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495 lines
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"DisplayName":"Game Port",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Public Port",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Query Port",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Public IP Binding",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Enable BattlEye",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Server Name",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server name visible in the game browser (up to 100 characters)",
"DefaultValue":"Arma Reforger Server - Powered by AMP",
"DisplayName":"Server Mission/Scenario",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server mission/scenario. Official missions/scenarios are included in the dropdown. To use another mission/scenario, select \"Custom\" and set the Custom Mission/Scenario Name",
"{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf":"Conflict - Everon (default)",
"{59AD59368755F41A}Missions/21_GM_Eden.conf":"Game Master - Everon",
"{2BBBE828037C6F4B}Missions/22_GM_Arland.conf":"Game Master - Arland",
"{C700DB41F0C546E1}Missions/23_Campaign_NorthCentral.conf":"Conflict - Northern Everon",
"{28802845ADA64D52}Missions/23_Campaign_SWCoast.conf":"Conflict - Southern Everon",
"{DAA03C6E6099D50F}Missions/24_CombatOps.conf":"Combat Ops - Arland",
"{C41618FD18E9D714}Missions/23_Campaign_Arland.conf":"Conflict - Arland",
"DisplayName":"Custom Mission/Scenario Name",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets a custom mission/scenario for the server. \"Custom\" type must be selected under Server Mission/Scenario and any required mods specified under Load Mods",
"DisplayName":"Server/RCON IP Binding",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If required, you can change the binding of the server and BattlEye RCON by editing App.ApplicationIPBinding in GenericModule.kvp for the instance. Stop the instance (not just the server) first",
"DisplayName":"Steam Query IP Binding",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"DisplayName":"Make Server Public",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will be visible in the in-game browser",
"DisplayName":"Enable Crossplay",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, crossplay between PC and Xbox clients will be possible",
"DisplayName":"Server Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the password required to connect to the server. Only use alphanumeric, dash or underscore characters. Default is no password",
"DisplayName":"Admin Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the password required for admin access to the server. Only use alphanumeric, dash or underscore characters. Maximum 32 characters. Default is a strong random password",
"DisplayName":"RCON Password",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"See the Security and Privacy menu for configurable options for the server's RCON",
"DisplayName":"Server Player Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of players that may connect to the server at one time",
"DisplayName":"Synchronise Player Count",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the list of players on the server is sent to the GameAPI along with the server's heartbeat, to fix the discrepancy between the real and reported number of players on the server",
"DisplayName":"Load Mods",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Comma-separated [list of mods](https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop) required by clients, which will be downloaded and activated on join. Each mod entry must be in valid JSON format. Name and version are optional. Example: {\"modId\":\"591AF5BDA9F7CE8B\",\"name\":\"Capture & Hold\",\"version\":\"1.0.3\"}",
"DisplayName":"Player Save Period",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the default period for saving players for both Online and Local storage (player save can still be requested on demand)",
"DisplayName":"Server FPS Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server FPS. Recommended to be in the range of 60 to 120 so that the server does not use all available resources",
"DisplayName":"Maximum View Distance",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server's maximum view distance",
"DisplayName":"Network View Distance",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server's maximum network streaming range of replicated entities",
"DisplayName":"Minimum Grass Distance",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the server's minimum grass distance",
"DisplayName":"Disable Third Person",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, clients will be forced to use the first-person view",
"DisplayName":"Enable Fast Validation",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, matching validation of map entities and components loaded on a client when it joins will be done with minimum information. Always enable for a public server!",
"DisplayName":"Disable VON UI",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If set, clients will be forced to not have the VON (Voice Over Network) UI",
"DisplayName":"Disable VON Direct Speech UI",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If set, clients will be forced to not have the VON (Voice Over Network) Direct Speech UI",
"DisplayName":"Mission Header",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Comma-separated list of settings that will overwrite a mission/scenario's SCR_MissionHeaderCampaign. Example: \"m_iPlayerCount\":\"64\",\"m_eEditableGameFlags\":\"6\"",
"DisplayName":"AI Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the maximum number of AIs. -1 = no limit",
"DisplayName":"Slot Reservation Timeout",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets how long the backend and server will reserve a slot for a kicked player. 5 = effectively diabled (given the value is the same as for a normal disconnect)",
"DisplayName":"Log Statistics",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the server logs performance statistics every second or such other period set under \"Statistics Logging Interval\"",
"True":"-logStats {{logStatsInterval}}"
"DisplayName":"Statistics Logging Inverval",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the interval for logging of performance statistics, if \"Log Statistics\" is enabled",
"DisplayName":"Additional Server Startup Parameters",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Specifies additional startup parameters that are not otherwise set by AMP. Use with care",