        "DisplayName":"Game Server Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Web Server Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"RCON Server Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"RCON Password",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Server Name",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Name of the server as it appears in the client server browser",
        "DefaultValue":"Eco Server - Powered by AMP",
        "DisplayName":"Server Description",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Long form description of the server when clicked on in the client server browser",
        "DisplayName":"Make Server Public",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, server will appear in the client server browser",
        "DisplayName":"Server Password",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Password required to connect to the server (except for whitelisted players). Default is no password",
        "DisplayName":"Server Category",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Category of the server shown when clients first select a new game",
            "BeginnerHard":"Beginner Hard",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Maximum number of players that may connect to the server. Default is no limit (-1)",
        "DisplayName":"Server IP Binding",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Internal server IP-address the server should bind to. Default is Any (all IPs on the host)",
        "DisplayName":"RCON IP Binding",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Internal server IP-address the RCON server should bind to. Default is Any (all IPs on the host)",
        "DisplayName":"Discord Address",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"ID for a Discord server (the ID after \"discord.gg/\") to provide a link to",
        "DisplayName":"Enable UPnP",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, UPnP will be enabled on the server. Requires a UPnP-enabled router to work",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Beta Branch",
        "Category":"SteamCMD and Updates",
        "Description":"If enabled, allows beta branches (branches other than \"public\") to be installed. Specify the branch under \"Selected Beta Branch\". NOTE: Update the server after switching branches!",
        "DisplayName":"Selected Beta Branch",
        "Category":"SteamCMD and Updates",
        "Description":"[Beta branch](https://steamdb.info/app/739590/depots/) to install. Requires \"Enable Beta Branch\" to be enabled. Set any required password under \"Beta Password\". NOTE: Update the server after switching branches!",