        "DisplayName":"Public IP",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Public Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Listen Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"HTTP Matchmaking Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"IP Binding",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Build Stream",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the build stream for the server - either the mainline release stream, or the nightly (CI) stream. The Server Version also needs to be set. Back up configuration and update the server!",
            "Release":"Mainline (Default)",
        "DisplayName":"Server Version",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server version (either a [release](https://github.com/Impostor/Impostor/releases) version or a [nightly](https://nightly.link/Impostor/Impostor/workflows/ci/master) version) to install. For nightly, you must include the build number, such as \"1.7.3-ci.513\". Back up configuration and update the server!",
        "Placeholder":"1.8.2 | 1.8.2-ci.621",
        "DisplayName":"Dotnet Version",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the [ASP.NET Core 7.0 version](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0) to install. Back up configuration and update the server!",
        "DisplayName":"Client and HTTP Matchmaking Configuration",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"For a player to connect to the server, they must [configure their Among Us client](https://impostor.github.io/Impostor/). In addition, from late 2022, Among Us requires [HTTP matchmaking](https://github.com/Impostor/Impostor.Http#impostorhttp) for clients to connect. Set the desired HTTP Plugin Version to download, and configure the other Impostor.Http plugin settings as needed",
        "DisplayName":"HTTP Plugin Version",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the [Impostor.HTTP plugin version](https://github.com/Impostor/Impostor.Http/releases) to install. Update the server!",
        "DisplayName":"HTTP Matchmaking Plugin Binding",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the binding of the Impostor.Http plugin server. Use if clients will connect to the plugin server directly. Otherwise you can use or a local IP on the host, as appropriate, if using a reverse proxy for the plugin server traffic (preferred)",
        "DisplayName":"Enable HTTPS For HTTP Matchmaking Plugin",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the Impostor.Http plugin server will use its own HTTPS (encrypted HTTP) rather than plain HTTP. Requires the HTTP Matchmaking Plugin Certificate Path to be set. Using a reverse proxy to provide HTTPS is preferred instead of using this setting. Note: HTTPS is required for iOS/Android devices to connect",
        "DisplayName":"HTTP Matchmaking Plugin Certificate Path",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the path to an SSL certificate (in PFX format) to enable the Impostor.Http plugin server to use its own HTTPS",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Anticheat",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, anticheat will be enabled",
        "DisplayName":"Ban IP",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, anticheat will ban a hacking player from the server rather than just kicking them. The banned player will not be able to rejoin that game",