[ { "DisplayName": "Voice IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "voice_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "File Transfer IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "filetransfer_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query SSH IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_ssh_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query HTTP IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_http_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query HTTPS IP", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ApplicationIPBinding", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_https_ip", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Remote Admin Password", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$RemoteAdminPassword", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "serveradmin_password", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Default Voice Port", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$Voice", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "default_voice_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "File Transfer Port", "Description": "", "Category": "Hidden Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$Filetransfer", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "filetransfer_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query Port (Telnet/RAW)", "Description": "", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ServerQueryRAW", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query Port (SSH)", "Description": "", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$ServerQuerySSH", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_ssh_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query Port (HTTP)", "Description": "", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$WebQueryHTTP", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_http_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Query Port (HTTPS)", "Description": "", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "", "FieldName": "$WebQueryHTTPS", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_https_port", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {}, "Hidden": true }, { "DisplayName": "Machine ID", "Description": "Optional name of this server process to identify a group of servers with the same ID.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "machine,id", "FieldName": "machine_id", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "machine_id", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "License File Path", "Description": "The physical path where your license file is located.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "license,path", "FieldName": "licensepath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "licensepath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "teamspeak3-server_win64/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Query Protocols", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Protocols that can be used to connect to the ServerQuery. You must choose a Telnet option for AMP console to function fully.", "Keywords": "query,protocols", "FieldName": "query_protocols", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_protocols", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "raw", "EnumValues": { "": "none", "http": "HTTP", "raw": "Telnet", "raw,http": "Telnet, HTTP", "raw,ssh": "Telnet, SSH", "raw,ssh,http": "Telnet, SSH, HTTP", "ssh": "SSH", "ssh,http": "SSH, HTTP" } }, { "DisplayName": "Query Timeout", "Description": "Number of seconds before a query connection is disconnected because of user inactivity.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "query,timeout", "FieldName": "query_timeout", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_timeout", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "300", "Suffix": "seconds", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Query Pool Size (2-32)", "Description": "The number of threads to use for the query pool. Advanced users with large slot counts or high query usage may wish to try higher numbers here.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "query,pool,size", "FieldName": "query_pool_size", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_pool_size", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "2", "Suffix": "threads", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Query Buffer Size (1-20)", "Description": "Server Query connections have a combined maximum buffer size. When this limit is exceeded, the connection using the most memory is closed.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "query,buffer,size,mb", "FieldName": "query_buffer_mb", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_buffer_mb", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "20", "Suffix": "MB", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Permit Query Access", "Description": "A list of IP addresses permitted to access the query methods.", "Keywords": "permit,query,access", "FieldName": "query_ip_allowlist_list", "Category": "Server Settings", "InputType": "list", "Special": "listfile:./ts3/teamspeak3-server_win64/query_ip_allowlist.txt" }, { "DisplayName": "Deny Query Access", "Description": "A list of IP addresses permitted to access the query methods.", "Keywords": "deny,query,access", "FieldName": "query_ip_denylist_list", "Category": "Server Settings", "InputType": "list", "Special": "listfile:./ts3/teamspeak3-server_win64/query_ip_denylist.txt" }, { "DisplayName": "DB Plugin", "Category": "Server Settings", "Description": "Name of the database plugin library used by the server instance.", "Keywords": "db,database,plugin", "FieldName": "dbplugin", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbplugin", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "ts3db_sqlite3", "EnumValues": { "ts3db_mariadb": "MariaDB/MySQL", "ts3db_postgresql": "PostgreSQL", "ts3db_sqlite3": "SQLite3" } }, { "DisplayName": "DB Plugin Parameter", "Description": "A custom parameter passed to the database plugin library. For example, the MariaDB database plugin supports a parameter to specify the physical path of the plugins configuration file.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,database,plugin,parameter", "FieldName": "dbpluginparameter", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbpluginparameter", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "DB SQL Path", "Description": "The physical path where your SQL script files are located.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,database,sql,path", "FieldName": "dbsqlpath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbsqlpath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "sql/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "DB SQL Create Path", "Description": "The physical path where your SQL installation files are located. Note that this path will be added to the value of the 'dbsqlpath' parameter.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,database,sql,path", "FieldName": "dbsqlcreatepath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbsqlcreatepath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "create_sqlite/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "DB Connections (2-100)", "Description": "The number of database connections used by the server. Please note that changing this value can have an affect on your servers performance. Possible values are 2-100.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,database,connections", "FieldName": "dbconnections", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbconnections", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "10", "Suffix": "connections", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Log Path", "Description": "The physical path where the server will create logfiles.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "log,path", "FieldName": "logpath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "logpath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "logs/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Log Query Commands", "Description": "The server will log every ServerQuery command executed by clients.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "log,query,commands", "FieldName": "logquerycommands", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "logquerycommands", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Log Query Timing Interval", "Description": "Defines the number of seconds before ServerQuery command timing is reported.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,client,keep,days", "FieldName": "logquerytiminginterval", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "logquerytiminginterval", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "DB Client Keep Days", "Description": "Defines how many days to keep unused client identities. Auto-pruning is triggered on every start and on every new month while the server is running.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "db,client,keep,days", "FieldName": "dbclientkeepdays", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "dbclientkeepdays", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "90", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Log Append", "Description": "The server will not create a new logfile on every start. Instead, the log output will be appended to the previous logfile.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "log,append", "FieldName": "logappend", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "logappend", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "Skip Brute Force Check", "Description": "The server will skip and bruteforce protection for whitelisted Ip addresses for the ServerQuery interface.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "disable,skip,brute,force,check", "FieldName": "query_skipbruteforcecheck", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "query_skipbruteforcecheck", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "True": "1", "False": "0" } }, { "DisplayName": "HTTP Proxy", "Description": "If set, the server will use the specified proxy to contact the accounting server over http.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "http,proxy", "FieldName": "http_proxy", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "http_proxy", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Server Query Docs Path", "Description": "Physical location where the server is looking for the documents used for the help command in ServerQuery.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "server,query,docs,path", "FieldName": "serverquerydocs_path", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "serverquerydocs_path", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "serverquerydocs/", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "MMDB Path", "Description": "Set to the path of an MMDB file to use this as a source for GeoIP lookups. Requires libmaxminddb installed, which can be found in most Linux distributions as a package. Windows users can use the .dll found in the redist folder.", "Category": "Server Settings", "Keywords": "mmdb,file,path,geoip,lookups", "FieldName": "mmdbpath", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "mmdbpath", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} } ]