msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: titanembeds\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-18 22:46+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-26 02:45-0500\n" "Last-Translator: EndenDragon <>\n" "Language-Team: Catalan\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.5.3\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator:\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: titanembeds\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: ca\n" "X-Crowdin-File: /master/webapp/titanembeds/translations/messages.pot\n" "Language: ca_ES\n" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Let's get to know each other! My name is Titan, what's yours?" msgstr "Anem a presentar-nos uns als altres! El meu nom és Titan, quin és el teu?" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Hello and welcome!" msgstr "Hola i benvingut!" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "What brings you here today?" msgstr "Què et porta aquí avui?" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "....what do you expect this text to say?" msgstr "...què esperes que digui aquest text?" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Aha! ..made you look!" msgstr "Aha!... t'ha fet mirar!" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Initiating launch sequence..." msgstr "Iniciant seqüència de llançament..." #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Captain, what's your option?" msgstr "Capità, quina es la seva opció?" #: titanembeds/blueprints/embed/ msgid "Alright, here's the usual~" msgstr "Bé, aquí es l'habitual ~" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:78 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Accions" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:79 msgid "Manage Guild Embed" msgstr "Gestiona la integració del gremi" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:80 msgid "Open Server on Discordapp" msgstr "Obre el servidor al Discord" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:84 msgid "Channel Topic" msgstr "Tema del canal" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:89 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canals" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:94 msgid "Online Server Members" msgstr "Membres en línia del servidor" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:99 msgid "Authenticated Embed Users" msgstr "Comentaris dels usuaris autenticats" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:102 msgid "Guest Embed Users" msgstr "Comentaris dels usuaris anònims" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:122 msgid "Please choose one of the following methods to authenticate!" msgstr "Si us plau, tria un del següents mètodes per iniciar sessió!" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:128 msgid "Discord Login" msgstr "Inici de sessió al Discord" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:129 msgid "You will be invited into this server." msgstr "Seràs convidat a aquest servidor." #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:133 msgid "Of course, you also have the option to login by picking a temporary username for your current browsing session." msgstr "Per descomptat, també tens l'opció d'iniciar sessió seleccionant un nom d'usuari temporal per la sessió de navegació actual." #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:135 msgid "Username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)" msgstr "Nom d'usuari (prem ENTER/RETORN per confirmar)" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:147 msgid "Change Username" msgstr "Canvia el nom d'usuari" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:150 msgid "Guests Accounts Only" msgstr "Només comptes de convidats" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:152 msgid "Change your username (Hit ENTER/RETURN key to confirm)" msgstr "Canvia el teu nom d'usuari (prem ENTER/RETORN per confirmar)" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:156 msgid "Theme" msgstr "Tema" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:167 msgid "Overwrite Current Embed Theme w/ User CSS" msgstr "Sobreescriu el tema incrustat actual amb CSS de l'usuari" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:171 msgid "Notification Sound" msgstr "So de notificació" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:176 msgid "New Messages" msgstr "Missatges nous" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:180 msgid "Mentions" msgstr "Mencions" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:184 msgid "Nothing" msgstr "Res" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:188 msgid "Display Rich Embeds" msgstr "Mostra insercions enriquides" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:193 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Activa" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:197 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Desactiva" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:209 msgid "Just one more step..." msgstr "Només un pas més..." #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:217 msgid "NSFW Channel" msgstr "Canal NSFW" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:218 msgid "You must be at least eighteen years old to view this channel. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?" msgstr "Has de tenir almenys divuit anys per veure aquest canal. Tens més de divuit anys i estàs disposat a veure contingut per adults?" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:220 msgid "Nope" msgstr "No" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:221 msgid "Continue" msgstr "Continua" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:232 msgid "Mention" msgstr "Menció" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:237 msgid "TitanEmbeds Administrator" msgstr "Administrador de TitanEmbeds" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:238 msgid "TitanEmbeds Partner" msgstr "Soci de TitanEmbeds" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:239 msgid "TitanEmbeds Supporter" msgstr "Simpatitzant de TitanEmbeds" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:240 msgid "I have voted for Titan on Discord Bots today!" msgstr "He votat per Titan en bots de Discord avui!" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:242 msgid "User is offline in Discord." msgstr "L'usuari està desconnectat al Discord." #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:243 msgid "Playing" msgstr "Jugant a" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:244 msgid "Roles" msgstr "Rols" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:253 msgid "Server Emoji" msgstr "Emoticones del servidor" #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:270 msgid "Please login to post a message." msgstr "Si us plau, inicia sessió per escriure un missatge." #: titanembeds/templates/embed.html.j2:270 msgid "Login" msgstr "Inicia sessió"