[ { "DisplayName": "Starting Map", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Set the server's starting map. You can found default maps at (KFGame/BrewedPC/Maps) or in the Cache folder if its from workshop", "Keywords": "Map", "FieldName": "Map", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Map", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "KF-Bioticslab" }, { "DisplayName": "Starting Game Mode", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Set the server's starting game mode. Not all game modes work with all maps.", "Keywords": "Game,mode", "FieldName": "Game", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Game", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Survival", "EnumValues": { "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Survival": "Survival", "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_WeeklySurvival": "Weekly", "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival": "Versus", "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Endless": "Endless", "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Objective": "Objective" } }, { "DisplayName": "Mutators", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Server Mutators. Example: (?Mutator=Yourmut.Yourmut?Mutator=YourSecondmut.Yoursecondmut)", "Keywords": "Game,mode", "FieldName": "Mutators", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Mutators", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "" }, { "DisplayName": "Enable Web Admin", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Allows managing the server in a browser using the IP:RemoteAdminPort (from ADS Edit Ports menu).", "Keywords": "web,admin", "FieldName": "bEnabled", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "IpDrv.WebServer.bEnabled", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "true", "EnumValues": { "True": "true", "False": "false" } }, { "DisplayName": "Admin Password", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Password to become admin in-game. Username is \"admin\". Change this after install.", "Keywords": "admin,password", "FieldName": "AdminPassword", "InputType": "RandomPassword", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.AccessControl.AdminPassword", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Password123", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Game Password", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Password to join the game. Change this after install.", "Keywords": "game,password", "FieldName": "GamePassword", "InputType": "password", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.AccessControl.GamePassword", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Server Name", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "The name to be displayed in the server browser.", "Keywords": "server,name", "FieldName": "ServerName", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "AMP Powered KF2 Server", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Max Players", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Set server maximum amount of players.", "Keywords": "Max,Users,players", "FieldName": "$MaxUsers", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "maxplayers", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "6", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Max Spectators", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Set server maximum amount of spectators.", "Keywords": "Max,spectators", "FieldName": "MaxSpectators", "InputType": "number", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.GameInfo.MaxSpectators", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "2", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "Difficulty", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Sets the difficulty level.", "Keywords": "game,difficulty", "FieldName": "GameDifficulty", "InputType": "enum", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.GameInfo.GameDifficulty", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "0", "EnumValues": { "0": "Normal", "1": "Hard", "2": "Suicidal", "3": "Hell on Earth" } }, { "DisplayName": "Admin Can Pause?", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Allows the admin to pause the game.", "Keywords": "admin,pause", "FieldName": "bAdminCanPause", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.GameInfo.bAdminCanPause", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "false", "EnumValues": { "True": "true", "False": "false" } }, { "DisplayName": "Change Levels?", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Whether or not the game will change levels or loop the same.", "Keywords": "change,levels", "FieldName": "bChangeLevels", "InputType": "checkbox", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "Engine.GameInfo.bChangeLevels", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "true", "EnumValues": { "True": "true", "False": "false" } }, { "DisplayName": "Clan Motto", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Clan motto displayed when a user joins.", "Keywords": "clan,motto", "FieldName": "ClanMotto", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "KFGame.KFGameInfo.ClanMotto", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "We are the AMP clan!", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "MOTD", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "MOTD when a user joins.", "Keywords": "Server,MOTD", "FieldName": "ServerMOTD", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "KFGame.KFGameInfo.ServerMOTD", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "Welcome to our server. \\n \\n Have fun and good luck!", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "MOTD Banner Link", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Image location for MOTD banner.", "Keywords": "Banner,Link", "FieldName": "BannerLink", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "KFGame.KFGameInfo.BannerLink", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "http://art.tripwirecdn.com/TestItemIcons/MOTDServer.png", "EnumValues": {} }, { "DisplayName": "MOTD Website Link", "Category": "Server Config", "Description": "Link displayed on MOTD.", "Keywords": "Website,Link", "FieldName": "WebsiteLink", "InputType": "text", "IsFlagArgument": false, "ParamFieldName": "KFGame.KFGameInfo.WebsiteLink", "IncludeInCommandLine": false, "DefaultValue": "https://cubecoders.com/AMP", "EnumValues": {} } ]