<p class="red lighten-3" id="live_preview_warning" style="display: none;">WARNING: Changes you've made to the css shown in the live preview MAY NOT have been saved! <strong>Hit the submit button to save your work.</strong></p>
<input id="css_var_modal" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#546e7a{% else %}{{ variables.modal|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_noroleusers" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#eceff1{% else %}{{ variables.noroleusers|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_main" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#455a64{% else %}{{ variables.main|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_placeholder" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#636363{% else %}{{ variables.placeholder|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_sidebardivider" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#90a4ae{% else %}{{ variables.sidebardivider|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_leftsidebar" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#607d8b{% else %}{{ variables.leftsidebar|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_rightsidebar" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#607d8b{% else %}{{ variables.rightsidebar|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_header" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#263238{% else %}{{ variables.header|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_chatmessage" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#c3c4c5{% else %}{{ variables.chatmessage|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_discrim" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#FFFFFF{% else %}{{ variables.discrim|e }}{% endif %}">
<input id="css_var_chatbox" class="jscolor {hash:true} updateLivePreview" value="{% if new or variables is none %}#37474f{% else %}{{ variables.chatbox|e }}{% endif %}">
{% if (new and premium_css_count >= cosmetics.css_limit) or (not new and premium_css_count >= cosmetics.css_limit and css.css is none) %}
<div class="col s12">
<p class="flow-text">All custom CSS slots are used. Donate to get more!</p>
<p>Free up some slots by emptying your other custom CSS field and submitting it (Titan will automatically mark empty custom css editor fields as unused slots in the database) or delete the user defined css slot altogether.</p>