"Description":"Follow [these instructions](https://openworldhelp.fandom.com/wiki/Creating_a_server#Generating_the_world) to generate a world for the server after it is first run",
"DisplayName":"Server Password",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the password for players to join the server. Default is no password",
"DisplayName":"Player Version",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the mod version players will use. Find this in the Open World [discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/992806266109964319/992881103071354890)",
"Description":"If enabled, allows only the usernames listed in Data/Whitelist.json to join the server",
"DisplayName":"Enforce Mods",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, players will be forced to use the mods that have their DLLs in the \"Mods enforced\" directory. Otherwise, players can join with any mods they like",
"DisplayName":"Use Mod Blacklist",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, mods that have their DLLs in the \"Mods blacklisted\" directory cannot be used. This setting is usually used when Enforce Mods is disabled",
"DisplayName":"Use Custom Difficulty",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, all players will be forced to use the difficulty settings set in Data/Difficulty.json. Make sure you give a value to every setting, or it will be at 0%",
"Description":"If required, you can change the IP binding of the server by editing App.ApplicationIPBinding in GenericModule.kvp for the instance. Default is (all IPs). Stop the instance (not just the server) first",
"Description":"If enabled, the server console will include additional logging output for developer or debugging purposes. Not recommended for normal use",
"DisplayName":"Server Release Version",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the [server release version] (https://github.com/D12-Dev/OpenWorld/releases) to install. Blank = latest. Back up configuration and update the server!",
"DisplayName":"Dotnet Version",
"Category":"Open World Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the [ASP.NET Core 3.1 version](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1) to install. Back up configuration and update the server!",