mirror of https://github.com/TitanEmbeds/Titan.git synced 2025-02-27 13:37:40 +01:00

216 lines
5.8 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: titanembeds\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-18 22:46+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-25 00:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: EndenDragon <jeremyzhang5000@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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"Generated-By: Babel 2.5.3\n"
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"X-Crowdin-Project: titanembeds\n"
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"X-Crowdin-File: /master/webapp/titanembeds/translations/messages.pot\n"
"Language: sv_SE\n"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:15
msgid "Let's get to know each other! My name is Titan, what's yours?"
msgstr "Låt oss få känna varandra! Mitt namn är Titan, vad är ditt?"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:16
msgid "Hello and welcome!"
msgstr "Hej och Välkommen!"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:17
msgid "What brings you here today?"
msgstr "Varför kom du hit idag?"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:18
msgid "....what do you expect this text to say?"
msgstr "....vad förväntar du dig att denna text säger?"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:19
msgid "Aha! ..made you look!"
msgstr "Aha! ..Fick dig att titta!"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:20
msgid "Initiating launch sequence..."
msgstr "Påbörjar start sekvensen..."
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:21
msgid "Captain, what's your option?"
msgstr "Kapten, vad väljer du?"
#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/embed.py:22
msgid "Alright, here's the usual~"
msgstr "Alright, här är de vanliga-"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:78
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Åtgärder"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:79
msgid "Manage Guild Embed"
msgstr "Hantera guild inbäddning"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:80
msgid "Open Server on Discordapp"
msgstr "Öppna Server i Discordappen"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:84
msgid "Channel Topic"
msgstr "Kanal ämne"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:89
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanaler"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:94
msgid "Online Server Members"
msgstr "Online Server medlemmar"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:99
msgid "Authenticated Embed Users"
msgstr "Autentiserade inbäddna användare"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:102
msgid "Guest Embed Users"
msgstr "Gäst inbäddna användare"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:122
msgid "Please choose one of the following methods to authenticate!"
msgstr "Välj en av följande metoder för att autentisera!"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:128
msgid "Discord Login"
msgstr "Discord login"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:129
msgid "You will be invited into this server."
msgstr "Du kommer att bjudas in till denna server."
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:133
msgid "Of course, you also have the option to login by picking a temporary username for your current browsing session."
msgstr "Naturligtvis har du också möjlighet att logga in genom att använda ett tillfälligt användarnamn för den aktuella sessionen."
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:135
msgid "Username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)"
msgstr "Användarnamn (tryck ENTER/RETUR för att bekräfta)"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:147
msgid "Change Username"
msgstr "Ändra användarnamn"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:150
msgid "Guests Accounts Only"
msgstr "Endast gäst-konton"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:152
msgid "Change your username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)"
msgstr "Ändra ditt användarnamn (tryck ENTER/RETUR för att bekräfta)"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:156
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:167
msgid "Overwrite Current Embed Theme w/ User CSS"
msgstr "Skriv över nuvarande inbäddnings tema med användar CSS"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:171
msgid "Notification Sound"
msgstr "Meddelandeljud"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:176
msgid "New Messages"
msgstr "Nya meddelanden"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:180
msgid "Mentions"
msgstr "Nämningar"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:184
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Ingenting"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:188
msgid "Display Rich Embeds"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:193
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Aktivera"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:197
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Inaktivera"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:209
msgid "Just one more step..."
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:217
msgid "NSFW Channel"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:218
msgid "You must be at least eighteen years old to view this channel. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:220
msgid "Nope"
msgstr "Nej"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:221
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Fortsätta"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:232
msgid "Mention"
msgstr "Nämna"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:237
msgid "TitanEmbeds Administrator"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:238
msgid "TitanEmbeds Partner"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:239
msgid "TitanEmbeds Supporter"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:240
msgid "I have voted for Titan on Discord Bots today!"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:242
msgid "User is offline in Discord."
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:243
msgid "Playing"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:244
msgid "Roles"
msgstr ""
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:253
msgid "Server Emoji"
msgstr "Server Emoji"
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:270
msgid "Please login to post a message."
msgstr "Logga in för att skriva ett meddelande."
#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:270
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logga in"