[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://Font/super-legend-boy-font/SuperLegendBoy-4w8Y.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=1] [sub_resource type="GDScript" id=1] script/source = "extends Control onready var pBar = $CanvasLayer/ProgressBar signal full_bar signal score # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with function body. # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): if ($CanvasLayer/Score.text as int % 100) == 0: emit_signal(\"score\") if pBar.value == pBar.max_value: var value = 5 emit_signal(\"full_bar\", value) pBar.value = 0 pBar.max_value *= 1.2 pass func on_Death_listed(value): pBar.value += value var score = $CanvasLayer/Score.text as int $CanvasLayer/Score.text = (score+1) as String " [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=2] font_data = ExtResource( 1 ) [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=3] size = 24 font_data = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="Overlay" type="Control" groups=["XP"]] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_bottom = -1040.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 script = SubResource( 1 ) [node name="CanvasLayer" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] [node name="ProgressBar" type="ProgressBar" parent="CanvasLayer"] modulate = Color( 0, 1, 0.972549, 1 ) anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_right = 0.5 margin_left = -144.0 margin_top = 48.0 margin_right = 48.0 margin_bottom = 67.0 rect_scale = Vector2( 1.5, 1.5 ) custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 2 ) max_value = 16.0 [node name="Score" type="Label" parent="CanvasLayer"] margin_left = 288.0 margin_top = 14.0 margin_right = 328.0 margin_bottom = 42.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 3 ) text = "0" align = 1 valign = 1