        "DisplayName":"Game Port",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Steam Query Port",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Server Name",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server name visible in the server browser",
        "DefaultValue":"AMP Powered NEBULOUS: Fleet Command Server",
        "DisplayName":"Server Password",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the password required to connect to the server. Default is no password",
        "DisplayName":"Server Admins",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Server admins can be configured in the Admins section in AMPServerConfig.xml. Admins can execute ! commands on the server without requiring a vote",
        "DisplayName":"Message Of The Day",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the player welcome message (MOTD)",
        "DefaultValue":"-- Welcome to N:FC! --\nPlay by the rules!",
        "DisplayName":"Server Scenario",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the scenario for the server. If Custom is selected, Custom Scenario Name must also be set",
            "Two Flags":"Two Flags",
            "Center Flag":"Center Flag",
            "Control":"Control (default)",
            "Station Capture":"Station Capture",
            "Tug Of War":"Tug Of War",
        "DisplayName":"Custom Scenario Name",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the name of a custom (modded) scenario for the server. \"Custom\" must be selected under Server Scenario",
        "DisplayName":"Server Scenario Settings",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Scenario settings can be configured in AMPServerConfig.xml. Otherwise defaults apply",
        "DisplayName":"Server Maps",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Maps for the map rotation can be configured in the Maps section in AMPServerConfig.xml. Default map is Pillars. Modded maps must be included in the Mods section in AMPServerConfig.xml as well",
        "DisplayName":"Map Rotation Order",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the order in which the server maps will be selected",
            "Sequential":"Sequential (default)",
        "DisplayName":"Server Mods",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Mods can be enabled in the Mods section in AMPServerConfig.xml. The mods specified will be automatically downloaded by the server",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Modded Fleets",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, mods enabled on the server will be permitted for use on player fleets. The server will show the \"Mod Friendly\" icon",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of players that may connect to the server at one time. The number of players per team is still decided by the map",
        "DisplayName":"Team Size To Start",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of players that must be present on each team before the game can start",
        "DisplayName":"Enforce Uniform Team Factions",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the server will enforce uniform factions on teams",
        "DisplayName":"Game Time Limit",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time limit for games. 0 = unlimited time. The value set indexes into a list of possible time settings. It is NOT a minutes value",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Player Voting",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, players can vote on maps, scenarios and rules",
        "DisplayName":"Bot Settings",
        "Category":"NFC Server Settings",
        "Description":"Bots listed in the Bots section in AMPServerConfig.xml will be created each time the server returns to the lobby",