/*global $, ace, Materialize, newCSS, CSS_ID, ADMIN*/ (function () { if($("#css_editor").length != 0) { var editor = ace.edit("css_editor"); } function postForm() { var name = $('#css_name').val(); var var_enabled = $("#toggleCSSVar").is(':checked'); var css = null; if($("#css_editor").length != 0) { css = editor.getValue(); if (css.length == 0) { css = null; } } var payload = {"name": name, "variables_enabled": var_enabled, "css": css}; if (var_enabled) { var variables = JSON.stringify(formatCSSVars()); payload.variables = variables; } if (ADMIN) { var user_id = $('#css_user_id').val(); payload.user_id = user_id; } var funct = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", method: "POST", data: payload }); return funct.promise(); } $(function(){ if($("#css_editor").length != 0) { editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/css"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome"); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'save', bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-S", "mac": "Cmd-S"}, exec: function(editor) { $('#submit-btn').trigger('click'); } }); editor.on("blur", function () { update_live_preview(); }); } $("#submit-btn").click(submitForm); if (!newCSS) { $("#delete-btn").click(delete_css); } $(".updateLivePreview").on("blur", function () { update_live_preview(); }); $("#toggleCSSVar").on("change", function () { update_live_preview(); }); $("#preview_guildid").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { change_live_preview(); } }); }); function formatCSSVars() { return { "modal": $("#css_var_modal").val(), "noroleusers": $("#css_var_noroleusers").val(), "main": $("#css_var_main").val(), "placeholder": $("#css_var_placeholder").val(), "sidebardivider": $("#css_var_sidebardivider").val(), "leftsidebar": $("#css_var_leftsidebar").val(), "rightsidebar": $("#css_var_rightsidebar").val(), "header": $("#css_var_header").val(), "chatmessage": $("#css_var_chatmessage").val(), "discrim": $("#css_var_discrim").val(), "chatbox": $("#css_var_chatbox").val(), }; } function submitForm() { var formPost = postForm(); formPost.done(function (data) { if (newCSS) { window.location.href = "edit/" + data.id; } else { Materialize.toast('CSS Updated!', 10000); update_live_preview(true); $("#live_preview_warning").hide(); } }); formPost.fail(function () { Materialize.toast('Oh no! Something has failed posting your CSS!', 10000); }); } function delete_css() { var candelete = confirm("Do you really want to delete this css???"); if (!candelete) { return; } $.ajax({ type: 'DELETE', success: function() { alert("You have successfully deleted the CSS!"); if (ADMIN) { window.location.href = "/admin/custom_css"; } else { window.location.href = "/user/dashboard"; } }, error: function() { Materialize.toast('Oh no! Something has failed deleting your CSS!', 10000); } }); } function update_live_preview(refresh=false) { if (refresh) { $('#iframepreview').attr('src', $('#iframepreview').attr('src')); return; } $("#live_preview_warning").show(); var output = ""; if ($("#toggleCSSVar").is(':checked')) { var cssVars = formatCSSVars(); output += ":root {"; for (var key in cssVars) { if (cssVars.hasOwnProperty(key)) { output += "--" + key + ":" + cssVars[key] + ";"; } } output += "}"; } if($("#css_editor").length != 0) { output += editor.getValue(); } $("#iframepreview").contents().find('#user-defined-css').html(output); } function change_live_preview() { var src = "/embed/" + $("#preview_guildid").val(); if (!newCSS) { src += "?css=" + CSS_ID; } $("#iframepreview").attr("src", src); update_live_preview(); } })();