2022-12-11 16:10:20 +11:00

479 lines
17 KiB

"DisplayName":"Game Port",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"IP Binding",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Enable Log File",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Continuous Log",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Log File Name",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Disable Punkbuster",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Server Name",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the name of the server. Limit of 22 characters. Colour codes can be used: ^0=Black, ^1=Red, ^2=Green, ^3=Yellow, ^4=Blue, ^5=Cyan, ^6=Pink, ^7=White, ^8=Grey, ^9=Grey/Map Default",
"DefaultValue":"^1AMP Hosted COD4 Server",
"DisplayName":"Message Of The Day",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the message of the day (MOTD) displayed when players join. Colour codes can also be used, as per the Server Name",
"DefaultValue":"^4Welcome to COD4!",
"DisplayName":"Make Server Public",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will be visible publicly. Otherwise it will only be accessible from the local network",
"DisplayName":"Server Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the password to join the server",
"DisplayName":"RCON Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the RCON password to allow sending console commands in-game. Default is no password, disabling console commands",
"DisplayName":"Map Mode",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets whether to enable map rotation (the Map Rotation List must then also be set) or to load a specific initial map (the Initial Game Type and Initial Map must then also be set)",
"DefaultValue":"+map_rotate ",
"+map_rotate ":"Map Rotation (Default)",
"+map \"{{map_name}}\" ":"Specific Initial Map"
"DisplayName":"Map Rotation List",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the map list to use for map rotations for the server. Each entry must be in the format: gametype <gametype> map <mapname> (for example, gametype war map mp_convoy). Map Rotation must be configured",
"DefaultValue":"gametype dm map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_bloc gametype koth map mp_bog gametype sab map mp_cargoship gametype sd map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_convoy gametype dm map mp_countdown gametype dom map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_farm gametype sd map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype dm map mp_shipment gametype dom map mp_showdown gametype koth map mp_strike gametype sab map mp_vacant",
"Placeholder":"gametype dm map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_bloc gametype koth map mp_bog gametype sab map mp_cargoship gametype sd map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_convoy gametype dm map mp_countdown gametype dom map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_farm gametype sd map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype dm map mp_shipment gametype dom map mp_showdown gametype koth map mp_strike gametype sab map mp_vacant",
"DisplayName":"Initial Game Type",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the game type to start the server with. This setting will be overridden if Map Rotation is configured. Settings for each game type can be set in server.cfg",
"dm":"Deathmatch / Free For All (Default)",
"koth":"King Of The Hill / Headquarters",
"sd":"Search And Destroy Classic",
"war":"Team Deathmatch"
"DisplayName":"Initial Map",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the map to start the server with. This setting will be overridden if Map Rotation is configured",
"DisplayName":"Load Mod",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the mod to load when starting the server, based on the path to the mod in the Mods directory - for example, \"Mods/ModWarfare\"",
"DisplayName":"Player Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server",
"DisplayName":"Private Player Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of private players allowed on the server (those that can use non-public reserved slots). Will be limited to the Player Limit",
"DisplayName":"Private Player Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the password for private players to join the server. Private players entering this password have access to all slots on the server, otherwise the players only have access to the public slots (Player Limit less Private Player Limit)",
"DisplayName":"Enable Server Voice Chat",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If set, server voice chat will be enabled",
"DisplayName":"Server Voice Chat Quality",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server voice quality level",
"DisplayName":"Enable Dead Chat",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, dead players will be allowed to chat with living players",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Ping",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the minimum ping required for a player to be allowed to join",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Ping",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum ping permitted for a player to be allowed to join",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Bandwidth",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum bandwidth for the server",
"Placeholder":"0 - 100000",
"DisplayName":"Client Timeout Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a client if no response is sent to the server",
"Placeholder":"0 - 1800",
"DisplayName":"Player Inactivity Kick Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a player for inactivity",
"DisplayName":"Spectator Kick Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a spectator",
"DisplayName":"Temporary Ban Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban)",
"Placeholder":"0 - 3600",
"DisplayName":"Zombie Retention Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time for keeping a disconnected client on the server to transmit the last message",
"Placeholder":"0 - 1800",
"DisplayName":"Enable Flood Protection",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, flood protection applies, so user commands are throttled. Should be enabled on non-password-protected public servers",
"DisplayName":"Reconnect Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the number of times a player can reconnect after disconnection",