1146 lines
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1146 lines
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"DisplayName":"Game Port",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"DisplayName":"Query Port",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"DisplayName":"Auto Restart",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"DisplayName":"Server Name",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the name of the server as it appears in the server browser",
"DefaultValue":"AMP Powered Barotrauma Server",
"DisplayName":"Server Message",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the text displayed in the server's info box",
"DefaultValue":"Welcome to Barotrauma!",
"DisplayName":"Make Server Public",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will show on the server browser",
"DisplayName":"Server Language",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the server language",
"European Portuguese":"português",
"Brazilian Portuguese":"português brasileiro",
"Ukrainian":"украї́нська мо́ва",
"DisplayName":"Server Password",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the password to join the server",
"DisplayName":"Player Limit",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the number of players allowed to join the server at one time",
"DisplayName":"Level Difficulty",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the level difficulty. 0 = easiest, 100 = hellish",
"DisplayName":"Allowed Mission Types",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets a comma-separated list of mission types for the server. If multiple are selected the server randomly chooses one (PvP Game Mode can only run Combat). Select from Salvage, Monster, Cargo, Beacon, Nest, Mineral, Combat, AbandonedOutpost, Escort, Pirate, ScanAlienRuins, ClearAlienRuins, All",
"DisplayName":"Selected Submarine",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the submarine that will be used in a round. If blank, the server alphabetically picks the first submarine",
"DisplayName":"Submarine Selection Mode",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets how the next submarine should be chosen. Manual = only a client with the SelectSub permission can select. Random = submarine is randomly picked. Vote = all players can vote",
"Manual":"Manual (default)",
"DisplayName":"Hidden Submarines",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets a comma-separated list of submarines to be hidden from selection/purchase",
"DisplayName":"Selected Shuttle",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the respawn shuttle that will be used in a round. If blank, the server alphabetically picks the first shuttle",
"DisplayName":"Default Game Mode",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the default game mode, which will apply unless changed via the method set under \"Game Mode Selection Method\"",
"sandbox":"Sandbox (default)",
"DisplayName":"Game Mode Selection Method",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets how the game mode can be changed. Manual = only a client with the SelectMode permission can select. Random = game mode is randomised. Vote = all players can vote",
"Manual":"Manual (default)",
"DisplayName":"Enable Voice Chat",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, players will be able to use voice chat",
"DisplayName":"Start When Players Ready",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will automatically start a round if enough players are ready, based on the \"Minimum Player Ready Ratio\". Otherwise, the round must be manually started",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Player Ready Ratio",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the minimum ratio of players required to be ready for a round to be automatically started, if \"Start When Ready\" is set",
"DisplayName":"Allow Spectating",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, dead players can spectate. Otherwise, they are sent into the lobby",
"DisplayName":"AFK Kick Time",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the amount of time a player must be AFK to be auto-kicked",
"DisplayName":"Kill Disconnection Time",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the amount of time a player must be disconnected from their body for the character to be killed",
"DisplayName":"Randomize Seed Between Rounds",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will generate a new seed each round",
"DisplayName":"Mod Loading",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Download mods by workshop item ID under SteamCMD and Updates. Load them by editing config_player.xml in accordance with [these instructions](https://gist.github.com/Greelan/87d640a370304fcdc25e3663f6b86666#2-mods)",
"DisplayName":"Share Files With Players",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will send missing files to clients (currently only .sub files). Otherwise, if a client is missing required files they cannot spawn and will be sent back into the lobby",
"DisplayName":"Allow Mod Downloads",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, clients will be able to download required mods from the server. Otherwise they will need to obtain the mods themselves",
"DisplayName":"Voting Timeout",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the timeout that applies to voting",
"DisplayName":"Allowed Client Name Characters",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the characters approved for use in a client name. Enter as UTF-16 character code ranges. More information can be found [here](https://barotraumagame.com/wiki/Serversettings.xml)",
"DisplayName":"Save Server Logs",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If enabled, server logs will be saved in the ServerLogs folder upon server shutdown",
"DisplayName":"Log File Length",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the number of lines generated in a log file before it is rotated",
"DisplayName":"Server Tickrate",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"Sets the tickrate of the server",
"DisplayName":"Enable UPnP",
"Category":"Barotrauma General",
"Description":"If set, UPnP will be enabled on the server. Requires a UPnP-enabled router to function",
"DisplayName":"Play Style",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the server play style displayed in the server browser and lobby",
"Casual":"Casual (default)",
"SomethingDifferent":"Something Different"
"DisplayName":"Allow Round End Vote",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"If enabled, players can vote to end the round",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Round End Vote Ratio",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the minimum proportion of round end votes required to end a round (if Round End Vote is enabled)",
"DisplayName":"Allow Respawning",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"If enabled, respawning of dead players will be allowed. Otherwise, dead players will have to spectate until the round ends",
"DisplayName":"Respawn Interval",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the time between each respawn wave",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Respawn Ratio",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the minimum proportion of dead/spectating players required for the respawn timer to start",
"DisplayName":"Enable Respawn Shuttle",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"If enabled, respawning players may spawn in a shuttle away from the main submarine and must dock or otherwise merge with the crew. Otherwise, players are spawned in the submarine on certain job spawnpoints, depending on their job",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Respawn Transport Duration",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the maximum time the respawn shuttle has to dock to the submarine. If time runs out before the shuttle docks it will automatically return to the first outpost",
"DisplayName":"Line Of Sight Effect Mode",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the line of sight (LOS) effect mode",
"Transparent":"Transparent (default)",
"DisplayName":"Show Enemy Health Bars",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets whether enemies' health status is shown, via health bars above their heads",
"Showall":"Show all (default)",
"BossHealthBarsOnly":"Show only boss health",
"HideAll":"Hide all"
"DisplayName":"Enable Traitors",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the chance of traitors appearing in a round. Yes = will definitely appear. No = will not appear. Maybe = have a 50/50 chance of appearing",
"No":"No (default)",
"DisplayName":"Traitor Minimum Player Count",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the minimum number of players required for a traitor to be picked",
"DisplayName":"Traitor Minimum Start Delay",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the minimum amount of time that must pass before a traitor is selected",
"DisplayName":"Traitor Maximum Start Delay",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the maximum amount of time that must pass before a traitor is selected",
"DisplayName":"Traitor Minimum Restart Delay",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the minimum amount of time that must pass before another traitor is selected",
"DisplayName":"Traitor Maximum Restart Delay",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the maximum amount of time that must pass before another traitor is selected",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Money Transfer Request",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets how much money players are allowed to request from the bank. 0 = money requests disabled",
"DisplayName":"Looted Money Destination",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets where looted money should be sent",
"Bank":"Bank (default)",
"Wallet":"Looter's personal wallet"
"DisplayName":"Allow Ragdoll Button",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"If enabled, players can ragdoll on their own if they hold the button down. Otherwise, players must be stunned (or be dead) to ragdoll",
"DisplayName":"Bot Count",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the number of bots that should be spawned in a round. This is limited by the \"Maximum Bot Count\"",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Bot Count",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of allowed bots in a round",
"DisplayName":"Bot Spawn Mode",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"Sets how bots should be spawned. Normal = bots fill the amount of slots set in \"Bot Count\". Fill = bots skip that value and fully fill empty player slots",
"Normal":"Normal (default)",
"DisplayName":"Disable Bot Conversations",
"Category":"Barotrauma Gameplay",
"Description":"If set, bot conversations will not be allowed",
"DisplayName":"Allow Friendly Fire",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, friendly fire between players will be allowed (they can deal damage to each other)",
"DisplayName":"Enable Killable Outpost NPCs",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, outpost NPCs will be able to be killed",
"DisplayName":"Enable Destructible Outposts",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, outposts will be destructible (able to take damage)",
"DisplayName":"Lock All Default Wires",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If set, the ability to disconnect or change any default wires in a submarine will be disabled",
"DisplayName":"Allow Rewiring",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, players can rewire anything except if it has been set otherwise in the submarine",
"DisplayName":"Allow WiFi Linking To Chat",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, WiFi components on the submarine can be linked to chat",
"DisplayName":"Allow Disguises",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, players can disguise themselves by using another player's ID card. Otherwise, players will always have their names above them even when covering their face",
"DisplayName":"Allow Vote Kicking",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, players can vote to kick others players",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Ratio For Vote Kicking",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the minimum proportion of votes required to vote-kick a player (if Vote Kicking is enabled)",
"DisplayName":"Vote Kicking Disabled Period",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the minimum time period that must pass before a player can be vote-kicked after joining",
"DisplayName":"Vote Kicking Ban Duration",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the ban duration for players who are vote-kicked",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Ban Time",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the maximum ban time that can be set in the lobby host UI",
"DisplayName":"Enable Ban After Incorrect Password",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If enabled, players will be auto-banned after exceeding the maximum password retries set under \"Maximum Password Retries\"",
"DisplayName":"Maximum Password Retries Before Ban",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of failed password attempts before a player is auto-banned. Requires \"Enable Failed Password Ban\" to be set",
"DisplayName":"Use Karma",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"If set, the [Karma system](https://barotraumagame.com/wiki/Karma) will be enabled",
"DisplayName":"Karma Preset",
"Category":"Barotrauma Anti-Griefing",
"Description":"Sets the karma rules preset that should be used. Requires Karma to be enabled",