[ { "DisplayName": "Game Port", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationPort1", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "Hidden": true, "ParamFieldName": "Port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "27015", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Enable RCON", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "RCONEnabled", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "Hidden": true, "ParamFieldName": "/RocketSettings/RCON/@Enabled", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "true", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "RCON Port", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$RemoteAdminPort", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "Hidden": true, "ParamFieldName": "/RocketSettings/RCON/@Port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "27115", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "RCON Password", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$RemoteAdminPassword", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "Hidden":true, "ParamFieldName": "/RocketSettings/RCON/@Password", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Server Name", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the name of the server shown publicly", "Keywords": "name", "FieldName": "Name", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Name", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "AMP Powered Unturned Server", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Server Type", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "", "Keywords": "server,type,internet,lan", "FieldName": "ServerType", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "InternetServer", "EnumValues": { "InternetServer": "Internet Server", "LanServer": "LAN Server" } }, { "DisplayName": "Server Password", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Password to connect to the server. Default is no password", "Keywords": "password", "FieldName": "Password", "InputType": "RandomPassword", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Password", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Owner", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "[Steam64 ID](https://steamidfinder.com/) of the server's owner, which gives them administrator commands and fully sets up the server", "Keywords": "owner", "FieldName": "Owner", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Owner", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "GSLT", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the [Game Server Login Token](https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers) for the server. Required for the server to appear in the server list. Use Steam App ID 304930", "Keywords": "GSLT,token", "FieldName": "GSLT", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "GSLT", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Welcome Message", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Player welcome message", "Keywords": "welcome,message", "FieldName": "Welcome", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Welcome", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Welcome to Unturned", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Player Limit", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Maximum number of players that may connect to the server", "Keywords": "players,limit", "FieldName": "$MaxUsers", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Maxplayers", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "10", "Suffix": "players", "EnumValues":{}, "MinValue":"1" }, { "DisplayName": "Map", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the map", "Keywords": "map", "FieldName": "Map", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Map", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "PEI", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Difficulty Mode", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the difficulty mode", "Keywords": "difficulty,mode", "FieldName": "Mode", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Mode", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Normal", "EnumValues": { "Easy": "Easy", "Normal": "Normal", "Hard": "Hard" } }, { "DisplayName": "Perspective View", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the perspective view", "Keywords": "perspective,view", "FieldName": "Perspective", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Perspective", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Both", "EnumValues": { "First": "First person only", "Third": "Third person only", "Both": "First and third person allowed", "Vehicle": "Third person in vehicle only" } }, { "DisplayName": "Weather", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the weather", "Keywords": "weather", "FieldName": "Weather", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Weather", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "None", "EnumValues": { "None": "None", "Storm": "Storm", "Blizzard": "Blizzard" } }, { "DisplayName": "Day/Night Cycle Period", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the day/night cycle period", "Keywords": "day,night,cycle", "FieldName": "Cycle", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Cycle", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "3600", "Suffix": "seconds", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Chat Rate", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the minimum time between chat messages in order to prevent spam", "Keywords": "chatrate", "FieldName": "Chatrate", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Chatrate", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "Suffix": "seconds", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Timeout", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the maximum ping for players before they time out (400 - 600 ms recommended)", "Keywords": "timeout", "FieldName": "Timeout", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Timeout", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "500", "Suffix": "milliseconds", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName":"Workshop Items", "Category":"Server Settings", "Description":"Comma separated list of IDs of workshop items to install on the server", "Keywords":"workshop,items", "FieldName":"FileIDs", "InputType":"text", "IsFlagArgument":false, "ParamFieldName":"FileIDs", "IncludeInCommandLine":false, "DefaultValue":"", "Placeholder":"2478247379,2566953935", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName":"Excluded Workshop Items", "Category":"Server Settings", "Description":"Comma separated list of IDs of children items to ignore when installing workshop items", "Keywords":"workshop,children,items", "FieldName":"ChildrenFileIDs", "InputType":"text", "IsFlagArgument":false, "ParamFieldName":"ChildrenFileIDs", "IncludeInCommandLine":false, "DefaultValue":"", "Placeholder":"5685656858,7697679654", "EnumValues":{} }, { "DisplayName": "Maximum Workshop Retries", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Sets the maximum number of retries to download workshop items", "Keywords": "retries", "FieldName": "MaxRetries", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "MaxRetries", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "2", "EnumValues":{} } ]