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synced 2025-03-14 12:57:39 +01:00
274 lines
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274 lines
8.3 KiB
import discord
import time
from email import utils as emailutils
def format_datetime(datetimeobj):
return emailutils.formatdate(time.mktime(datetimeobj.timetuple())) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3453177/convert-python-datetime-to-rfc-2822
def get_formatted_message(message):
edit_ts = message.edited_at
if not edit_ts:
edit_ts = None
edit_ts = format_datetime(edit_ts)
msg = {
"id": str(message.id),
"channel_id": str(message.channel.id),
"content": message.content,
"author": get_message_author(message),
"timestamp": format_datetime(message.created_at),
"edited_timestamp": edit_ts,
"type": message.type.value,
if hasattr(message, "mentions"):
msg["mentions"] = get_message_mentions(message.mentions)
if hasattr(message, "attachments"):
msg["attachments"] = get_attachments_list(message.attachments)
if hasattr(message, "embeds"):
msg["embeds"] = get_embeds_list(message.embeds)
if hasattr(message, "author"):
nickname = None
if hasattr(message.author, 'nick') and message.author.nick:
nickname = message.author.nick
msg["author"]["nickname"] = nickname
if hasattr(message, "mentions"):
for mention in msg["mentions"]:
mention["nickname"] = None
member = message.guild.get_member(mention["id"])
if member:
mention["nickname"] = member.nick
if hasattr(message, "reactions"):
msg["reactions"] = get_message_reactions(message.reactions)
return msg
def get_formatted_user(user):
userobj = {
"avatar": user.avatar,
"avatar_url": user.avatar_url_as(static_format="png", size=512),
"color": str(user.color)[1:],
"discriminator": user.discriminator,
"game": None,
"hoist-role": None,
"id": str(user.id),
"status": str(user.status),
"username": user.name,
"nick": None,
"bot": user.bot,
"roles": []
if userobj["color"] == "000000":
userobj["color"] = None
# if userobj["avatar_url"][len(userobj["avatar_url"])-15:] != ".jpg":
# userobj["avatar_url"] = userobj["avatar_url"][:len(userobj["avatar_url"])-14] + ".jpg"
if user.nick:
userobj["nick"] = user.nick
if hasattr(user, "activity") and user.activity:
userobj["activity"] = {
"name": user.activity.name
roles = sorted(user.roles, key=lambda k: k.position, reverse=True)
for role in roles:
if role.hoist and userobj["hoist-role"] == None:
userobj["hoist-role"] = {
"id": str(role.id),
"name": role.name,
"position": role.position,
return userobj
def get_message_author(message):
if not hasattr(message, "author"):
return {}
author = message.author
obj = {
"username": author.name,
"discriminator": author.discriminator,
"bot": author.bot,
"id": str(author.id),
"avatar": author.avatar
return obj
def get_formatted_emojis(emojis):
emotes = []
for emo in emojis:
"id": str(emo.id),
"managed": emo.managed,
"name": emo.name,
"require_colons": emo.require_colons,
"roles": get_roles_list(emo.roles),
"url": emo.url,
return emotes
def get_formatted_guild(guild, webhooks=[]):
guil = {
"id": str(guild.id),
"name": guild.name,
"icon": guild.icon,
"icon_url": guild.icon_url,
"owner_id": guild.owner_id,
"roles": get_roles_list(guild.roles),
"channels": get_channels_list(guild.channels),
"webhooks": get_webhooks_list(webhooks),
"emojis": get_emojis_list(guild.emojis)
return guil
def get_formatted_channel(channel):
chan = {
"id": str(channel.id),
"guild_id": str(channel.guild.id),
return chan
def get_formatted_role(role):
rol = {
"id": str(role.id),
"guild_id": str(role.guild.id),
"name": role.name,
"color": role.color.value,
"hoist": role.hoist,
"position": role.position,
"permissions": role.permissions.value,
return rol
def get_message_mentions(mentions):
ments = []
for author in mentions:
"username": author.name,
"discriminator": author.discriminator,
"bot": author.bot,
"id": str(author.id),
"avatar": author.avatar
return ments
def get_webhooks_list(guild_webhooks):
webhooks = []
for webhook in guild_webhooks:
"id": str(webhook.id),
"guild_id": str(webhook.guild.id),
"channel_id": str(webhook.channel.id),
"name": webhook.name,
"token": webhook.token,
return webhooks
def get_emojis_list(guildemojis):
emojis = []
for emote in guildemojis:
"id": str(emote.id),
"name": emote.name,
"require_colons": emote.require_colons,
"managed": emote.managed,
"roles": list_role_ids(emote.roles),
"url": emote.url,
"animated": emote.animated
return emojis
def get_roles_list(guildroles):
roles = []
for role in guildroles:
"id": str(role.id),
"name": role.name,
"color": role.color.value,
"hoist": role.hoist,
"position": role.position,
"permissions": role.permissions.value
return roles
def get_channels_list(guildchannels):
channels = []
for channel in guildchannels:
if isinstance(channel, discord.channel.TextChannel) or isinstance(channel, discord.channel.CategoryChannel):
overwrites = []
isTextChannel = isinstance(channel, discord.channel.TextChannel)
for target, overwrite in channel.overwrites:
if isinstance(target, discord.Role):
type = "role"
type = "member"
allow, deny = overwrite.pair()
allow = allow.value
deny = deny.value
"id": str(target.id),
"type": type,
"allow": allow,
"deny": deny,
parent = channel.category
if parent:
parent = str(parent.id)
"id": str(channel.id),
"name": channel.name,
"topic": channel.topic if isTextChannel else None,
"position": channel.position,
"type": "text" if isTextChannel else "category",
"permission_overwrites": overwrites,
"parent_id": parent,
"nsfw": channel.is_nsfw(),
return channels
def list_role_ids(usr_roles):
ids = []
for role in usr_roles:
return ids
def get_attachments_list(attachments):
attr = []
for attach in attachments:
a = {
"id": str(attach.id),
"size": attach.size,
"filename": attach.filename,
"url": attach.url,
"proxy_url": attach.proxy_url,
if attach.height:
a["height"] = attach.height
if attach.width:
a["width"] = attach.width
return attr
def get_embeds_list(embeds):
em = []
for e in embeds:
return em
def get_message_reactions(reactions):
reacts = []
for reaction in reactions:
"emoji": get_partial_emoji(reaction.emoji),
"count": reaction.count
return reacts
def get_partial_emoji(emoji):
emote = {
"animated": False,
"id": None,
"name": str(emoji)
if isinstance(emoji, str):
return emote
emote["animated"] = emoji.animated
emote["id"] = str(emoji.id)
emote["name"] = emoji.name
return emote |