        "DisplayName":"Game Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Server Name",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server name visible in the server list (up to 48 characters). Color codes supported",
        "DefaultValue":"AMP Powered Broke Protocol Server",
        "DisplayName":"Server Map",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the map the server will load. Can be subscribed to on Steam or included in the \"Maps\" directory",
        "DisplayName":"Server URL",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the URL displayed in the server list (up to 48 characters)",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Maximum number of players that may connect to the server at one time (up to 255)",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Whitelist",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, only whitelisted players can join",
        "DisplayName":"Whitelisted Players",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"List of account names for whitelisted players",
        "EnumValues": {}