove && !listBelow) {
listPosition = listAbove.position * 2.0;
} else if (!listAbove && listBelow) {
listPosition = listBelow.position / 2.0;
if (!zone.above && zone.below) {
const newPosition = zone.below.node.position / 2.0;
setImpact(() => ({
listPosition: newPosition,
depthTarget: depth,
if (zone.above) {
// console.log(`prev=${prev} next=${next} targetPosition=${targetPosition}`);
// let targetID = depthTarget === 1 ? 'root' : node.ancestors[depthTarget - 1];
// targetID = targetID ?? node.id;
setImpact(() => ({
depthTarget: depth,
} else {
setNodeDimensions: (nodeID, ref) => {
outline.current.dimensions.set(nodeID, ref);
clearNodeDimensions: nodeID => {
<RootWrapper ref={$content}>
onStartSelect={({ id, depth }) => {
setSelecting({ isSelecting: true, node: { id, depth } });
onToggleCollapse={(id, collapsed) => {
setItems(prevItems =>
produce(prevItems, draftItems => {
const idx = prevItems.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
if (idx !== -1) {
draftItems[idx].collapsed = collapsed;
selection={selection ? selection.nodes : null}
onCancelDrag={() => {
setDragging({ show: false, draggedNodes: null, initialPos: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
onStartDrag={e => {
if (e.id !== 'root') {
if (selectRef.current.hasSelection && selection && selection.nodes.find(c => c.id === e.id)) {
show: true,
draggedNodes: [...selection.nodes.map(c => c.id)],
initialPos: { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY },
} else {
setDragging({ show: true, draggedNodes: [e.id], initialPos: { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY } });
{dragging.show && dragging.draggedNodes && (
draggedNodes={{ nodes: dragging.draggedNodes, first: selection ? selection.first : null }}
onDragEnd={() => {
if (dragging.draggedNodes && impactRef.current) {
const { zone, depth, listPosition } = impactRef.current;
const noZone = !zone.above && !zone.below;
if (!noZone) {
let parentID = 'root';
if (zone.above) {
parentID = zone.above.node.ancestors[depth - 1];
let reparent = true;
for (let i = 0; i < dragging.draggedNodes.length; i++) {
const draggedID = dragging.draggedNodes[i];
const prevItem = items.find(i => i.id === draggedID);
if (prevItem && prevItem.position === listPosition && prevItem.parent === parentID) {
reparent = false;
// TODO: set reparent if list position changed but parent did not
if (reparent) {
setItems(itemsPrev =>
produce(itemsPrev, draftItems => {
if (dragging.draggedNodes) {
const command: OutlineCommand = { nodes: [] };
outlineHistory.current.current += 1;
dragging.draggedNodes.forEach(n => {
const curDragging = itemsPrev.findIndex(i => i.id === n);
id: n,
prev: {
parent: draftItems[curDragging].parent,
position: draftItems[curDragging].position,
next: {
parent: parentID,
position: listPosition,
draftItems[curDragging].parent = parentID;
draftItems[curDragging].position = listPosition;
outlineHistory.current.commands[outlineHistory.current.current] = command;
if (outlineHistory.current.commands[outlineHistory.current.current + 1]) {
outlineHistory.current.commands.splice(outlineHistory.current.current + 1);
setDragging({ show: false, draggedNodes: null, initialPos: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
{impact && <DragIndicator depthTarget={impact.depthTarget} container={$content} zone={impact.zone} />}
{impact && (
<DragDebug zone={impact.zone ?? null} draggedNodes={dragging.draggedNodes} depthTarget={impact.depthTarget} />
export default Outline;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
type DragContextData = {
impact: null | { zone: ImpactZone; depthTarget: number };
outline: React.MutableRefObject<OutlineData>;
setNodeDimensions: (
nodeID: string,
ref: { entry: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>; children: React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | null },
) => void;
clearNodeDimensions: (nodeID: string) => void;
setImpact: (data: ImpactData | null) => void;
export const DragContext = React.createContext<DragContextData | null>(null);
export const useDrag = () => {
const ctx = useContext(DragContext);
if (ctx) {
return ctx;
throw new Error('context is null');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
import _ from 'lodash';
export function getCorrectNode(data: OutlineData, node: OutlineNode | null, depth: number) {
if (node) {
console.log(depth, node);
if (depth === node.depth) {
return node;
const parent = node.ancestors[depth];
console.log('parent', parent);
if (parent) {
const parentNode = data.relationships.get(parent);
if (parentNode) {
const parentDepth = parentNode.self.depth;
const nodeDepth = data.nodes.get(parentDepth);
return nodeDepth ? nodeDepth.get(parent) : null;
return null;
export function validateDepth(node: OutlineNode | null | undefined, depth: number) {
if (node) {
return node.depth === depth ? node : null;
return null;
export function getNodeAbove(node: OutlineNode, startingParent: RelationshipChild, outline: OutlineData) {
let hasChildren = true;
let nodeAbove: null | RelationshipChild = null;
let aboveTargetID = startingParent.id;
while (hasChildren) {
const targetParent = outline.relationships.get(aboveTargetID);
if (targetParent) {
const parentNodes = outline.nodes.get(targetParent.self.depth);
const parentNode = parentNodes ? parentNodes.get(targetParent.self.id) : null;
if (targetParent.children.length === 0) {
if (parentNode) {
nodeAbove = {
id: parentNode.id,
depth: parentNode.depth,
position: parentNode.position,
children: parentNode.children,
console.log('node above', nodeAbove);
hasChildren = false;
nodeAbove = targetParent.children[targetParent.children.length - 1];
if (targetParent.numberOfSubChildren === 0) {
hasChildren = false;
} else {
aboveTargetID = nodeAbove.id;
} else {
const target = outline.relationships.get(node.ancestors[0]);
if (target) {
const targetChild = target.children.find(i => i.id === aboveTargetID);
if (targetChild) {
nodeAbove = targetChild;
hasChildren = false;
console.log('final node above', nodeAbove);
return nodeAbove;
export function getBelowParent(node: OutlineNode, outline: OutlineData) {
const { relationships, nodes } = outline;
const parentDepth = nodes.get(node.depth - 1);
const parent = parentDepth ? parentDepth.get(node.parent) : null;
if (parent) {
const grandfather = relationships.get(parent.parent);
if (grandfather) {
const parentIndex = grandfather.children.findIndex(c => c.id === parent.id);
if (parentIndex !== -1) {
if (parentIndex === grandfather.children.length - 1) {
const root = relationships.get(node.ancestors[0]);
if (root) {
const ancestorIndex = root.children.findIndex(c => c.id === node.ancestors[1]);
if (ancestorIndex !== -1) {
const nextAncestor = root.children[ancestorIndex + 1];
if (nextAncestor) {
return nextAncestor;
} else {
const nextChild = grandfather.children[parentIndex + 1];
if (nextChild) {
return nextChild;
return null;
export function getDimensions(ref: React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | null | undefined) {
if (ref && ref.current) {
return ref.current.getBoundingClientRect();
return null;
export function getTargetDepth(mouseX: number, handleLeft: number, availableDepths: { min: number; max: number }) {
if (mouseX > handleLeft) {
return availableDepths.max;
let curDepth = availableDepths.max - 1;
for (let x = availableDepths.min; x < availableDepths.max; x++) {
const breakpoint = handleLeft - x * 35;
// console.log(`mouseX=${mouseX} breakpoint=${breakpoint} x=${x} curDepth=${curDepth}`);
if (mouseX > breakpoint) {
return curDepth;
curDepth -= 1;
return availableDepths.min;
export function findNextDraggable(pos: { x: number; y: number }, outline: OutlineData, curDepth: number) {
let index = 0;
const currentDepthNodes = outline.nodes.get(curDepth);
let nodeAbove: null | RelationshipChild = null;
if (!currentDepthNodes) {
return null;
for (const [id, node] of currentDepthNodes) {
const dimensions = outline.dimensions.get(id);
const target = dimensions ? getDimensions(dimensions.entry) : null;
const children = dimensions ? getDimensions(dimensions.children) : null;
if (target) {
`[${id}] ${pos.y} <= ${target.bottom} = ${pos.y <= target.bottom} / ${pos.y} >= ${target.top} = ${pos.y >=
if (pos.y <= target.bottom && pos.y >= target.top) {
const middlePoint = target.top + target.height / 2;
const position: ImpactPosition = pos.y > middlePoint ? 'after' : 'before';
return {
found: true,
if (children) {
`[${id}] ${pos.y} <= ${children.bottom} = ${pos.y <= children.bottom} / ${pos.y} >= ${children.top} = ${pos.y >=
if (pos.y <= children.bottom && pos.y >= children.top) {
const position: ImpactPosition = 'after';
return { found: false, node, position };
index += 1;
return null;
export function transformToTree(arr: any) {
const nodes: any = {};
return arr.filter(function(obj: any) {
var id = obj['id'],
parentId = obj['parent'];
nodes[id] = _.defaults(obj, nodes[id], { children: [] });
parentId && (nodes[parentId] = nodes[parentId] || { children: [] })['children'].push(obj);
return !parentId;
export function findNode(parentID: string, nodeID: string, data: OutlineData) {
const nodeRelations = data.relationships.get(parentID);
if (nodeRelations) {
const nodeDepth = data.nodes.get(nodeRelations.self.depth + 1);
if (nodeDepth) {
const node = nodeDepth.get(nodeID);
return node ?? null;
return null;
export function findNodeDepth(published: Map<string, string>, id: string) {
let currentID = id;
let breaker = 0;
let depth = 0;
let ancestors = [id];
while (currentID !== 'root') {
const nextID = published.get(currentID);
if (nextID) {
ancestors = [nextID, ...ancestors];
currentID = nextID;
depth += 1;
breaker += 1;
if (breaker > 100) {
throw new Error('node depth breaker was thrown');
} else {
throw new Error('unable to find nextID');
return { depth, ancestors };
export function getNumberOfChildren(root: ItemElement, ancestors: Array<string>) {
let currentBranch = root;
for (let i = 1; i < ancestors.length; i++) {
const nextBranch = currentBranch.children ? currentBranch.children.find(c => c.id === ancestors[i]) : null;
if (nextBranch) {
currentBranch = nextBranch;
} else {
throw new Error('unable to find next branch');
return currentBranch.children ? currentBranch.children.length : 0;
export function findNodeAbove(outline: OutlineData, curDepth: number, belowNode: OutlineNode) {
let targetAboveNode: null | RelationshipChild = null;
if (curDepth === 1) {
const relations = outline.relationships.get(belowNode.ancestors[0]);
if (relations) {
const parentIndex = relations.children.findIndex(n => belowNode && n.id === belowNode.ancestors[1]);
if (parentIndex !== -1) {
const aboveParent = relations.children[parentIndex - 1];
if (parentIndex === 0) {
targetAboveNode = null;
} else {
targetAboveNode = getNodeAbove(belowNode, aboveParent, outline);
} else {
const relations = outline.relationships.get(belowNode.parent);
if (relations) {
const currentIndex = relations.children.findIndex(n => belowNode && n.id === belowNode.id);
// is first child, so use parent
if (currentIndex === 0) {
const parentNodes = outline.nodes.get(belowNode.depth - 1);
const parentNode = parentNodes ? parentNodes.get(belowNode.parent) : null;
if (parentNode) {
targetAboveNode = {
id: belowNode.parent,
depth: belowNode.depth - 1,
position: parentNode.position,
children: parentNode.children,
} else if (currentIndex !== -1) {
// is not first child, so first prev sibling
const aboveParentNode = relations.children[currentIndex - 1];
if (aboveParentNode) {
targetAboveNode = getNodeAbove(belowNode, aboveParentNode, outline);
if (targetAboveNode === null) {
targetAboveNode = aboveParentNode;
if (targetAboveNode) {
const depthNodes = outline.nodes.get(targetAboveNode.depth);
if (depthNodes) {
return depthNodes.get(targetAboveNode.id) ?? null;
return null;
export function getNodeOver(mouse: { x: number; y: number }, outline: OutlineData) {
let curDepth = 1;
let curDraggables: any;
let curDraggable: any;
let curPosition: ImpactPosition = 'after';
while (outline.nodes.size + 1 > curDepth) {
curDraggables = outline.nodes.get(curDepth);
if (curDraggables) {
const nextDraggable = findNextDraggable(mouse, outline, curDepth);
if (nextDraggable) {
curDraggable = nextDraggable.node;
curPosition = nextDraggable.position;
if (nextDraggable.found) {
curDepth += 1;
} else {
return {
export function findCommonParent(outline: OutlineData, aboveNode: OutlineNode, belowNode: OutlineNode) {
let aboveParentID = null;
let depth = 0;
for (let aIdx = aboveNode.ancestors.length - 1; aIdx !== 0; aIdx--) {
depth = aIdx;
const aboveNodeParent = aboveNode.ancestors[aIdx];
for (let bIdx = belowNode.ancestors.length - 1; bIdx !== 0; bIdx--) {
if (belowNode.ancestors[bIdx] === aboveNodeParent) {
aboveParentID = aboveNodeParent;
if (aboveParentID) {
const parent = outline.relationships.get(aboveParentID) ?? null;
if (parent) {
return {
return null;
return null;
export function getLastChildInBranch(outline: OutlineData, lastParentNode: OutlineNode) {
let curParentRelation = outline.relationships.get(lastParentNode.id);
if (!curParentRelation) {
return { id: lastParentNode.id, depth: 1 };
let hasChildren = lastParentNode.children !== 0;
let depth = 1;
let finalID: null | string = null;
while (hasChildren) {
if (curParentRelation) {
const lastChild = curParentRelation.children.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)[
curParentRelation.children.length - 1
depth += 1;
if (lastChild.children === 0) {
finalID = lastChild.id;
curParentRelation = outline.relationships.get(lastChild.id);
} else {
hasChildren = false;
if (finalID !== null) {
return { id: finalID, depth };
return null;