"Description":"Sets the password to join the server.",
"DisplayName":"Server Auth Secret",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the authorisation secret to allow server commands to be run from a client. Requires the same \"ServerAuthSecret\" to be set on the client.",
"DisplayName":"Player Limit",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"The maximum number of players allowed on the server.",
"DisplayName":"Load Mode",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the mode for loading world saves based on the Save Name. \"Load Manual Save\" loads the last manual save. \"Load Latest Save\" loads the latest save, whether manual or auto. If there is no save, a new world is created.",
"load":"Load Manual Save",
"loadlatest":"Load Latest Save"
"DisplayName":"Save Name",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the name of the world directory to load, or to create if it does not already exist.",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the type of world (map) to be created. Default is moon.",
"DisplayName":"Enable Autosave",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the world will be autosaved at the interval set under \"Autosave Interval\".",
"DisplayName":"Autosave Interval",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets how frequently the server will save the world if autosave is enabled.",
"DisplayName":"Enable Autopause",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will be paused when no player is connected.",
"DisplayName":"Show Framerate",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, shows the framerate of the server.",
"DisplayName":"Show Latency",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, shows the latency of the server.",
"DisplayName":"Server IP Binding",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the binding of the server. Default is blank (all IPs). Change to internal interface IP only if the server has issues.",
"DisplayName":"Enable UPnP",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, the server will attempt to configure automatic port forwarding on a compatible router.",