Would you like to run your own copy of Titan Embeds? There are two parts that integrate nicely together. The webapp (website) handles the frontend and communication with the database to retrieve server messages, etc. The discordbot (bot) handles the communcation
between Discord's websockets and pushing out the data to the database for the webapp. Check out the respective folder for their installation instructions. Titan is written in Python and requires **Python 3.6.8** at minimum to run.
If you happen to have a copy of Ubuntu on your server, you may head onto our [Ansible Playbooks](https://github.com/TitanEmbeds/ansible-playbooks) repository and perform a **near-to-automatic** installation of TitanEmbeds.
To set up the database for it to work with the webapp and the discordbot, one must use **alembic** to *migrate* their databases to the current database state. To do so, please follow these instructions.
2. Change your directory to the webapp where the alembic files are located `cd webapp`
3. Clone `alembic.example.ini` into your own `alembic.ini` file to find and edit the following line `sqlalchemy.url` to equal your database uri. [See here](http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#database-urls) if you need help understanding how database uri works in SQLalchemy.
4. In your terminal, run `alembic upgrade head` to upgrade your database tables to the current version on git. As long as there are only *INFO* messages and no errors, you should be fine.
5. Check your database tables to see if they are created. If so, you have finished migrating your database! **Remember to run *Step 4* every now and then just in case if there are database updates.** (Presumably on every `git pull`).
Titan also requires a Redis instance in order to function. There is no specific prerequisites before utilizing Titan with redis. Follow the official Redis [installation instructions](https://redis.io/topics/quickstart) to install and start redis.
This project is never to be used as a replacement for Discord app. It is used in conjunction for a quick and dirty Discord embed for websites. Some uses are via shoutboxes, etc.