[ { "DisplayName": "World Name", "Description": "World name", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "world name", "FieldName": "name", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "GameWorld.name", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "AMP World", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Difficulty", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Difficulty", "Keywords": "Difficulty", "FieldName": "difficulty", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "GameWorld.difficulty", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "0": "Easy", "1": "Normal", "2": "Hard", "3": "Very Hard" } }, { "DisplayName": "Game Mode", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Game mode", "Keywords": "gameMode", "FieldName": "gameMode", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "GameWorld.gameMode", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "1": "Normal World", "2": "Creative World - Build", "3": "Creative World - Play" } }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Description": "This setting is managed under the Edit Ports button in ADS.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "port", "FieldName": "$ApplicationPort1", "InputType": "hidden", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Host.port", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "DefaultValue": "6587", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Max Players", "Description": "Maximum number of player can join into the server.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "max players", "FieldName": "$MaxUsers", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Host.maxPlayerNumber", "IncludeInCommandLine": true, "DefaultValue": "7", "EnumValues": {}, "suffix": "1-127" }, { "DisplayName": "Enable Password", "Description": "Enable the server password.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "enable password", "FieldName": "usePassword", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Host.usePassword", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Server Password", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Set the server password, up to 8 digit number pin.", "Keywords": "server password", "FieldName": "serverPassword", "InputType": "password", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Host.serverPassword", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "00000000", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Auto Save Interval", "Description": "Seconds between each save. Set to -1 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "auto save interval", "FieldName": "autoSaveSec", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Save.autoSaveSec", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "300", "EnumValues": {}, "suffix": "sec" }, { "DisplayName": "Auto Save Per Hour", "Description": "Auto save every hour.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "auto save per hour", "FieldName": "autoSavePerHour", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Save.autoSavePerHour", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Save Path", "Description": "Path to save the server in.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "save Path", "FieldName": "savePath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Save.savePath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "DedicatedServerSave/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Quick Craft", "Description": "Crafting without checking item cost.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "quick craft", "FieldName": "quickCraft", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "quickCraft", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Age Level", "Description": "Age Level of the game world, effects crafting recipes.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "age level", "FieldName": "ageLevel", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.ageLevel", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "7", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Island Level", "Description": "Island level override, effects monster and dungeon levels. Set to -1 to disable override.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "island level", "FieldName": "islandLevel", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.islandLevel", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "-1", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "No Death", "Description": "Player character would not die.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "no death", "FieldName": "noDeath", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.noDeath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "No Damage", "Description": "Player character would not take damage.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "no Damage", "FieldName": "noDamage", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.noDamage", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "No Hunger", "Description": "Player character would not be hungry.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "no Hunger", "FieldName": "noHunger", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.noHunger", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Infinite Stamina", "Description": "Player character has infinite stamina.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "infinite stamina", "FieldName": "infinitStamina", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.infinitStamina", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Force Day Time", "Description": "Game world day time override, 0 to 24, set to -1 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "force Day Time", "FieldName": "forceDayTime", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.forceDayTime", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "-1", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Building Ignore Damage", "Description": "Building would not take damage.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "building Ignore Damage", "FieldName": "buildingIgnoreDamage", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.buildingIgnoreDamage", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "No Build", "Description": "Player can not place new building.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "no Build", "FieldName": "noBuild", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModeSetting.noBuild", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Level", "Description": "Override character level, set to 0 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "Level", "FieldName": "Level", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.Level", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Health", "Description": "Override character health, set to 0 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "Health", "FieldName": "Health", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.Health", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Mana", "Description": "Override character mana, set to 0 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "Mana", "FieldName": "Mana", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.Mana", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Stamina", "Description": "Override character stamia, set to 0 to disable.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "Stamina", "FieldName": "Stamina", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.Stamina", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Money", "Description": "Override character money.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "Money", "FieldName": "Money", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.Money", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "1000", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Skill Point", "Description": "Override character skill point.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "SkillPoint", "FieldName": "SkillPoint", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.SkillPoint", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Enchant Point", "Description": "Override character enchant point.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "EnchantPoint", "FieldName": "EnchantPoint", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "CreativeModePlStatus.EnchantPoint", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": {} } ]