        "DisplayName":"Game Port",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"IP Binding",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Log File",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Continuous Log",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Log File Name",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Log Filter",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Disable Lobby Server",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Server Name",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the name of the server. Colour codes can be used: ^0=Black, ^1=Red, ^2=Green, ^3=Yellow, ^4=Blue, ^5=Cyan, ^6=Pink, ^7=White, ^8=Team Colours, ^9=Grey, ^:=Rainbow",
        "DefaultValue":"^1AMP Hosted CODMW2 Server",
        "DisplayName":"Message Of The Day",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets a custom message of the day (MOTD) displayed when players join. Colour codes can also be used, as per the Server Name. Blank = default intel messages",
        "DefaultValue":"^4Welcome to CODMW2!",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Private LAN Party Mode",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the server will be unlisted publicly and added to the local serverlist only. Otherwise, heartbeats will be sent to the online serverlist",
        "DisplayName":"Internet/LAN Server",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the server will be started as an internet server. Otherwise, it will be started as a LAN server",
        "DisplayName":"Server Admin Username",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the admin username for administrative purposes",
        "DisplayName":"Server Admin Email Address",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the email address for the server admin for administrative purposes",
        "DisplayName":"Server Admin Website",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the URL for the server admin's website",
        "DisplayName":"Server Location",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server location that is displayed in the server information",
        "DisplayName":"Server Password",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the password to join the server",
        "DisplayName":"RCON Password",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the RCON password to allow sending console commands in-game. Default is no password, disabling console commands",
        "DisplayName":"RCON Timeout",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the minimum allowed interval between RCON messages per IP address",
        "DisplayName":"Map Rotation List",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the map list to use for map rotations for the server. Each entry must be in the format: map <mapname>. To mix gametypes, use the format: gametype <gametype> map <mapname>. See userraw/server.cfg for mapnames",
        "DefaultValue":"map mp_highrise map mp_terminal map mp_firingrange map mp_trailerpark map mp_boneyard map mp_quarry map mp_killhouse map mp_rundown map mp_rust_long map mp_nightshift map mp_afghan map mp_abandon map mp_estate_tropical map mp_crash_tropical map mp_bloc_sh map mp_checkpoint map mp_invasion map mp_storm_spring map mp_fav_tropical map mp_rust map mp_nuked map mp_shipment map mp_strike map mp_cargoship_sh map co_hunted map mp_underpass map oilrig map mp_cross_fire map mp_brecourt map mp_crash map mp_fuel2 map mp_cargoship map mp_vacant map mp_subbase map mp_storm map mp_complex map mp_favela map mp_shipment map mp_derail map mp_compact map mp_overgrown map mp_estate map mp_derail map mp_shipment_long",
        "Placeholder":"map mp_highrise map mp_terminal map mp_firingrange map mp_trailerpark map mp_boneyard map mp_quarry map mp_killhouse map mp_rundown map mp_rust_long map mp_nightshift map mp_afghan map mp_abandon map mp_estate_tropical map mp_crash_tropical map mp_bloc_sh map mp_checkpoint map mp_invasion map mp_storm_spring map mp_fav_tropical map mp_rust map mp_nuked map mp_shipment map mp_strike map mp_cargoship_sh map co_hunted map mp_underpass map oilrig map mp_cross_fire map mp_brecourt map mp_crash map mp_fuel2 map mp_cargoship map mp_vacant map mp_subbase map mp_storm map mp_complex map mp_favela map mp_shipment map mp_derail map mp_compact map mp_overgrown map mp_estate map mp_derail map mp_shipment_long",
        "DisplayName":"Randomise Map Rotation",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, the loading order of the Map Rotation List maps will be randomised",
        "DisplayName":"Default Gametype",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the default gametype in case the Map Rotation List does not specify gametypes. Settings for each gametype can be set in userraw/server.cfg",
            "war":"Team Deathmatch (default)",
            "koth":"King of the Hill / Headquarters",
            "sd":"Search and Destroy",
            "ctf":"Capture the Flag",
            "oneflag":"One-Flag CTF",
            "gtnw":"Global Thermo-Nuclear War"
        "DisplayName":"Load Mod",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the mod to load when starting the server, based on the path to the mod in the mods directory",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server",
        "DisplayName":"Player Limit",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "DisplayName":"Maximum Ping",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the maximum ping permitted for a player to be allowed to join. If a custom DLC reports the 'server is for low ping players only', set to 0",
        "DisplayName":"Client Timeout Period",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a client if no response is sent to the server",
        "DisplayName":"Player Inactivity Kick Period",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a player for inactivity",
        "DisplayName":"Spectator Kick Period",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time before the server will kick a spectator",
        "DisplayName":"Temporary Ban Period",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the time for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban)",
        "DisplayName":"Security Level",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server's security level",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Pure Server",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, only clients with verified files will be able to join the server",
        "DisplayName":"XP Scaling Factor",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the XP scaling factor. DO NOT ABUSE! Warn of high XP via hostname. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing",
            "1":"No scaling (default)",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Voice Chat",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, server voice chat will be enabled (teams only)",
        "DisplayName":"Voice Chat Quality",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the server voice quality level",
        "DisplayName":"Disable Chat",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, chat messages from clients will be disabled",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Download From Web",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, clients will be allowed to download maps and mods from a different server instead of the game server",
        "DisplayName":"Web Download URL",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the http URL to a usermaps and mods folder on a web server for clients to download from. Note that https does NOT work!",
        "DisplayName":"Enable Flood Protection",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, chat spam protection applies. Should be enabled on non-password-protected public servers",
        "DisplayName":"Reconnect Limit",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the number of times a player can reconnect after disconnection",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Voting",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, voting will be allowed on the server",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Client Console",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, players will be able to access server commands",
        "DisplayName":"Server-Side Say Name",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"Sets the name that server-side 'say' commands show up as in-game",
        "DisplayName":"Randomise Bot Names",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, the names of bots will be randomised",
        "DisplayName":"Replace Bots",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, test clients will be replaced by connecting players when the server is full",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Aim Assist",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If set, Controller Aim-Assist will be enabled",
        "Keywords":"aim,assist,aim-assist,controller,sv_allowAimAssist, ",
        "DisplayName":"Allow Coloured Names",
        "Category":"Server Settings",
        "Description":"If enabled, colours in player names will be allowed",