# [Amigoscode, Nelson] Microservices and Distributed Systems [ENG, 2022] Kafka Part
### IntellJ Idea (Ultimate)
``` // Receive a Message $ kafka-console-consumer.sh \ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \ --topic amigoscode \ --from-beginning ^C ```
``` // POST $ curl \ --data '{ "message":"Hooray Amigoscode" }' \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8080/api/v1/messages \ | jq ```
**But something not working! Looks with Data Format on Reading from Kafka**
``` $ kafka-console-consumer.sh \ > --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \ > --topic amigoscode \ > --from-beginning {"message":"Hooray Amigoscode","created":[2022,4,9,21,20,9,460259917]} {"message":"Hooray Amigoscode","created":[2022,4,9,21,22,22,43521562]} {"message":"Hooray Amigoscode","created":[2022,4,9,21,22,33,600139003]} {"message":"Hooray Amigoscode","created":[2022,4,9,21,22,41,357558500]} ```

**Marley** Any questions in english: Telegram Chat Любые вопросы на русском: Телеграм чат