[ { "DisplayName": "Server Name", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "Public server name that will be displayed on the Server Browser. Color codes supported. (48 character limit)", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "serverName", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "serverName", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Unconfigured Server on AMP", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Map", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "Map the server will load. Can be subscribed on Steam or in /Maps directory", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "map", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "map", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Default", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Server URL", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "URL displayed on the serverlist. (48 character limit)", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "URL", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "URL", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Players", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "Maximum allowed player connections. (Max: 255)", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "players", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "players", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "32", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "The port that the game server runs on.", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "port", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "5557", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Whitelist", "Category": "BrokeProtocol Server", "Description": "Set a private/whitelisted server. See whitelist.txt for more info.", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "whitelist", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "whitelist", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "false", "EnumValues": { "True": "true", "False": "false" } } ]