msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: titanembeds\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-28 00:45+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-27 19:50-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: EndenDragon <>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.5.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: titanembeds\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: tr\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /master/webapp/titanembeds/translations/messages.pot\n"
"Language: tr_TR\n"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Let's get to know each other! My name is Titan, what's yours?"
msgstr "Haydi birbirimizi taniyalim! Benim adim Titan, senin ki?"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Hello and welcome!"
msgstr "Merhaba ve hosgeldin!"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "What brings you here today?"
msgstr "Seni bugun buraya getiren sey nedir?"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "....what do you expect this text to say?"
msgstr "....Bu yazinin ne soylemesini bekiyorsun?"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Aha! ..made you look!"
msgstr "Aha! ..sonunda baktirdim!"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Initiating launch sequence..."
msgstr "Fırlatma işlemi başlatılıyor..."

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Captain, what's your option?"
msgstr "Kaptan, secenegin nedir?"

#: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/
msgid "Alright, here's the usual~"
msgstr "Pekala, işte her zamanki ~"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:71
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Aksiyonlar"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:72
msgid "Manage Guild Embed"
msgstr "Guild Gömme'yi Yönet"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:73
msgid "Open Server on Discordapp"
msgstr "Discordapp'ta Açık Sunucu"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:77
msgid "Channel Topic"
msgstr "Kanal Konusu"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:82
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanallar"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:87
msgid "Online Server Members"
msgstr "Online Server Uyeleri"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:92
msgid "Authenticated Embed Users"
msgstr "Kimliği Doğrulanmış Kullanıcıları Göm"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:95
msgid "Guest Embed Users"
msgstr "Konuklar Kullanıcıları Göm"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:115
msgid "Please choose one of the following methods to authenticate!"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulamak için lütfen aşağıdaki yöntemlerden birini seçin!"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:121
msgid "Discord Login"
msgstr "Discord Girişi"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:122
msgid "You will be invited into this server."
msgstr "Bu sunucuya davet edileceksin."

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:126
msgid "Of course, you also have the option to login by picking a temporary username for your current browsing session."
msgstr "Elbette, mevcut tarama oturumunuz için geçici bir kullanıcı adı seçerek de giriş yapma seçeneğiniz vardır."

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:128
msgid "Username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)"
msgstr "Kullanıcı adı (Onaylamak için ENTER / RETURN tuşuna basınız)"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:140
msgid "Change Username"
msgstr "Kullanici adini degistir"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:143
msgid "Guests Accounts Only"
msgstr "Sadece Misafir Hesaplar"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:145
msgid "Change your username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)"
msgstr "Kullanıcı adınızı değiştirin (Onaylamak için ENTER / RETURN tuşuna basınız)"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:149
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:159
msgid "Overwrite Current Embed Theme w/ User CSS"
msgstr "Kullanıcı CSS'siyle Geçerli Göm Teması Üzerine Yaz"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:163
msgid "Notification Sound"
msgstr "Bildirim Sesi"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:168
msgid "New Messages"
msgstr "Yeni mesajlar"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:172
msgid "Mentions"
msgstr "Bahsedenler"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:176
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Hicbir sey"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:180
msgid "Display Rich Embeds"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:185
msgid "Enable"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:189
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:201
msgid "Just one more step..."
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:209
msgid "NSFW Channel"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:210
msgid "You must be at least eighteen years old to view this channel. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:212
msgid "Nope"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:213
msgid "Continue"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:224
msgid "Mention"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:229
msgid "TitanEmbeds Administrator"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:230
msgid "TitanEmbeds Partner"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:231
msgid "TitanEmbeds Supporter"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:232
msgid "GitHub Stargazer"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:234
msgid "User is offline in Discord."
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:235
msgid "Playing"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:236
msgid "Roles"
msgstr ""

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:245
msgid "Server Emoji"
msgstr "Sunucu Emojisi"

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:262
msgid "Please login to post a message."
msgstr "Mesaj gondermek icin giris yapiniz."

#: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:262
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Giris yap"