
282 lines
11 KiB

"DisplayName":"Linux Server Version",
"Category":"BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server version to install on Linux, based on the host system. Use \"Ubuntu 22.04/Debian 12\" if using AMP's Docker. NOTE: Update the server after changing this setting",
"linux":"Ubuntu 22.04/Debian 12 (default)",
"ubuntu-20.04":"Ubuntu 20.04",
"debian-11":"Debian 11",
"archlinux":"Arch Linux"
"DisplayName": "Auth Key",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The auth key for your server can be obtained from [Keymaster]( This is required for the server to start.",
"Keywords": "auth,key,authkey",
"FieldName": "AuthKey",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "General.AuthKey",
"DefaultValue": "",
"Required": true,
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Server Name",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The name of the server as shown in the server list (if the server is public). You can use [special characters]( to format this with colors and styles.",
"Keywords": "server,name",
"FieldName": "Name",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Name",
"DefaultValue": "AMP Powered BeamMP Server",
"Placeholder": "AMP Powered BeamMP Server",
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Server Description",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The description for the server as shown in the server list (if the server is public). You can use [special characters]( to format this with colors and styles.",
"Keywords": "description",
"FieldName": "Description",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Description",
"DefaultValue": "A BeamMP server",
"Placeholder": "A BeamMP server",
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Port",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The main game port",
"Keywords": "",
"FieldName": "$MainGamePort",
"InputType": "number",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Port",
"Hidden": true,
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Make Server Private",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "When enabled, your server will not be shown in the server list. Anyone with the correct IP and port can still connect.",
"Keywords": "private",
"FieldName": "Private",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Private",
"DefaultValue": "true",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Map",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The map to load. If Custom is selected, Custom Map Name must also be set.",
"Keywords": "map",
"FieldName": "Map",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Map",
"DefaultValue": "/levels/gridmap_v2/info.json",
"EnumValues": {
"/levels/automation_test_track/info.json": "Automation Test Track",
"/levels/derby/info.json": "Derby",
"/levels/driver_training/info.json": "Driver Training",
"/levels/east_coast_usa/info.json": "East Coast USA",
"/levels/gridmap_v2/info.json": "Gridmap V2 (default)",
"/levels/hirochi_raceway/info.json": "Hirochi Raceway",
"/levels/industrial/info.json": "Industrial",
"/levels/italy/info.json": "Italy",
"/levels/johnson_valley/info.json": "Johnson Valley",
"/levels/jungle_rock_island/info.json": "Jungle Rock Island",
"/levels/small_island/info.json": "Small Island",
"/levels/smallgrid/info.json": "Smallgrid",
"/levels/utah/info.json": "Utah",
"/levels/west_coast_usa/info.json": "West Coast USA",
"{{CustomMap}}": "--Custom--"
"DisplayName":"Custom Map Name",
"Category":"BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets a custom map for the server. Custom type must be selected under \"Map\", and the map must be installed in Resources/Client.",
"DisplayName": "Max Players",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The maximum number of players on the server at one time.",
"Keywords": "max,players,maxplayers",
"FieldName": "$MaxUsers",
"InputType": "number",
"ParamFieldName": "General.MaxPlayers",
"DefaultValue": "8",
"Placeholder": "8",
"Suffix": "players",
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Max Cars Per Player",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The maximum number of cars allowed per player. Any additional cars a player tries to spawn will be deleted instantly.",
"Keywords": "max,cars,maxcars",
"FieldName": "MaxCars",
"InputType": "number",
"ParamFieldName": "General.MaxCars",
"DefaultValue": "1",
"Placeholder": "1",
"MinValue": "1",
"Suffix": "cars",
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Resource Folder",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The folder for Resources inside the datastore.",
"Keywords": "",
"FieldName": "ResourceFolder",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "General.ResourceFolder",
"DefaultValue": "Resources",
"Hidden": true,
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Log Chat Messages",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "Whether to log chat messages in the console and log.",
"Keywords": "log,chat,logging,logchat",
"FieldName": "LogChat",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "General.LogChat",
"DefaultValue": "true",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Enable Debug Logging",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "Turn on debug logging. Enabling this will drastically increase the size of the log file.",
"Keywords": "debug,log,logging",
"FieldName": "Debug",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "General.Debug",
"DefaultValue": "false",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Hide Update Messages",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "Hides the periodic update message which notifies you of a new server version. Recommended to keep this setting disabled and always update as soon as possible.",
"Keywords": "hide,updates,message,imscaredofupdates",
"FieldName": "ImScaredOfUpdates",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "Misc.ImScaredOfUpdates",
"DefaultValue": "false",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Send Errors",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "If enabled, the server will send info about crashes and other issues to the BeamMP devs. This may include your config, who is on your server at the time of the error, and similar general information. This has no impact on server performance.",
"Keywords": "send,errors,senderrors",
"FieldName": "SendErrors",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "Misc.SendErrors",
"DefaultValue": "true",
"Placeholder": "true",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Enable Send Errors Message",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "If enabled, the Send Errors message will show on startup.",
"Keywords": "send,errors,show,message,senderrorsshowmessage",
"FieldName": "SendErrorsShowMessage",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "Misc.SendErrorsShowMessage",
"DefaultValue": "true",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "HTTPServerIP",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The binding IP for the HTTP webserver.",
"Keywords": "",
"FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding",
"InputType": "text",
"ParamFieldName": "HTTP.HTTPServerIP",
"Hidden": true,
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "HTTPServerPort",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "The port used for the HTTP webserver.",
"Keywords": "",
"FieldName": "$HTTPServerPort",
"InputType": "number",
"ParamFieldName": "HTTP.HTTPServerPort",
"Hidden": true,
"EnumValues": {}
"DisplayName": "Enable HTTP Server",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "Enables the internal HTTP server.",
"Keywords": "http,server,enabled,httpserverenabled",
"FieldName": "HTTPServerEnabled",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "HTTP.HTTPServerEnabled",
"DefaultValue": "false",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"
"DisplayName": "Use SSL For HTTP Server",
"Category": "BeamMP - Server Settings",
"Description": "Recommended to have enabled for servers which face the internet. With SSL the server will serve https and requires valid key and cert files. Key and cert files should be stored in \".ssl/HttpServer/key.pem\" and \".ssl/HttpServer/cert.pem\" in the instance datastore.",
"Keywords": "use,ssl,usessl",
"FieldName": "UseSSL",
"InputType": "checkbox",
"ParamFieldName": "HTTP.UseSSL",
"DefaultValue": "false",
"EnumValues": {
"True": "true",
"False": "false"