[ { "DisplayName": "World Seed", "Category": "Terraria Generator Settings", "Keywords": "seed,new,world", "Description": "Which world seed to use when generating a new world", "FieldName": "Seed", "ParamFieldName": "seed", "placeholder": "PoweredByAMP", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "DefaultValue": "PoweredByAMP" }, { "DisplayName": "World Size", "Category": "Terraria Generator Settings", "Keywords": "size,new,world", "Description": "Set the Size of the World", "FieldName": "WorldSize", "ParamFieldName": "autocreate", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "InputType": "enum", "EnumValues": { "1": "1 - Small World", "2": "2 - Medium World", "3": "3 - Large World" }, "DefaultValue": "3" }, { "DisplayName": "Difficulty", "Category": "Terraria Generator Settings", "Keywords": "difficulty,new,world,journey,expert,master", "Description": "The difficulty of a newly generated world", "FieldName": "Difficulty", "ParamFieldName": "difficulty", "InputType": "enum", "EnumValues": { "0": "Classic", "1": "Expert" }, "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0" }, { "DisplayName": "Created World Name", "Category": "Terraria Generator Settings", "Keywords": "name,new,world", "Description": "How to name the new world if one is generated. Make sure the World name under Terraria Server Settings matches this name if you want to load it in subsequent starts.", "FieldName": "WorldName", "ParamFieldName": "worldname", "placeholder": "World", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "DefaultValue": "world" }, { "DisplayName": "Backup count", "Category": "Terraria Generator Settings", "Keywords": "backup,backups,count,world,rollback", "Description": "Sets the number of rolling world backups to keep", "FieldName": "Backups", "ParamFieldName": "worldrollbackstokeep", "placeholder": "2", "suffix": "Backups", "InputType": "number", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": 2 }, { "DisplayName": "Mod Path", "Category": "Terraria ModLoader Settings", "Keywords": "folder,path,mod,mods,tmodloader", "Description": "Where tModLoader will read mods from. [instructions](https://github.com/jasperfirecai2/amp-templates/wiki/Managing-mods-with-tmodloader)", "FieldName": "ModPath", "ParamFieldName": "modpath", "placeholder": "ModLoader/Mods", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "ModLoader/Mods" }, { "DisplayName": "Mod Pack", "Category": "Terraria ModLoader Settings", "Keywords": "pack,mod,mods,modpack,tmodloader", "Description": "Which modpack to load (does not install mods for you!)", "FieldName": "ModPack", "ParamFieldName": "modpack", "placeholder": "modpack", "suffix": ".json", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "" }, { "DisplayName": "Update Source", "Category": "Terraria ModLoader Settings", "Keywords": "download,source,steam,github,tmodloader", "Description": "Select where to obtain tModLoader. Steam requires you to own [Terraria](https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/) & [tModLoader](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1281930/tModLoader/) on your account and accept tModLoader's ToS by installing it as a game to a device you can login from.", "FieldName": "Source", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "InputType": "enum", "EnumValues": { "GitHub": "GitHub", "Steam": "Steam" }, "DefaultValue": "GitHub" }, { "DisplayName": "World Path", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "folder,path,world,saves,savegame,worlds", "Description": "The relative path to save worlds in", "FieldName": "WorldPath", "ParamFieldName": "worldpath", "placeholder": "ModLoader/Worlds", "suffix": "", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "ModLoader/Worlds" }, { "DisplayName": "World Name", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "name,world,worldname,load,boot", "Description": "Which world to load on boot", "FieldName": "World", "ParamFieldName": "world", "placeholder": "ModLoader/Worlds/world.wld", "suffix": "", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "DefaultValue": "ModLoader/Worlds/world.wld" }, { "DisplayName": "Max Players", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "players,max,maximum", "Description": "The maximum players in the server", "FieldName": "$MaxUsers", "ParamFieldName": "maxplayers", "placeholder": "8", "suffix": "Users", "InputType": "number", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "8", "MinValue":"1" }, { "DisplayName": "Password", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "password,pw,security", "Description": "The password players must enter to join", "FieldName": "Password", "ParamFieldName": "password", "placeholder": "Password123", "suffix": "", "InputType": "password", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "" }, { "DisplayName": "Ban List", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "ban,banlist,bans,security", "Description": "Where to store the ban list", "FieldName": "BanList", "ParamFieldName": "banlist", "placeholder": "banlist.txt", "suffix": "", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "banlist.txt" }, { "DisplayName": "Motd", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "motd,motto,message,welcome", "Description": "The motto/message of the day", "FieldName": "Motd", "ParamFieldName": "motd", "placeholder": "Welcome!", "suffix": "", "InputType": "text", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Welcome!" }, { "DisplayName": "Language", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "language,lang", "Description": "The language of your server", "FieldName": "Language", "ParamFieldName": "language", "InputType": "enum", "EnumValues": { "en-US": "English", "de-DE": "German", "it-IT": "Italian", "fr-FR": "French", "es-ES": "Spanish", "ru-RU": "Russian", "zh-Hans": "Chinese", "pt-PT": "Portuguese", "pt-BR": "Portuguese (Brazil)", "pl-PL": "Polish" }, "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "en-US" }, { "DisplayName": "Priority", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "priority,process,prio,performance", "Description": "The process priority", "FieldName": "Priority", "ParamFieldName": "priority", "InputType": "enum", "EnumValues": { "0": "Realtime", "1": "High", "2": "AboveNormal", "3": "Normal", "4": "BelowNormal", "5": "Idle" }, "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1" }, { "DisplayName": "NPC Stream", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "npc,stream,skipping,lag,bandwidth,performance", "Description": "Reduces enemy skipping but increases bandwidth usage. The lower the number the less skipping will happen, but more data is sent. 0 is off.", "FieldName": "NPCStream", "ParamFieldName": "npcstream", "placeholder": "60", "InputType": "number", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": 60 }, { "DisplayName": "Slower Liquids", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "slow,liquid,liquids slower,lag,performance", "Description": "Reduces maximum liquids moving at the same time. If enabled may reduce lag but liquids may take longer to settle.", "FieldName": "Slowliquids", "ParamFieldName": "slowliquids", "InputType": "checkbox", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "EnumValues": { "False": "0", "True": "1" }, "DefaultValue": "1" }, { "DisplayName": "Cheat Protection", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "security,cheat,cheats,auto,kick,spam", "Description": "Enable/Disable additional cheat protection. This may cause unwanted automatic kicks", "FieldName": "Secure", "ParamFieldName": "secure", "InputType": "checkbox", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "EnumValues": { "False": "0", "True": "1" }, "DefaultValue": "0" }, { "DisplayName": "Disable Announcement Box", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "announcement,box,disable,griefing", "Description": "Enable/Disable the text announcements Announcement Box makes when pulsed from wire.", "FieldName": "DisableAnnouncementBox", "InputType": "checkbox", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "ParamFieldName": "disableannouncementbox", "IsFlagArgument": true, "DefaultValue": "-disableannouncementbox" }, { "DisplayName": "Announcement Box Range", "Category": "Terraria Server Settings", "Keywords": "announcement,box,range,griefing", "Description": "Sets the announcement box text messaging range in pixels, -1 for serverwide announcements.", "FieldName": "AnnouncementBoxRange", "placeholder": "-1", "suffix": "Pixels", "InputType": "number", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "ParamFieldName": "announcementboxrange", "DefaultValue": "-1" } ]