"Description":"If enabled, connection and disconnection messages will be displayed",
"DisplayName":"Display Death Messages",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, death messages will be displayed",
"DisplayName":"Chat Spam Filter Threshold",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the chat spam filter threshold. Lower values mean players will be muted sooner",
"DisplayName":"Spawner Time",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets how much time spawners can take",
"DisplayName":"Stake Deauthorise Time",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the time a full ownership stake will take to deauthorise",
"DisplayName":"Target FPS",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets the target FPS for the server. Specify -1 for unlimited (not recommended)",
"DisplayName":"Load Balancer Resources",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"Sets how many resources the Load Balancer can use per frame",
"DisplayName":"Enable Load Balancer Monitoring",
"Category":"Server Settings",
"Description":"If enabled, allows monitoring of the Load Balancer (view using \"dumploadbalancer\" command). Do not leave this enabled, as it has significant overhead",