// DO NOT edit settings.ron directly // AMP_settings.ron controls settings.ron. Edit AMP_settings.ron if you want to add or change certain settings // NOTE: // - Do not change values in double curly braces, ie {{}}. They are set either via the AMP UI (under "Server Settings") // or are controlled by AMP itself (in particular, ports) // - Other settings can be changed or added as needed ( gameserver_protocols: [ Tcp( address: "{{server_port}}", ), // Uncomment the block below if you want the server to bind on an IPv6 socket as well as IPv4 /* Tcp( address: "[::]:{{server_port}}", ), */ ], metrics_address: "{{metrics_port}}", auth_server_address: Some("https://auth.veloren.net"), max_players: {{max_players}}, world_seed: 230, server_name: "{{server_name}}", start_time: 32400, map_file: None, max_view_distance: Some(65), banned_words_files: [], max_player_group_size: 6, client_timeout: ( secs: 40, nanos: 0, ), spawn_town: None, max_player_for_kill_broadcast: None, calendar_mode: Auto, gameplay: ( battle_mode: Global(PvP), safe_spawn: false, explosion_burn_marks: true, ), )