Jeremy Zhang bc129289fc Use redis to store discord api related objects, so far messages only
Keeping the table for now in case the redis method does not work as hoped
2018-07-16 03:50:31 +00:00

110 lines
4.1 KiB

from titanembeds.utils import get_formatted_message
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import asyncio_redis
import json
import discord
import asyncio
import traceback
import sys
import re
class RedisQueue:
def __init__(self, bot, redis_uri):
self.bot = bot
self.redis_uri = redis_uri
async def connect(self):
url_parsed = urlparse(self.redis_uri)
url_path = 0
if url_parsed.path and len(url_parsed.path) > 2:
url_path = int(url_parsed.path[1:])
self.sub_connection = await asyncio_redis.Connection.create(
host = url_parsed.hostname or "localhost",
port = url_parsed.port or 6379,
password = url_parsed.password,
db = url_path
self.connection = await asyncio_redis.Pool.create(
host = url_parsed.hostname or "localhost",
port = url_parsed.port or 6379,
password = url_parsed.password,
db = url_path,
poolsize = 10
async def subscribe(self):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
subscriber = await self.sub_connection.start_subscribe()
await subscriber.subscribe(["discord-api-req"])
while True:
reply = await subscriber.next_published()
request = json.loads(reply.value)
resource = request["resource"]
self.dispatch(resource, request["key"], request["params"])
def dispatch(self, event, key, params):
method = "on_" + event
if hasattr(self, method):
self.bot.loop.create_task(self._run_event(method, key, params))
async def _run_event(self, event, key, params):
await getattr(self, event)(key, params)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
except Exception:
await self.on_error(event)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
async def on_error(self, event_method):
print('Ignoring exception in {}'.format(event_method), file=sys.stderr)
async def set_scan_json(self, key, dict_key, dict_value_pattern):
unformatted_item = None
formatted_item = None
exists = await self.connection.exists(key)
if exists:
members = await self.connection.smembers(key)
for member in members:
the_member = await member
parsed = json.loads(the_member)
if re.match(str(dict_value_pattern), str(parsed[dict_key])):
unformatted_item = the_member
formatted_item = parsed
return (unformatted_item, formatted_item)
async def on_get_channel_messages(self, key, params):
channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(params["channel_id"]))
if not channel or not isinstance(channel, discord.channel.TextChannel):
await self.connection.delete([key])
messages = []
async for message in channel.history(limit=50):
formatted = get_formatted_message(message)
await self.connection.sadd(key, messages)
async def push_message(self, message):
if message.guild:
key = "Queue/channels/{}/messages".format(message.channel.id)
exists = await self.connection.exists(key)
if exists:
message = get_formatted_message(message)
await self.connection.sadd(key, [json.dumps(message)])
async def delete_message(self, message):
if message.guild:
key = "Queue/channels/{}/messages".format(message.channel.id)
exists = await self.connection.exists(key)
if exists:
unformatted_item, formatted_item = await self.set_scan_json(key, "id", message.id)
if formatted_item:
await self.connection.srem(key, [unformatted_item])
async def update_message(self, message):
await self.delete_message(message)
await self.push_message(message)