        "DisplayName":"Server Port",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Log File Name",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Server Name",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the name of the server that appears in the server list",
        "DefaultValue":"AMP Powered Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Server",
        "DisplayName":"Message Of The Day (First Line)",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the first line of the message of the day (MOTD) displayed when players join. [Colour codes](https://etconfig.net/et-color-codes/et-color-codes/) can be used",
        "DefaultValue":"^1Welcome to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!",
        "DisplayName":"Message Of The Day (Second Line)",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the second line of the MOTD. [Colour codes](https://etconfig.net/et-color-codes/et-color-codes/) can be used. Up to four additional lines can be specified under Additional Server Settings, for example: set server_motd2 \"third line\"",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Internet Server",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the server will start as an internet server. Otherwise it will start as a LAN server",
        "DisplayName":"Server Password",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the password required to connect to the server. Default is no password",
        "DisplayName":"RCON Password",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"See the Security and Privacy menu for configurable options for the server's RCON",
        "DisplayName":"Private Client Password",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the password for private clients, if any, to connect to the server. Specify the required number of private clients under Private Client Number",
        "DisplayName":"Referee Status Password",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the referee status password. Default is no password",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Pure Server",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, only unmodified pak files that are also installed on the server can be used by clients, as a hacking and cheat protection",
        "DisplayName":"Map Rotation Mode",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the map rotation mode. Configure the relevant script for that rotation mode accordingly in the relevant \"AMP_\" cycle.cfg file in etmain",
            "AMP_campaigncycle.cfg":"Campaign (default)",
            "AMP_lmscycle.cfg":"Last Man Standing",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server at one time, including private clients",
        "DisplayName":"Minimum Players",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the minimum number of players that must join the server before a round can start",
        "DisplayName":"Minimum Players",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Private Client Number",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of slots (out of the Player Limit) reserved for private players on a public server. 0 = disabled. Private Client Password must also be set",
        "Suffix":"private players",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Download From Server And Web",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, clients will be allowed to download content (maps, models, etc) from either the server or the web",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Download From Web",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, clients will be allowed to download content (maps, models, etc) from the web",
        "DisplayName":"Base Download URL",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the base URL for download redirection",
        "DisplayName":"Fallback Download URL",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the URL to send to if an http/ftp fails or is refused client side",
        "DisplayName":"Download While Disconnected",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, clients will be told to perform their downloads while disconnected from the server",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Server Download Rate",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of updates per second of the positions of the server's models (players, guns, etc) that the server sends to clients",
        "DisplayName":"Server Memory Allocation",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the amount of memory allocated for players and items",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Client Rate",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum allowable bandwidth a client may have set when connected to the server. 0 = no limit",
        "DisplayName":"Minimum Client Ping",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the minimum ping clients can have on the server. 0 = disabled",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Client Ping",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum ping clients can have on the server. 0 = disabled",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Antilag",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, antilag will be enabled, which is better for high ping players",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Punkbuster",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the Punkbuster anti-cheat system will be enabled",
        "DisplayName":"Watchdog Interval",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time interval for the Watchdog to check whether for the game dying with an ERR_DROP or any situation leading to the server running with no map",
        "DisplayName":"Watchdog Command",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the console variable to action in the event of a Watchdog trigger. Blank = quit (default)",
        "DisplayName":"Logging Mode",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the mode for logging to etmain/etserver.log",
            "0":"Disable logging",
            "1":"Enable buffered logging (default)",
            "2":"Enable logging that is flushed after each print"
        "DisplayName":"Enable Synced Console Logging",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the writing of server logs will be synchronised rather than buffered",
        "DisplayName":"Server/RCON IP Binding",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"If required, you can change the IPv4 IP binding of the server and RCON by editing App.ApplicationIPBinding in GenericModule.kvp for the instance. Default is (all IPs). Stop the instance (not just the server) first. NOTE: The IP must be reachable by AMP, otherwise AMP's console won't work",
        "DisplayName":"Additional Server Settings",
        "Category":"WET Server Settings",
        "Description":"Specifies additional settings to include in \"etmain/server.cfg\" that are not otherwise set by AMP. One setting per line",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Friendly Fire",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, friendly fire will be allowed, so players can damage their own teammates",
        "DisplayName":"Heavy Weapons Restriction",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Restricts heavy weapons to the set percentage of the team",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Forced Team Balancing",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, a new player will be forced onto the smallest or losing team. Otherwise, the player can select freely which team to join",
        "DisplayName":"Disable Team Switching",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, players will be prevented from switching teams",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Alternate Stopwatch Mode",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the stopwatch mode format will be A-B-A-B instead of A-B-B-A",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Automatic Fireteams",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, players will be automatically put into fireteams",
        "DisplayName":"Complaint Limit",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of complaints after which a player will be kicked",
        "DisplayName":"IP Complaint Limit",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of IPs (different players) from which complaints are filed, after which a player will be kicked",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Fast Respawn",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, player will be instantly active after being revived",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Lives For Allied Players",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of lives each Allied player has individually. 0 = unlimited",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Lives For Axis Players",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of lives each Axis player has individually. 0 = unlimited",
        "DisplayName":"Allowed Voice Chats",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of voice chats allowed within 30 seconds per player",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Flood Protection",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the server will be protected from being flooded by players via chat",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Warmup",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the warmup period will be enabled",
        "DisplayName":"Player Warmup Time",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the amount of warmup time allotted to connected clients, assuming warmup is enabled",
        "DisplayName":"Spectator Inactivity Timeout",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum time a spectator can remain idle before being kicked from the server. 0 = disabled",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Late Joining",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, players will be allowed to join a match in progress",
        "DisplayName":"Mute Spectators",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, spectators will be muted",
        "DisplayName":"Ready Percentage To Start Round",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the percentage of players required to have set ready before a round will commence",
        "DisplayName":"Timeout Count Per Team",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of times non-referee players on each team can pause the match",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Warmup Friendly Fire",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, friendly fire during the warmup period will be enabled",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Players Per Team",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of players that can join each team. 0 = disabled",
        "DisplayName":"Disable Team Controls",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, players will not have team controls, such as '/readyteam'",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Fixed Rate Game Physics",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the function responsible for game physics will be run at a fixed rate, as set under Game Physics Fixed Rate, to level the playing field",
        "DisplayName":"Game Physics Fixed Rate",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the fixed rate for the game physics function. Requires Enable Fixed Rate Game Physics to be set",
        "DisplayName":"LMS: Follow Team Only",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, players will be restricted to only being able to spectate their teammates in Last Man Standing (LMS)",
        "DisplayName":"LMS: Lock Teams",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, both teams will be locked when the warmup period is done and a match is started in Last Man Standing (LMS)",
        "DisplayName":"LMS: Match Limit",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of matches to be played in Last Man Standing (LMS) before moving to the next map",
        "DisplayName":"LMS: Round Limit",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of rounds to be played in Last Man Standing (LMS) to determine a team as the winner or a draw to finish a match. The winner is the first to reach (round limit / 2) + 1",
        "DisplayName":"LMS: Enable Team Balancing",
        "Category":"WET Gameplay Settings",
        "Description":"If set, team balancing will be enabled in Last Man Standing (LMS) matches",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Voting",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If set, connected players can call for and vote on changes permitted by the other settings in this menu, or otherwise as set in Additional Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Votes Per Map",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of votes allowed per map",
        "DisplayName":"Vote Approval Percentage",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the required percentage of all players needed to vote 'yes' for a vote to pass",
        "EnumValues": {}
        "DisplayName":"Allow Comp Settings Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to load 'comp' settings will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Gametype Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to change the gametype will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Kick Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to kick players will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Map Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to change the map will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Match Reset Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to reset a match will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Mute Spectators Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to mute spectators will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Next Map Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to skip to the next map in the rotation configuration will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Pub Settings Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to load 'pub' settings will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Referee Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to assign someone as referee will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Shuffle Teams Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to shuffle teams will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Swap Teams Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to swap teams will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Friendly Fire Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to toggle the friendly fire setting will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Time Limit Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to change the map time limit will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Warmup Damage Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to toggle the warmup damage setting will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Antilag Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to toggle the antilag setting will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Balanced Teams Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to toggle the balanced team requirement will be allowed",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Muting Vote",
        "Category":"WET Voting Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting to mute individual players will be allowed",