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-- name: GetAllNotificationsForUserID :many
SELECT * FROM notification_notified AS nn
INNER JOIN notification AS n ON n.notification_id = nn.notification_id
LEFT JOIN user_account ON user_account.user_id = n.caused_by
WHERE nn.user_id = $1;
-- name: GetNotifiedByID :one
SELECT * FROM notification_notified as nn
INNER JOIN notification AS n ON n.notification_id = nn.notification_id
LEFT JOIN user_account ON user_account.user_id = n.caused_by
WHERE notified_id = $1;
-- name: HasUnreadNotification :one
SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM notification_notified WHERE read = false AND user_id = $1);
-- name: MarkNotificationAsRead :exec
UPDATE notification_notified SET read = $3, read_at = $2 WHERE user_id = $1 AND notified_id = $4;
-- name: CreateNotification :one
INSERT INTO notification (caused_by, data, action_type, created_on)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *;
-- name: CreateNotificationNotifed :one
INSERT INTO notification_notified (notification_id, user_id) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING *;
-- name: GetNotificationsForUserIDPaged :many
SELECT * FROM notification_notified AS nn
INNER JOIN notification AS n ON n.notification_id = nn.notification_id
LEFT JOIN user_account ON user_account.user_id = n.caused_by
WHERE nn.user_id = @user_id::uuid
AND (@enable_unread::boolean = false OR nn.read = false)
AND (@enable_action_type::boolean = false OR n.action_type = ANY(@action_type::text[]))
ORDER BY n.created_on DESC
LIMIT @limit_rows::int;
-- name: GetNotificationsForUserIDCursor :many
SELECT * FROM notification_notified AS nn
INNER JOIN notification AS n ON n.notification_id = nn.notification_id
LEFT JOIN user_account ON user_account.user_id = n.caused_by
WHERE (n.created_on, n.notification_id) < (@created_on::timestamptz, @notification_id::uuid)
AND nn.user_id = @user_id::uuid
ORDER BY n.created_on DESC
LIMIT @limit_rows::int;